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International Neurourology Journal《国际神经泌尿学杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《国际神经泌尿学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY 泌尿学与肾脏学



International Neurourology Journal《国际神经泌尿学杂志》(双月刊). The International Neurourology Journal (Int Neurourol J, INJ) is a quarterly international jo...[显示全部]













Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts for submission to the International Neurourology Journal should be prepared according to the following instructions. For issues not addressed in these instructions, the author is referred to the 'Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals' (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/).


1. Contents and Classifications of Manuscript

International Neurourology Journal (INJ) is the official journal of the Korean Continence Society, Korean Society of Urological Research, Korean Children's Continence and Enuresis Society and the Korea Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation, Korean Society of Geriatric Urological Care, being published quarterly on the last day of March, June, September, and December. Supplementary issues will be published interim to quarterlies, as necessary, to fully allow berth to accept and publish relevant articles. Its official abbreviation is 'Int Neurourol J.' It publishes original articles, case reports, and review articles covering investigation of causes, diagnoses, and treatments associated with basic and clinical medicine about nervous system and pelvic organ, such as urinary tract dysfunction, bowel dysfunction, nursing in this field. Only articles that are scientifically identified and theoretically, originally developed as the results of new, significant, and recent studying on the medical information and knowledge associated with the above-mentioned fields and that were conducted ethically and complied with policies of management of the Korean Continence Society can be published in this Journal.

The types of manuscripts include original articles, case reports, review articles, editorials, letters, book review and articles invited by the Editorial Board. Int Neurourol J contains 9 sections: Basic Research, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Female Urology, Sexual Function, Pelvic Floor Function and Rehabilitation, Urinary Incontinence, Nursing, Voiding Dysfunction and Urinary and Fecal Continence.

Articles that have been already published or submitted for publication elsewhere cannot be submitted to this journal, and articles that have been published in this journal cannot be published elsewhere without permission. The Korean Continence Society has all the copyrights of all the manuscripts that have been submitted and permitted for publication in this Journal.

2. Author Contributions

Authors are required to make clear of their contribution to their manuscript in cover letter. To be listed as an author one should have contributed substantially to all three categories established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): (1) conception and design, or acquisition, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the version to be published; and (4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The ICMJE further states that acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship. Individuals who have contributed substantially to some but not all of the three categories, or in other areas, should be listed in Acknowledgments. In principle, we do not allow the addition of authors or the changes of the first or the corresponding author after our initial decision to accept the manuscript for publication. Written causes of changing should be submitted when the authors of a manuscript is changed, approval of the Editorial board is needed when the first author or corresponding author is changed, and approval of the Chief Editor is needed when other authors is changed before acceptance of the submitted manuscript. If an author wishes to be removed from the byline, he or she should submit a signed letter indicating his or her wish to be deleted from the list of authors. The change in the order in the byline requires a letter from all authors indicating agreement with the same.

3. Language

This Journal will accept manuscripts written in English only. English medical terms are based on International Continence Society (ICS) terminology, the recent edition as the report of Standardization Sub-committee of the ICS. Other terms are based on English-Korean Korean-English Medical Terminology, published by the Korean Medical Association.


The Journal adheres to the ethical guidelines for research and publication described in Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals (http://kamje.or.kr/publishing_ethics.html) and Guidelines on Good Publication (http://www.publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines).

1. Registration of Clinical Trial Research

Any research that deals with a clinical trial should be registered with a primary national clinical trial registration site such as https://cris.nih.go.kr/cris/index.jsp, or other sites accredited by WHO or the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

2. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Conflict-of-Interest Statement

A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author's institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could bias the author's decisions of the manuscript. Authors are expected to provide detailed information about all relevant financial interests and relationships or financial conflicts, particularly those present at the time the research was conducted and through publication, as well as other financial interests (such as patent applications in preparation), that represent potential future financial gain. All disclosures of any potential conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations (other than those affiliations listed in the title page of the manuscript) relevant to the subject of their manuscript will be disclosed by the corresponding author on behalf of each coauthor, if any, as part of the submission process. Likewise, authors without conflicts of interest will be requested to state so as part of the submission process. If authors are uncertain about what constitutes a relevant financial interest or relationship, they should contact the editorial office. Failure to include this information in the manuscript will prohibit commencement of the review process of the manuscript. For all accepted manuscripts, each author's disclosures of conflicts of interest and relevant financial interests and affiliations and declarations of no such interests will be published. The policy requesting disclosure of conflicts of interest applies for all manuscript submissions. If an author's disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is determined to be inaccurate or incomplete after publication, a correction will be published to rectify the original published disclosure statement. Authors are also required to report detailed information regarding all financial and material support for the research and work, including but not limited to grant support, funding sources, and provision of equipment and supplies as part of the submission process. For all accepted manuscripts, each author's source of funding will be published.

Funding/Support and Role of Sponsor

All financial and material support for the research and work will be requested to be clearly and completely identified as part of the submission process (Cover Letter). The specific role of the funding organization or sponsor in each of the following should be specified: "design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript." The corresponding author is responsible for acknowledging this on the authorship form at the time of submission.

3. Examination on Ethics

Personal information with which a patient's identity can be established cannot be published with any forms including texts, photos, and pedigree. When personal information of patients is critical as scientific data, it should be stated clearly that the purpose of the study and mental and physical damages that can be done during the participation to the study were sufficiently explained for and written contents were submitted by the participants or their caregivers. In a report of an experiment for human subjects, it should be stated that the study was performed according to the Helsinki Declaration (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/) and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) or the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the institution where the experiment was performed. A written informed consent should be obtained from all subjects. The data for explanation such as photos should not include names, English initials, and hospital numbers of patients. In cases of animal experiments, it should be stated clearly that the processes complied with regulations of institutions or national research committee related to breeding and using laboratory animals or the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/Guide-for-the-Care-and-use-of-laboratory-animals.pdf). If necessary, it can be required to submit written consents and approvals of ethics committee.

4. Originality and Duplicate Publication

Manuscripts that have been already published elsewhere or in this journal should not be published. When a similar article has been already elsewhere or in this journal, its copy should be submitted with the relevant manuscript. The Editorial Board of the INJ will decide whether the relevant manuscript is duplicately published and examine whether it can be published in this Journal.

The Editorial Board of INJ strictly prohibits the following malpractices associated with publication. If one of the malpractices is prominently detected in a paper, the paper will be forcefully retracted by the committee.

The followings are:

Fabrication: Behavior dishonestly creating some records, being not in existence.

Falsification: Behaviors selectively modifying some data from a study or distortedly explaining uncertain things resulted from a statistical analysis of the study.

Plagiarism: Behaviors making a fraudulent use of others’ idea, method, results, and sentence etc. without an appropriate permission from them.

INJ will follow the guidelines by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, http://publicationethics.org) for settlement of any misconduct.

INJ uses iThenticate (plagiarism screening tool) as a Similarity Check (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/) to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitting manuscripts. The Editorial Board of INJ will immediately reject a submitting manuscript which has a high similarity index to other papers in the Similarity Check.


1. Review Article

Review article shall be selected as a significant theme from areas relevant to neurourologic field and whose authors were referred on the basis of articles published in this or other journals. The submitted manuscript should be decided to be published via reviewing of the Editorial Board. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 3,500 words except for the cover, tables, figures, and references. The works in the references should not exceed 100.

2. Original Article

The manuscript for original articles should be organized in the following order: (1) title page, (2) abstract and keywords, (3) introduction, (4) materials (or subjects) and methods, (5) results, (6) discussion, (7) acknowledgements (if necessary), (8) references, (9) tables, (10) figures and photos, and (11) legends.

The manuscript should be provided in MS Word file (doc), double spaced on 212×297 mm (A4 size) with 2.5-cm margins at the top, bottom, and left margin.

The length of the manuscript should not exceed 3,000 words except for the cover, tables, figures, and references. No more than 35 references can be cited. All manuscript pages are to be numbered consecutively, beginning with the abstract as page 1. Neither the authors' names nor their affiliations should appear on the manuscript pages. The use of acronyms and abbreviations is discouraged and should be kept to a minimum. When used, they are to be defined where first used, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Abbreviations are not allowed in the title. The names and locations (city, state, nation) of manufacturers of equipment and non-generic drugs should be given. When quoting from other sources, give a reference number in bracket after the author's name or at the end of the quotation.

3. Case Report

Case report shall cope with states of diseases that has not been reported or has rarely seen, and those that had been already reported but are distinctively different from the previous reports can be published in this Journal. The manuscript should not exceed 1,500 words except for the cover, tables, figures, and references with 10 or less reference works. Its abstract, unlike those for original articles, shall have only one paragraph within 150 words. Its cover should include the phrase "Case Report", and its title cannot include "... case" or "A case of." Case report should be organized in the following order: (1) title page, (2) abstract and keywords, (3) introduction (without a title saying 'introduction'), (4) case report(s), (5) discussion, (6) acknowledgements (if necessary), (7) references, (8) tables, (9) figures and photos, and (10) legends.

The page numbers in the manuscript should be counted from the title page and be written in the center of the bottom of each page. The keywords are in accordance with those for original articles. Its introduction shall briefly describe general backgrounds and significances related to the relevant case, without using a title "Introduction." Its discussion shall focus on what the case report emphasizes, and the conclusion shall be summarized at the end part without establishing separate part for conclusion.




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