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  • 参考译名《园艺学学报》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-HORTICULTURE 园艺



FOLIA HORTICULTURAE《园艺学学报》(半年刊). Folia Horticulturae is an international, scientific journal published in English. It covers a broad researc...[显示全部]








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Folia Horticulturae

Instructions for Authors

All submissions must be made electronically via the Editorial Manager®:


First-time users must create an Author account to obtain an user ID and password required to enter the system. USE ONLY BASIC ALPHABET LETTERS (WITHOUT DIACRITICS) IN USER’S NAMES. All manuscripts receive individual identification codes that should be used in any correspondence with regard to the publication process.

By submitting the manuscript the Authors declare that the material is original, written by the stated authors, has not been published before and contains neither unlawful statements nor infringes the rights of third parties.

The Authors are also responsible for providing any necessary written permissions to quote any materials that have been published before in other sources.

Authors also declare the active/honorary membership of the Polish Society of Horticultural Sciences (PTNO). An active member is one who has already paid the PSHS membership fee for the year in which the manuscript is submitted.

Licence to Publish

The Authors also transfer copyrights to the Polish Society for Horticultural Science. During online manuscript submission Authors state that they read and accept requirements of Licence to Publish.

Licence to Publish is available online at Sciendo and at home Folia Horticulturae website (http://foliahort.ogr.ur.krakow.pl).


A manuscript must be saved in a format compatible to MS Word 2007.

Times New Roman 11 pt font should be used throughout the manuscript text. Section headings should have bold font face and subheadings should have bold and italic font face. Use 1.5 line spacing and all margins of A4 page set to 2.5 cm. Do not add the line numbers to the MS Word file.

Manuscript layout

Arrange the manuscript according to the layout described below. Please see articles published in the last issue for further reference.

Running title

Provide an abbreviated manuscript title, max. 70 characters including spaces.


First name, (second name initial) and last name of the author(s) separated by commas

If available, ORCID iD of the author(s), expressed as a full https URI: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097

Name and address of the authors’ affiliations

E-mail of the corresponding author


A clear and concise abstract should have no more than 250 words and should be structured according to the manuscript layout and provide brief introduction, the aim of the work, material and methods used, main results and conclusions. Do not provide detailed methodological details or references.


Provide up to seven comma-separated keywords listed in an alphabetical order. Keywords should be adequate to the manuscript content and should not repeat words included in the manuscript title. Please refer to MeSH (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh) for generally accepted keywords.


Provide a list of abbreviations used in the manuscript, but only those that are not generally recognized. List the semicolon-separated abbreviations in an alphabetical order (eg. “IAA, indole acetic acid; IBA, indole butyric acid; … .”). Any abbreviation should be explained also in the text when it appears for the first time.


Provide relevant scientific background and the current state of knowledge. This section should justify the novelty and need for the commenced work and define the research aim.


List any biological material used including full Latin names with authorities. Description of the methods should be detailed enough to understand the methodology and repeat the experiments.


Describe the results obtained concisely. Do not list many numerical values continuously in the text or repeat data presented in tables and/or figures. Despite, try to summarize data giving reference to the tables and/or figures.


Discussion can be combined with results in one section (RESULTS AND DISCUSSION). The discussion must be adequate to the findings and not speculative or too descriptive. It must be supported by the appropriate and recent references to published works.


Conclusions must be clear, concise, not trivial and present real findings justified by the obtained results. For most essays, one well-developed paragraph is sufficient for a conclusion.


Acknowledge organizations supporting research or people who had real impact on the work described or manuscript writing.


Indicate a funding source of the presented research or manuscript preparation. This section is mandatory.


Describe individual contribution of every author in research and manuscript writing. It should indicate personal responsibility and real input of every author. Example: “A.S. designed experiments and performed analytical measurements. G.P. performed statistical analysis. A.S. and G.P. equally contributed to manuscript writing.”. More examples can be referred at Nautilus posts (http://blogs.nature.com/nautilus/2007/11/post_12.html).


Provide the statement “Author(s) declare(s) no conflict of interest”. However, if any financial, personal or other kind of relationship exists between authors and funding or supporting organization, even if it is a non-profit conflict, it must be clearly described.


Citations in the text: ‘…as demonstrated by Johnson (2017)’; ‘(Smith, 2015a, 2015b; Wright, 2016; Ort and Kang, 2017)’.

List references of international coverage in an alphabetical order, then chronologically. All references must be cited in the manuscript text.

Authors’ names should be typed using a capitalized (small caps) font face (Home Font Small caps). More than one reference of author(s) published in the same year must be identified by the letters a, b, c, etc., placed directly after the year of publication.

References must be arranged following American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Style.



BARNS, J. K., AND SMITH, R. (2017). Differences in lycopene content during storage of tomato fruits. Scientia Horticulturae, 112, 779–790.

KOWALSKI, J. (2015). Nitrate and nitrite methods of analysis in selected vegetables and grain products. Journal of Plant Science, 15(2), 30–35.

TREJO-TÉLLEZ, L. I., ALCÁNTAR-GONZÁLEZ, G., AND GÓMEZ-MERINO, F. C. (2007). Effect of foliar fertilization on plant growth and quality of Mexican husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa Brot.). Acta Horticulturae, 729, 295–299.

ARNAO, M. B., AND HERNÁNDEZ-RUIZ, J. (2018). The potential of phytomelatonin as a nutraceutical. Molecules, 23(1), 238, doi: 10.3390/molecules23010238.


WILSON, J. (2016). Plant physiology. St. Paul, USA: APS Press.

Edited books

SMITH, M. (Ed.) (2016). Sustainable agriculture. Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press.

Book chapters

REES, T., AND DISCON, W. L. (2013). Fruits ripening. In M. J. C. Rhodes (Ed.), Recent advances in the biochemistry of fruits (pp. 65–87). New York, USA: Academic Press.

PREIL, W. (2017). Micropropagation of ornamental plants. In M. Laimer and W. Rücker (Eds), Plant tissue culture (pp. 115–133). Vienna, Austria: Springer.


SMITH, J. K. (2015). Optimizing high tunnel vegetable crop production through irrigation systems. PhD dissertation, Retienne University, France, pp. 175.

Conference proceedings

BROWN, A. B. (2015). In vitro micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum. Paper presented at the 2nd British Ornamental Plants Conference, London, UK, 3–16.

Reference to a website:

FOODDATA CENTRAL (2020). Tomato. Retrieved from https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/.

References to articles published in language other than English should be avoided and they are accepted only occasionally if there are no other relevant sources in English.


Tables must be created using a word processor and included at the end of the manuscript text. Each table must be self explainable and readable thus it is important that its layout is as simple as possible. Please consider the use of separate simple tables instead of one big and complex table to avoid readers’ confusion. Please avoid nested cells or summarizing lines inside the table. Keep column and line headings short but clear. Do not use vertical lines. Horizontal lines are used only to border the table and underline the headings or main table parts.

Table text should be typed in Times New Roman without bold and single spaced lines in all table cells. Text in the cells should be centered horizontally and vertically. Only text in the first column should be left justified. Units should be given in parentheses.

Latin names should be in italic. Names of cultivars in tables should be not included between inverted commas.

The table title should be written using Times New Roman and proceeded above table body, for example: “Table 1. Effect of … on tomato plants.”. Title should provide enough details to be understanding without referring to the main text (i.e. it should 'stand alone').

Table footnotes should be indicated by one or more asterisks in superscript and placed directly below the table body. Identical notes in follow-up tables can be like in example form: *Explanations: see Table 1.

Each table must be mentioned at least once in the text, and in proper numerical order. Examples of table citation in the text: ...presented in Table 1, (Table 1), (Table 1 and 2).

If tables are larger than print area they may be divided into parts and/or orientation may be changed to landscape.


Figures (including images) should be labeled and numbered separately with Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they are cited in the text, e.g.: ...see Figure 1, (Figure 2), (Figure 2 and 3), (Figure 4A, 4B). Please make your figures as clear as possible, and add labeling where there are multiple panels using capital letters (A, B, etc.).

Figures must be attached as one figure per page, during submission process.

If quality of the figures is low, the Authors will be requested at a production stage to send MS Excel source files or high-resolution files (TIFF, JPEG, EPS and PDF). Graphics should have a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.

Colour figures can be submitted and they will appear in colour in articles published online.

Figure size can be reduced during layout process and thus all graphical symbols, lines and fonts must be big enough to remain readable after rescaling.

In general, use a sans-serif font type (preferred: Arial, Calibri) for all figures, without bold. The figure title should be written using Times New Roman 10 pt font and proceeded below the figure, for example: “Figure 1. The effect of biostimulant on carrot yield.”. Do not use borderline around the figure.


Images must be supplied at least 300 dpi (print resolution), not 72 dpi (screen resolution). Authors can use one of the standard graphical formats for saving images, but TIFF is recommended.


Latin names should be typed in italics. Do not use italics for family names.

Cultivar names should be included between inverted commas (‘Apollo’, ‘Nerac’ F1), but do not use inverted commas together with the word ‘cultivar’ (cultivar Apollo). Names of breeding materials, landraces and other materials not registered as cultivars should be written without inverted commas.

System S.I. and standard abbreviations of units and symbols should be used exclusively. Complex units should be typed as follows: kg m–2 (kilogram per square meter); mg dm–3 (milligrams per cubic decimeter); μmol m–2 s–1 (micro moles per meter squared per second).

Letters of p (probability level) and r (coefficient of linear correlation) should be lowercase and italic, and R2 (coefficient of determination) should be uppercase and italic. Probability level should be described as follows: p 0.05; p 0.01; p 0.001. Standard deviation of a sample, standard error of the mean of a sample, and statistically non-significant should be denoted by SD, SE, and ns, respectively.

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