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  • 期刊简称GEOSCI J
  • 参考译名《地球科学杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率3.10%



GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL《地球科学杂志》(季刊)。Geosciences Journal, founded in 1997, is an international journal which publishes geoscientific research articles ...[显示全部]






















A manuscript is composed of a text, table(s), and illustration(s). Authors are requested to submit the text and table(s) in MS-Word format, and the illustration(s) in JPG (or TIF) file for each figure. Editorial board of the journal reserves the right to adjust manuscript style to certain standards of uniformity.


Papers should be written in the most concise form. Letter should not exceed 6 printed pages including tables, figures, and references. It is for short paper whose importance of timeliness justifies rapid reviewing and publication. Article is the principal mode of reporting research and should be as concise as possible. Review article and Book review are also accepted as far as it is beneficial to the members of the societies. The length of both Article and Review should be less than 20 printed pages. Discussion and reply should be concise and brief, and each should not exceed 5 printed pages. Occasionally long papers are accepted particularly for those of a review nature.


Manuscripts must be prepared in single-column, double-spaced format using a font size of 12 pt. Continuous line numbering must be included throughout the manuscript andTimes New Roman’ font is required. The standard order of a text is as follows: Title page, Abstract and Key words page, Main text, Acknowledgments, Reference list, Appendix, Table and Figure caption page, Table, Figure. All of the references, tables, and figures should be referred to in the text. Do not import the figures or tables into the main text. All pages should be numbered consecutively, including pages of acknowledgments, references,appendices, and table and figure caption.

Title page: Title page should be composed of a main title of the manuscript, author’s information (name, position, affiliation, full postal address, e-mail address), and a running title shorter than 90 letters including spaces. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk. A full mailing address, a phone number, a fax number, and an e-mail address of the corresponding author should be included in the title page. Abstract and Key words page: An abstract should be provided with all types of papers but book review and of not more than 400 words. It must be intelligible, should be a condensation of the essential information in the paper, and not be a recital of the subjects covered. The abstract should not contain references and headings, and it should be a paragraph. Authors are requested to supply up to five key words that can be used for indexing/abstracting purposes.

Main text: To improve the readability of paper, authors have to use up to four levels of headings as illustrated below


3.1. Geochemical Data

3.1.1. Major element chemistry


The SI unit should be used wherever possible. The abbreviation system for minerals described in Whitney and Evans (2010, American Mineralogist, 95, 185–187) is recommended for use. The Romanization of Korean geographic names is highly recommended to follow those suggested by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It is available on the website (https://www.korean.go.kr/front_eng/roman/roman_01.do).

References: To cite references in the main text, refer to the author’s surname (without initials) and the year of publication (e.g., “Since Kim (1993) has shown that...” or “This is in the agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1994)”). For three or more authors, use the first author followed by “et al.” in the main text (e.g., “Rothstein et al. (1958) proved that...” or (Strawn et al., 1998)). All publications cited in the main text, tables, and figures should be presented in a list of references (reference list section) following the main text of the manuscript. Please make sure that the references are accurate. Unpublished information, including papers in preparation or submitted but not yet accepted, should be omitted from the list. These can be cited in the main text as “J. Doe (unpublished manuscript)” or “B. Jones (personal communication)”. Cited references in parenthesis of main text must be arranged:

first, by the order of publication year from the oldest to the latest; second, by author’s surname alphabetically. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by the first authors’ surnames. Use lower-case letters to distinguish references that would have identical citations: for example, Smith (1993a), or Smith (1993a, 1993b), or (Smith, 1993a, 1993b).

The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors’ names and dates are exactly the same in the main text as in the reference list. The names of journal, book, abstract, publishing company, university, etc. should be written in full name instead of abbreviation. The journal’s format for the references is as follows.


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