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  • 参考译名《国际运动医学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-SPORT SCIENCES运动科学



INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE《国际运动医学杂志》(一年14期). The IJSM provides a forum for the publication of papers dealing with both&nb...[显示全部]














Instructions for Authors

Scope of the Journal

The International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM) provides a forum for the publication of papers dealing with basic or applied information that will advance the fi eld of sports medicine and exercise science and off er a better understanding of biomedicine. The following sections defi ne the scope of the journal: Training & Testing; Orthopedics & Biomechanics; Clinical Sciences; Nutrition; Behavioural Sciences; Physiology & Biochemistry; Genetics & Molecular Biology.

General Policy

The journal publishes original papers, reviews, and letters to the editor. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must contain novel data on theoretical or experimental research or on practical applications in the fi eld of sports medicine and exercise science. Purely descriptive studies that lack generalizability to the wider world of sports medicine will be assigned a low priority and may not be entered by a corresponding editor into the peer-review process. Intervention studies which lack a comparator group and/or are very inconsistent with the CONSORT guidelines may also be assigned a low priority and not entered for peer review. Studies that employ data analysis approaches that are obviously inappropriate will also be assigned a low priority and not entered for peer-review, as will studies in which the clinical/practical significance of the fi ndings has not been quantifi ed and/or communicated. The paper must also be written in grammatically correct English, other wise it may be refused for review. No substantial part of the submission should have been published elsewhere. If a part of the submission has been published or presented at a congress, symposium, national meeting proceeding or master’s or doctoral theses, the reference for that publication and/or presentation should be given in the manuscript acknowledgement section.

IJSM encourages the submission of manuscripts that have been deposited in an initial draft version in preprint repositories (e.g. Research Square, arXiv, medRxiv etc.). Drafts of short conference abstracts, degree theses posted on the website of the degree-granting institution, and draft manuscripts deposited on authors’ or institutional websites are also welcome. All other prior publication is forbidden. During submission, authors should (1) note use of the preprint repository in the cover letter, (2) state what adjustments and/or updates the draft has undergone between deposition and submission and (3) cite the preprint, including the DOI, as a reference in the manuscript. After submission to the journal, and until a fi nal decision has been made, authors are discouraged from depositing versions of their manuscript as preprints. Upon publication authors should add a link from the preprint to the published article. Twelve months after publication, authors can update the preprint with the accepted manuscript.

All submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review according to international standards. Because of the double-blind peer review process, the manuscript must be anonymous in all parts, i.e. names, addresses and any information indicating the identity of the author must not be included in the manuscript.

During the online submission process, authors are encouraged to suggest names of two reviewers (incl. email addresses) but not from their own institution.

Authors are required to conduct their research ethically according to international standards and as required by the journal as described in Harriss DJ, Macsween A, Atkinson, G. Ethical Standards in Sport and Exercise Science Research: 2020 Update. Int J Sports Med 2019; 40: 813-817 (https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/pdf/10.1055/a-1015-3123.pdf).

Categories of articles accepted for review

Original articles: Theoretical or experimental (basic or applied) research or practical applications. Either original work or the replication of work that better establishes basic principles will be considered. Original articles should not exceed a total of 15 000 characters, excluding references.

Review articles: Review articles are welcome and the IJSM explicitly  encourages submission of reviews. The main purpose of reviews is to provide a concise, accurate introduction to the subject matter and  inform the reader critically of the latest developments in this area. Review articles should not exceed 30 000 characters, excluding  references.

Letters to the editor are welcome and will be published if appropriate.

Letters (maximum length 700 words) relating to material previously published in IJSM should be submitted within 6 months after publication of the material the letter is referring to. Such letters will be sent to the corresponding author for comment within six weeks. The original letter and any reply will be published concurrently. Letters to the editor are excluded from online submission and should be sent to the editorial offi ce at ijsm.editorialoffice@thieme.de

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts can be submitted exclusively via online submission at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/IJSM or via link at www.thieme.de/sportsmed. Hard copy submission and electronic submission via email are not accepted. See below under “Uploading fi les on submission” for further information on the online submission process.

Style: Manuscripts may be rejected without review on the basis of poor English or lack of conformity to stated standards of style.

Title: The title should be concise but informative.

First page: Names and addresses of the authors should not appear on the fi rst page or elsewhere in the main document. These data are entered separately in the online submission system.

Abstract: The abstract should be informative. It should be self-explanatory without reference to the text of the manuscript. It should include essential signifi cant results that support the conclusion of the work.

Three to six key words not used in the title should also be provided (these can be entered during the online submission). Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract.

Introduction: Should be comprehensible to the general reader. Give a clear statement of the purpose of the paper and provide relevant context to support the basis for the paper and the signi fi cance of the work.

Do not exhaustively review the literature.




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