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  • 期刊简称FTB
  • 参考译名《食品技术与生物技术》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY《食品技术与生物技术》(季刊). Food Technology and Biotechnology (FTB) is a diamond open access, peer-reviewed international&n...[显示全部]















Submitting an Article

Before submission, authors are required to read the Instructions to authors carefully and prepare the manuscript accordingly.

For manuscript submission, the corresponding author needs first to sign up to COMET-FTB online submission system as a new user, unless the author has used the system before. After signing up, the author will receive a confirmation e-mail with the registration information. Upon registration, personal data should be entered, together with ORCID ID. All fields marked by asterisk (*) are mandatory. For each subsequent submission by the same author, the existing username and password need to be used.

When submitting the manuscript, first the submission title should be written and the type of submission should be selected. Then all co-authors should be added (once again, all fields marked with asterisk are mandatory). Afterwards, summary (max. 350 words) and key words (no more than 6 words) should be written. Entire manuscript should be uploaded with tables and figures inserted at the end of the text. Figures should also be uploaded in an editable (vector) format. For each document upload, handle (e.g. letter, manuscript, Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) should be chosen.

Cover letter is a mandatory part of paper submission. Its purpose is to explain to the editor why your manuscript merits publication. Therefore, the necessary information that the cover letter should contain is the following:

(i) Address the Cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief, include the title of the journal you are submitting to and the date of submission.

(ii) Give full title of your manuscript and the category (review, original scientific paper, etc.), authors full names (with underlined surnames), their titles and affiliations with e-mail addresses. Indicate the corresponding author. It is highly advisable to include the authors ORCID IDs in the cover letter, if they have one.

(iii) Then, briefly explain what was done in your research, what the main findings are and their significance. Explain how your findings and conclusions contribute to the field. If there were any ethical standards required to perform your experiments, state them here.

(iv) Cover letter must be signed by the corresponding author, and it must contain statements that confirm that the manuscript or part of it was not accepted for publication or being considered for publication or published somewhere else, and that all authors listed above have participated in the making of the manuscript, have read its final version and agree with its submission to Food Technology and Biotechnology.

A proposal of three reviewers along with their contact details is required, they need to be uploaded with the manuscript submission. The suggested reviewers must not be from the authors institutions or countries of origin, or in conflict of interest in the given case. All suggestions of reviewers will be evaluated and the decision about their selection will be brought by the Editor. Authors bear the responsibility to provide accurate data about suggested reviewers; in case of false names and contact details, the manuscript will be rejected and the authors institutions will be notified.

After submission, the corresponding author will receive a confirmation e-mail, which means that the upload was successful and that the editors are notified that a new submission has been made. If the authors wish to correct the paper immediately after submission (due to the addition or correction of data), they should not cancel the submission, but rather re-upload it under the same article number, or contact the Editorial Office at ftb@pbf.hr.

Authors can track the manuscript status by signing in as an existing user. When the evaluation process is completed, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail containing reviewers comments and/or editors decision, after which the author can sign in to the Comet system and download attachments if any. If the authors do not wish to submit the revised version of the manuscript, they should cancel the submission through the online submission system (COMET) and notify the editors at ftb@pbf.hr.

The revised version of the paper should be re-uploaded through the online submission system, together with the reply to the reviewers and the letter (mandatory) to the Editor-in-Chief in which all changes made according to the editor's comments, as well as possible changes of authorship or affiliation need to be reported. All the changes made in the revised manuscript must be either highlighted, written in different colour or using Track changes. In reply to the reviewers, authors need to explain how they addressed each point given by the reviewer. If the manuscript is not revised according to all suggestions of the reviewers, it will be rejected without possibility of resubmission.

If you get stuck, or need any assistance, please contact the Editorial Office at ftb@pbf.hr or for technical support with the submission: marko@sdewes.org.




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