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Italian Journal of Pediatrics《意大利儿科杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《意大利儿科杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-PEDIATRICS 儿科



Italian Journal of Pediatrics《意大利儿科杂志》(年刊). Italian Journal of Pediatrics is an open access peer-reviewed journal that includes all asp...[显示全部]














Italian Journal of Pediatrics

Submission guidelines

Our 3-step submission process

 Before you submit

Now you’ve identified a journal to submit to, there are a few things you should be familiar with before you submit.

Make sure you are submitting to the most suitable journal - Aims and scope

Understand the costs and funding options - Fees and funding

Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable - Language editing services

Understand the copyright agreement - Copyright

 Ready to submit

To give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow these policies and formatting guidelines.

General formatting rules for all article types - Preparing your manuscript

Make sure your submission is complete - Prepare supporting information

Copyright and license agreement - Conditions of publication

Read and agree to our Editorial Policies - Editorial policies

 Submit and promote

After acceptance, we provide support so your article gains maximum impact in the scientific community and beyond.

Please note that manuscript can only be submitted by an author of the manuscript and may not be submitted by a third party.

Who decides whether my work will be accepted? - Peer-review policy

Want to submit to a different journal? - Manuscript transfers

Spreading the word - Promoting your publication

Submit manuscript


Aims and scope

The Italian Journal of Pediatrics includes all aspects of pediatric medicine and also covers health service and public health research that addresses primary care issues. The journal provides a high-quality forum for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals to report and discuss up-to-the-minute research and expert reviews in the field of pediatric medicine.

Fees and funding

Article-processing charges

Open access publishing is not without costs. Italian Journal of Pediatrics therefore levies an article-processing charge of £1370.00/$2145.00/€1745.00 for each article accepted for publication, plus VAT or local taxes where applicable.

If the corresponding author's institution participates in our open access membership program, some or all of the publication cost may be covered (more details available on the membership page). We routinely waive charges for authors from low-income countries. For other countries, article-processing charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds. Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process. For further details, see our article-processing charge page.

BMC provides a free open access funding support service to help authors discover and apply for article processing charge funding. Visit our OA funding and policy support page to view our list of research funders and institutions that provide funding for APCs, and to learn more about our email support service.

For more information on APCs please see our Journal Pricing FAQs

Members of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Società Italiana di Pediatria) are entitled to a discount of 32% on the article-processing charge. The required code should be entered during the submission process and society members can obtain this by following this link http://sip.it/varie/soci-sip-sconto-per-litalian-journal-of-pediatrics.

Preparing your manuscript

This section provides general style and formatting information only. Formatting guidelines for specific article types can be found below.

Research article

Case report



Letter to the Editor


General formatting guidelines

 Preparing main manuscript text

 Preparing illustrations and figures

 Preparing tables

 Preparing additional files

Preparing figures

When preparing figures, please follow the formatting instructions below.

Figures should be numbered in the order they are first mentioned in the text, and uploaded in this order. Multi-panel figures (those with parts a, b, c, d etc.) should be submitted as a single composite file that contains all parts of the figure.

Figures should be uploaded in the correct orientation.

Figure titles (max 15 words) and legends (max 300 words) should be provided in the main manuscript, not in the graphic file.

Figure keys should be incorporated into the graphic, not into the legend of the figure.

Each figure should be closely cropped to minimize the amount of white space surrounding the illustration. Cropping figures improves accuracy when placing the figure in combination with other elements when the accepted manuscript is prepared for publication on our site. For more information on individual figure file formats, see our detailed instructions.

Individual figure files should not exceed 10 MB. If a suitable format is chosen, this file size is adequate for extremely high quality figures.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures (or tables) that have previously been published elsewhere. In order for all figures to be open access, authors must have permission from the rights holder if they wish to include images that have been published elsewhere in non open access journals. Permission should be indicated in the figure legend, and the original source included in the reference list.

Figure file types

We accept the following file formats for figures:

EPS (suitable for diagrams and/or images)

PDF (suitable for diagrams and/or images)

Microsoft Word (suitable for diagrams and/or images, figures must be a single page)

PowerPoint (suitable for diagrams and/or images, figures must be a single page)

TIFF (suitable for images)

JPEG (suitable for photographic images, less suitable for graphical images)

PNG (suitable for images)

BMP (suitable for images)

CDX (ChemDraw - suitable for molecular structures)

For information and suggestions of suitable file formats for specific figure types, please see our author academy.

Figure size and resolution

Figures are resized during publication of the final full text and PDF versions to conform to the BioMed Central standard dimensions, which are detailed below.

Figures on the web:

width of 600 pixels (standard), 1200 pixels (high resolution).

Figures in the final PDF version:

width of 85 mm for half page width figure

width of 170 mm for full page width figure

maximum height of 225 mm for figure and legend

image resolution of approximately 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final size

Figures should be designed such that all information, including text, is legible at these dimensions. All lines should be wider than 0.25 pt when constrained to standard figure widths. All fonts must be embedded.

Figure file compression

Vector figures should if possible be submitted as PDF files, which are usually more compact than EPS files.

TIFF files should be saved with LZW compression, which is lossless (decreases file size without decreasing quality) in order to minimize upload time.

JPEG files should be saved at maximum quality.

Conversion of images between file types (especially lossy formats such as JPEG) should be kept to a minimum to avoid degradation of quality.

If you have any questions or are experiencing a problem with figures, please contact the customer service team at info@biomedcentral.com.

Preparing main manuscript text

Quick points:

Use double line spacing

Include line and page numbering

Use SI units: Please ensure that all special characters used are embedded in the text, otherwise they will be lost during conversion to PDF

Do not use page breaks in your manuscript

File formats

The following word processor file formats are acceptable for the main manuscript document:

Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX)

Rich text format (RTF)

TeX/LaTeX (use BioMed Central's TeX template)

Please note: editable files are required for processing in production. If your manuscript contains any non-editable files (such as PDFs) you will be required to re-submit an editable file when you submit your revised manuscript, or after editorial acceptance in case no revision is necessary.

Additional information for TeX/LaTeX users

Please use BioMed Central's TeX template and BibTeX stylefile if you use TeX format. Submit your references using either a bib or bbl file. When submitting TeX submissions, please submit both your TeX file and your bib/bbl file as manuscript files. Please also convert your TeX file into a PDF (please do not use a DIV file) and submit this PDF as a supplementary file with the name 'Reference PDF'. This PDF will be used by our production team as a reference point to check the layout of the article as the author intended.

The Editorial Manager system checks for any errors in the Tex files. If an error is present then the system PDF will display LaTex code and highlight and explain the error in a section beginning with an exclamation mark (!).

All relevant editable source files must be uploaded during the submission process. Failing to submit these source files will cause unnecessary delays in the production process.




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