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  • 参考译名《国际法庭科学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-MEDICINE, LEGAL医学:法



FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL《国际法庭科学》(月刊). Forensic Science International is the flagship journal in the prestigious Forensic Science Internatio...[显示全部]















C. Cattaneo (Co Editors-in-Chief):

Tel: +39 02503 15679

E-mail: cristina.cattaneo@unimi.it


C. Jackowski (Co Editors-in-Chief):

Tel: +41 (0)31 631 84 12

E-mail: Christian.Jackowski@irm.unibe.ch


B. Ludes: Forensic Genetics.

E-mail: ludes@unistra.fr


P. Margot: Questioned Documents and Physical Science: ballistics, tool marks, contact traces, drugs analysis, fingerprints and identification, etc.

Tel: +41 21 692 4605

Fax: +41 21 692 4605

E-mail: pierre.margot@unil.ch


O.H. Drummer: Toxicology

Tel: +61 3 9684 4334

Fax: +61 3 9682 7353

E-mail: olaf.drummer@vifm.org


S. Matuszewski: Entomology

Tel: +48 61 82 94 292

E-Mail: szymmat@amu.edu.pl




Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

Forensic Science International is the flagship journal in the prestigious Forensic Science International family, publishing the most innovative, cutting-edge, and influential contributions across the forensic sciences. Fields include: forensic pathology and histochemistry, chemistry, biochemistry and toxicology, biology, serology, odontology, psychiatry, anthropology, digital forensics, the physical sciences, firearms, and document examination, as well as investigations of value to public health in its broadest sense, and the important marginal area where science and medicine interact with the law.

The journal publishes:

Case Reports


Letters to the Editor

Original Research Papers (Regular Papers)

Rapid Communications

Review Articles

Technical Notes

Forensic Science International adheres to strict ethical publication guidelines and actively supports a culture of inclusive and representative publication. For any submission enquiries, please contact the respective Editor.

Forensic Science International is a peer-reviewed, international journal for the publication of original contributions in the many different scientific disciplines comprising the forensic sciences. These fields include, but are not limited to, forensic pathology and histochemistry, toxicology (including drugs, alcohol, etc.), serology, chemistry, biochemistry, biology (including the identification of hairs and fibres), odontology, psychiatry, anthropology, the physical sciences, firearms, and document examination, as well as the many other disciplines where science and medicine interact with the law.

Types of paper

1. Original Research Articles (Regular Papers)

2. Review Articles

3. Rapid Communications

4. Technical Notes

5. Forensic Anthropology Population Data

6. Case Reports

7. Preliminary Communications

8. Letters to the Editor

9. Commentaries

Announcement of Population Data: these types of articles will be published in Forensic Science International: Genetics, only. Please submit these articles via https://www.editorialmanager.com/fsi.

Preliminary Communications(where brief accounts of important new work may be announced with less delay than is inevitable with major papers) may be accepted after correspondence with the appropriate Associate Editor.

Review Articles may be regularly submitted or invited by Editors. However, they will undergo the normal review process of the journal.

Forensic Anthropology Population Data: Although the main focus of the anthropology section of the journal remains on the publication of original research, authors are invited to submit their forensic anthropology population data articles by selecting the "Forensic Anthropology Population Data" article type on the online submission system. When submitting a Forensic Anthropology Population data article, please assure that "Forensic Anthropology Population Data" is included as one of the keywords. These forensic anthropology population data articles involve the application of already published and standardised methods of aging, sexing, determination of ancestry and stature and other well known diagnoses on different populations. This is at the heart of applied forensic anthropology. For example, in order to correctly assess age, stature or even sex of individuals of different ancestry or from different populations, it is fundamental that the method be tested on the specific population one is working on. In building the biological profile of a skeleton in order to aid identification, one needs to calibrate such techniques on the population of interest before applying them. The same may be true in a completely different scenario of anthropology, for example identifying criminals taped on video surveillance systems and aging victims of juvenile pornography. This section is dedicated to forensic anthropological population data and other types of updates (state of the art of particular issues, etc.), particularly concerning the following:

- Sexing

- Aging sub adult skeletal remains

- Aging adult skeletal remains

- Aging living sub adults and adults

- Determining ancestry

- Stature estimation

- Facial reconstruction

- Non metric trait distribution, pathology and trauma

- Positive identification of human skeletal remains

- Positive identification of the living

Forensic Anthropology Population Data articles will be published in abridged form in print (a clear, descriptive summary taken from the abstract), and the full length article will be published online only. Full citation details and a reference to the online article, including e-page numbers, will be published in the relevant print issue of the journal. All submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by a strict peer review process.

Case Reports will be accepted only if they contain some important new information for the readers.

Rapid Communications should describe work of significant interest, whose impact would suffer if publication were not expedited. They should not be longer than 5 printed journal pages (about 10 submitted pages). Authors may suggest that their work is treated as a Rapid Communication, but the final decision on whether it is suitable as such will be taken by the handling Editor. Rapid Communications requiring revision should be resubmitted as a new submission.

Technical Notes report new developments, significant advances and novel aspects of experimental and theoretical methods and techniques which are relevant for scientific investigations within the journal scope. Manuscripts of this type should be short (a few pages only). Highly detailed and specific technical information such as computer programme code or user manuals can be included as electronic supplements. The manuscript title must start with "Technical Note:".

Commentaries Commentary articles are designed to allow experts from right across forensics to present their view on a 'hot topic' or emerging field. Commentaries should be between 1000-1500 words and contain fewer than 5 references. Authors may suggest that their work is treated as a Commentary, but the final decision on whether it is suitable as such will be taken by the handling Editor. Commentaries will not appear in the printed version of the journal.

Revisions deadline

Please note that articles that are sent to the author for revision need to be returned within 60 days (and within 20 days for subsequent revisions). A reminder will be sent in the second month. Any articles that are sent after the two month period of revision will be considered a re-submission.

Contact details for submission

Papers for consideration should be submitted by topic. Editors and their topic specialty are listed below.

C. Cattaneo (Co Editors-in-Chief):

Tel: +39 02503 15679

E-mail: cristina.cattaneo@unimi.it


C. Jackowski (Co Editors-in-Chief):

Tel: +41 (0)31 631 84 12

E-mail: Christian.Jackowski@irm.unibe.ch


B. Ludes: Forensic Genetics.

E-mail: ludes@unistra.fr


P. Margot: Questioned Documents and Physical Science: ballistics, tool marks, contact traces, drugs analysis, fingerprints and identification, etc.

Tel: +41 21 692 4605

Fax: +41 21 692 4605

E-mail: pierre.margot@unil.ch


O.H. Drummer: Toxicology

Tel: +61 3 9684 4334

Fax: +61 3 9682 7353

E-mail: olaf.drummer@vifm.org


S. Matuszewski: Entomology

Tel: +48 61 82 94 292

E-Mail: szymmat@amu.edu.pl


Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.

Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

E-mail address

Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded:


Include keywords

All figures (include relevant captions)

All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)

Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided

Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print

Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)

Supplemental files (where applicable)




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