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  • 参考译名《矿产资源管理》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



GOSPODARKA SUROWCAMI MINERALNYMI-MINERAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT《矿产资源管理》(季刊)。The scientific journal Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi / Mineral Resources Manag...[显示全部]






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For Authors


The subject matter of the articles published in Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi – Mineral Resources Management covers issues related to minerals and raw materials, as well as mineral deposits, with particular emphasis on:

- Scientific background of mineral resource management

- Strategy and methodology of mineral prospecting and exploration

- Rational and efficient development and utilization of mineral resources

- Effective mineral deposits exploitation

- Preparation and processing of mineral raw materials

- Impact of mineral raw materials industries on the environment

- Optimization of resources and reserves management

- Rational use of mineral raw materials

- Economics of mineral industries

- Research on mineral raw materials markets

- Mineral policy

- Accompanying minerals utilization

- Utilization of recycled mineral raw materials and substitutes

- Waste management from extractive industries

The Editorial Board accepts unpublished and original articles within the scope of the journal that are NOT under review in any other journals. The article should be written in English.

Prior to publication, the authors are asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement by which they transfer the copyright of their article to the MEERI PAS.

Original manuscripts must be submitted to the Editorial Board of Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi – Mineral Resources Management via the Editorial System:


The system provides appropriate instructions for completing the whole process of uploading the manuscript and attaching relevant files. The condition of successful submission is uploading to the system:

the full text of the article, prepared in accordance with the guidelines for Authors,

the copyright transfer agreement signed by the Author(s).

Publishing charges for authors from outside Poland:

250 EURO + 23% VAT (if applicable)1 for a standard manuscript (volume up to 20 pages) including figures and tables

25 EURO + 23% VAT (if applicable)1 for each additional page (no more than 10 pages)

1 VAT is applicable if the fee is paid by physical person (e.g. author) from his/her private account; if paid by institution – VAT = 0%

Publishing charges for authors from Poland:

PLN 1,000 + VAT for a standard typescript up to 20 pages, including drawings and tables,

PLN 100 + VAT for each additional page of the typescript (no more than 10 pages).

Payment must be made after receiving confirmation that the Editorial Board has accepted the article for publication. The article will be directed to the publishing and printing depot after receiving the payment. Payment details are provided in the editorial system.

Technical guidelines (preparation of the electronic version of the article)

The complete electronic version of the article should contain:

1. Title of article. (Polish Authors have to submit also Polish version of the title) and its type (original or review article).

2. Abstract. It should contain 1500–1800 characters (including spaces) and reflect the essential points of the article. References, figures and tables should not be placed in the abstract. Abstract in Polish should be added by Polish Authors.

3. Authors. All Authors should be added and one of them should be appointed the Corresponding Author. For all authors their affiliation should be specified. It is recommended to add the ORCID ID (obligatory for Polish Authors).

4. Authors’ statement. The statement form can be uploaded from the Editorial System. I should be printed, filled in and signed by all Authors, than the scan has to be submitted.

5. Keywords. 3–5 keywords are necessary. For Polish Authors – also in Polish language.

6. Topics. Specified from the menu. If the article does not fit the specified topics – its content is not in the scope of the journal.

7. Additional information. Disclose funding resources and/or acknowledgement of people who contributed to the final form of the publication, if not listed as Authors.

8. Suggested reviewers – optional. Authors are kindly asked to help us with completing editorial process by suggesting the experts in the field. The reviewer should not be affiliated in the same institution as the Authors. Editor has the right to choose reviewers from the suggested list or not.

9. Files. Manuscript body as well as all tables and figures (and their captions) should be uploaded.


All papers submitted for publication are assessed in the double-blind process - with the mutual anonymity rule as to the names of reviewers and authors. Authors’ names and affiliations should not appear in the attached text/tables/figures.

Manuscript body:

Should contain: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Chapters (subchapters), Conclusions, References

(without Authors and Acknowledgments – these will be added by Editor after acceptance of the article for publication). Tables and figures should be located in proper place of the text.

Text should be written in “.doc” or “.docx” format.

Times New Roman 12 or Arial 12 fonts are recommended.

Spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 cm.

Styles should not be used in the text.

Total size of the article should not exceed 20 pages of standard manuscript, including tables and figures.

During writing, the following rules should be respected:

words should not be hyphenated manually,

text lines should not be adjusted by using the space bar,

words should not be spaced (e.g. T i t l e),

words and sentences should not be underlined.

Titles and subtitles should be separated from the text by an empty line both above and below. If the text is to be divided into chapters and subchapters, multilevel numeration should be used as shown below:

chapters – 1, 2, ...,

subchapters – 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.1, 2.2, ...,

subchapter sections – 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ..., 1.2.1, 1.2.2, ...,

subchapters of a higher tier and optional other titles should be left unnumbered.

Tables and figures should be inserted in the text after their citation. It is recommended to number them from 1 to n throughout the entire publication. It is also recommended that figures should be placed in the manuscript on the whole width of the page, maintaining their legibility. Sources of data used are necessary.

Figures should also be submitted in electronic version as separate files, in formats recognized by Corel DRAW 16 (e.g. *.CDR, *.CGM, *.TIF, *.JPG, *.PCX, *.IMG, *.XLS). Figures should be provided in a form suitable for color printing.

Mathematical formulae should be denoted by numbers in circular brackets, printed on the right margin (in case of few formulae, they do not have to be denoted). All symbols in equations, as well as symbols used in the text should be written in italics. It is important that 0 (zero) should be inserted using the numerical button, not as the letter O (o).

For citing and referencing, the Harvard style should be applied.

Citation of your sources in the text is mandatory. Citation in the text should contain the author’s name and year of publication in circular brackets, e.g. (Szymanski 1997) – one author; (Ratajczak and Rzepa 2011) – two authors; (Bolewski et al. 1990) – more than two authors.

In case of collaborative works under the supervision of editors, the editor’s name with the “ed.” or “eds.” – and the year of publication in circular brackets – should be written, e.g. (Malolepszy ed. 2008) – one editor; (Pasikowski and Gdowski eds. 1994) two editors; (Jackowski et al. eds. 2007) – more than two editors.

In case of collaborative works without editors, the organization name that authorizes the publication (or its abbreviation) and the year of publication in circular brackets should be written, e.g. (IEA 2011), (Ministry of Economy 2004).

Legal acts – cite abbreviation chosen and the year of issuing, e.g. (EC 2004), (Ordinance ME 2007), (Decision EC 2003).

Standards – cite the number, e.g. (PN-EN 12620:2004).

If citing different publications written by the same author in the same year, the first one cited should be labeled the letter “a” after the year, and the second with “b” etc., e.g. (Smith 2007a), (Smith 2007b). The same should be done in the list of references.

If a point is discussed that needs more than one citation, all of them should be put in one set of brackets, in chronological order of the year of publication and then in alphabetical order. Different citations should be divided by semicolons, e.g. (Midgley 1994; Pasikowski and Gdowski ed. 1994; Szymanski 1997; UNEP 2004; Atos et al. 2011).

The list of references should be placed at the end of the text with the title “REFERENCES”. In references a full description of each source cited in the text should be given, containing only those sources which have been referred to or cited.

General rules:

All sources should be sorted alphabetically.

References with the same author should be sorted by the year of publication, beginning with the oldest.

Titles of books, reports, conference proceedings, journals should be written in italics.

Capitalize the first letter of the publication title written in italics, the first letters of all main words in the title of the journal and all first letters of a place of publishing and publisher.

If the references are published in a language other than English, the translation into English of the publication title and other details should be done, the original version of the title should be given in brackets, in Latin script, and the annotation indicating the original language should be given at the end of the reference – in brackets, in italics, e.g.:

Kowalski, J. 2018. Hard coal in Poland. Case study (Węgiel kamienny w Polsce. Studium przypadku), Kraków: XYZ Publishing House, 210 pp. (in Polish).

Guillame, A. 2018. Hard coal in France. Case study (Charbon en France. Étude de cas), Paris: Hachette, 180 pp. (in French).

Tomaszewski, K. 2017. Communicating reforms in energy policy of the EU – the example of Green and White Books (Komunikowanie reform w polityce energetycznej Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie zielonych i białych ksiąg). e-Politikon No. 21, pp. 78–101 (in Polish).

Put “and” before the last author.

See the examples for the proper punctuation.

Correct bibliographical descriptions should contain:

Books of one or two authors:

Author’s (authors’) surname, initials and year of publication. Title. Designation of the edition – if different than the first (Ed. 2, 3 …). Place of publishing: Name of the publisher, number of pages – (optional), original language of the publication – if different than English, e.g.:

Szymanski, A. 1997. Technical mineralogy (Mineralogia techniczna). Warszawa: PWN, 460 pp. (in Polish).

Ratajczak, T. and Rzepa, G. 2011. Polish bog ores. Ed. 2. Kraków: AGH University of Science and Technology, 432 pp.

Books of more than two authors without editors:

Citation without brackets – and the full bibliographical description after the pause, e.g.:

Bolewski et al. 1990 – Bolewski, A., Gruszczyk, H. and Gruszczyk, E. 1990. Outline of mineral commodities management (Zarys gospodarki surowcami mineralnymi). Warszawa: Geological Publishers, 378 pp. (in Polish).

Collaborative works (one or two editors):

Editor’s (editors’) surname, initials, ed. (eds.) abbreviation and year of publication. Title. Designation of the edition – if different than the first (Ed. 2, 3 …). Place of publishing: Name of the publisher, number of pages – (optional), original language of the publication – if different than English, e.g.:

Malolepszy, J. ed. 2008. Building materials. Fundamentals of technology and test methods (Materiały budowalne. Podstawy technologii i metod testowych). Kraków: AGH University of Mining and Technology, 393 pp. (in Polish).

Pasikowski, T. and Gdowski, A. ed. 1994. Outline of crystallography (Zarys krystalografii). Wrocław: Praca i Płaca Publishing House, 145 pp. (in Polish).

Collaborative works (more than two editors):

Citation without brackets and the full bibliographical description after the pause, e.g.:

Jackowski et al. eds. 2007a – Jackowski, T., Kryza, O. and Pasikow, R. eds. 2007. Analysis of water management (Badania gospodarki wodnej). Ed.2. Warszawa: WNT, 55 pp. (in Polish).

Jackowski et al. eds. 2007b – Jackowski, T., Nowak, H. and Wolski, O. eds. 2007. Water management in practice. Warszawa: Art-art Publishing House, 75 pp.

Articles from periodicals and other recurring publications (one or two authors):

Author’s (authors’) surname, initials and year of publication. Title of the article. Full name of the periodical (not abbreviation) volume number (issue number), page numbers, (original language of the publication) – if different than English, e.g.

Rychlicki, S. and Siemek, J. 2013. Current conditions and forecast of natural gas application in the production of electricity in Poland (Stan aktualny i prognozy wykorzystania gazu ziemnego do produkcji energii elektrycznej w Polsce). Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi – Mineral Resources Management 29(1), pp. 5–15 (in Polish).

Cetin, E. and Dowd, P. A. 2013. Multi-mineral Cut-off Grade Optimization by Grid Search. The Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 20(1), pp. 659–665.

Articles from periodicals and other recurring publications (more than two authors):

Citation without brackets and the full bibliographical description after the pause, e.g.:

Wyszomirski et al. 2012 – Wyszomirski, P., Gacki, F. and Szydlak, T. 2012. Turkish feldspar raw materials in Polish production of ceramic tiles (Tureckie surowce skaleniowe w krajowej produkcji płytek ceramicznych). Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi Mineral Resources Management 28(1), pp. 518 (in Polish).

Rahimi et al. 2015 – Rahimi, E, Oraee, K, Shafahi, A. and Ghasemzadeh, H. 2015. Considering environmental costs of copper production in cut-off grades optimization. Arabian Journal of Geoscience 18(9), pp. 7109–7123.

Collaborative works – reports (without editors and authors) – organization designated:

Abbreviation of organization and year of publication. Title. Volume and/part number (if applicable). Specific descriptions (if applicable). Designation of the edition – if different than the first (Ed. 2, Ed. 3). Full name of the organization (abbreviation used for citation). Place of publishing: name of publisher - if different than the organization, number of pages (optional), (original language of the publication) – if different than English, e.g.:

ME 2007. The programme of electric power development in the years 2007–2010 (Program rozwoju elektroenergetyki na lata 2007-2010). Warszawa: The Ministry of Economy (ME), 68 pp. (in Polish).

EC 2004. First report on the implementation of the internal market strategy 2003-2006. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (EC), 30 pp.

CSO 2009. Demographical Yearbook: 2008 (Rocznik demograficzny: 2008). Warszawa: Central Statistical Office (CSO), 547 pp. (in Polish).

IEA 2011. Coal Information. Paris: International Energy Agency (IEA), 564 pp.

Chapters from the edited books:

Author’s (authors’) surname, initials and year of publication. Title. [In:] Editor(s) of the book. Title of the book. Designation of the edition – if different than the first (Ed. 2, Ed. 3). Place of publishing: name of publisher, page numbers, (original language of the publication) – if different than English, e.g.:

Frankiewicz, W. and Glapa, W. 2007. Mining and processing of crushed stone (Wydobywanie i przetwarzanie tłucznia). [In:] Ney, R. ed. Mineral raw materials of Poland. Rock minerals. Mineral aggregates (Surowce mineralne Polski. Minerały skalne. Kruszywa mineralne). Kraków: Mineral & Energy Economy Research Institute, pp. 187210 (in Polish).

Conference papers:

Author’s (authors’) surname, initials and year of publication. Title. [In:] Editor(s) of the conference materials – if applicable. Title of the conference. Location of the conference, date of the conference. Place of publishing: name of publisher, page numbers, (original language of the publication) – if different than English, e.g.:

Janowska et al. 2013 – Janowska, J., Widomski, M., Iwanek, M. and Musz, A. 2013. Numerical modeling of water flow through straight globe valve. [In:] Pawlowski, L. et al. eds. Environmental Engineering IV: Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Engineering IV. Lublin, 3-5 September, 2012. London: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 41–50.

Newspaper articles:

Author’s (authors’) surname, initials and year of publication. Title of the article. Title of the newspaper day and month of publication, page numbers, (original language of the publication) – if different than English, e.g.:

Benoit, B. 2007. G8 faces impasse on global warming. Financial Times 29 May, p. 9.


Number of the standard (used for citation) and its name.

PN-EN 12620:2004 Aggregates for concrete.

BN–74/6812-01 Limestone flour for the glass industry.


Legal acts:

Abbreviation used for citation and year of issuing. Full name of the act (full identification in official journal), (original language of the publication) – if different than English, e.g.:

GML 2011. Act of 9 June 2011 Geological and Mining Law (Prawo geologiczne i górnicze) (Dz.U.2011.163.981) (in Polish).

Ordinance ME 2011. Ordinance of the Minister of the Environment of 15 December 2011 on mining areas register (Zarządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 15 grudnia 2011 o zarejestrowanych terenach górniczych) (DZ.U.2011.286.1685) (in Polish).

Decision EC 2003. Decision 1230/2003/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 June 2003 on call for proposals or actions in the field of energy under the Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme 2003–2006 (OJ L 176, 15.07.2003).

Documents from web pages:

Author (if available) or organization or main webpage and year of the work (if available) Document title [Online] address URL [Accessed: date you viewed the site], e.g.:

Cardiff University. Citing and Referencing in the Harvard Style. [Online] http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/resources/guides/inf057.pdf [Accessed: 27 November 2013].

Polish shale. If not gas from shales, than what – alternatives. [Online] http://polishshalegas.pl/en/knowledge-zone/if-not-gas-from-shales,-then-what-alternatives [Accessed: 2013-11-30].

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