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  • 参考译名《波动与噪声快报》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率12.70%



FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS《波动与噪声快报》(双月刊). Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) is unique. It is the only specialist journal for ...[显示全部]















Fluctuation and Noise Letters

Submission Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

This text explains the scope and objectives of Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) and gives the general guidelines on how to prepare papers for submission. Deviations from these guidelines can seriously delay the handling of your contribution.

Scientific scope and objectives

FNL is a strongly interdisciplinary journal with an emphasis on both fundamental and applied scientific values. The name "Letters" is intended to indicate speed of publication rather than the limitation of length. The main emphasis is the publication of new and original ideas and results.

FNL aims to be a journal, where a high quality standard of refereeing and editorial judgment is provided for interdisciplinary scientific articles on random noise and fluctuations. This is guaranteed by the selection of Editors from among the leading scientists of the field and by a particular editorial process which provides thorough reviewing of articles and proper opportunities for appeal.

Types of articles

FNLpublishes the following types of articles:


Current opinions,

Topical reviews.

2.1. Letters are short reports of new scientific findings, with relevance to random noises and fluctuations. Articles are usually expected to be interdisciplinary in nature, i.e., the goals and conclusions should be of interest also to scientists in other fields. They should normally not exceed 10 published pages. If the importance of the content justifies it, a longer length is negotiable. An extended introduction should be written for the General Reader. This should contain a succinct but accessible introduction to the field and its problems, the outline of the specific work and the general conclusions. The body of the paper, as well as the conclusions, should be written clearly and simply, so that they are accessible, as much as possible, to noise scientists with general mathematical, physical and biological background and to readers for whom US English is not their first language. It is the best to present sophisticated technical issues in an Appendix, such as details of mathematical and measurement techniques, details of sample preparation, etc.

2.2. Current opinions are brief articles focusing on an important hot topic, including unsolved problems or controversial issues. They should normally not exceed 4 pages of FNL though, if the importance of the content justifies it, a longer length is negotiable. They should be written in the same spirit as Letters (see above) with an introduction that is accessible to the general reader. Proposals to invite a Current Opinion article can be sent to any Editor of FNL.

2.3. Topical reviews are short surveys of the development of selected hot topics, with relevance to random noises and fluctuations. Such reviews should be interdisciplinary in nature, i.e., the scope and the conclusions should be of interest also to scientists in other fields, as much as possible. They should normally not exceed 15 pages of FNL, though a longer length is negotiable. Otherwise, the guidelines are the same as for Letters. Proposals to invite a Topical Review article can be sent to any Editor of FNL.


All articles, including invited ones, will go through the same refereeing process. An Editor will review the paper with the assistance of two independent Referees. During the review process, this Editor will communicate with the Author and the Referees via Editorial Manager. The Editor may decide either to accept the paper for publication, or to ask the author(s) to make amendments, or to reject the paper.

Submission of Manuscript

Manuscripts must be submitted online via Editorial Manager (EM) at http://www.editorialmanager.com/fnl/login.asp a fully web-based submission, peer-review, and tracking system.

If you are submitting via this system for the first time, you will first be required to register. From the account you create, you will be able to monitor your submission and make subsequent submissions.

Hardcopy submissions or submissions via email to the Editor-in-Chief are discouraged. They will only be accepted where there is a good reason.

All contributions should be written in English with a brief abstract and keywords.

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit a short general summary and apologia for their work, setting it in its scientific context and justifying its importance and appropriateness for publication in FNL for the non-expert reader. General summaries will be considered by the referees of a paper and, following acceptance, will be published on the FNL web page to encourage readers to look at the article itself. The guidelines are:

Structured in 3 separate sub-sections entitled: Introduction (accessible introduction outlining current understanding); Main Results (stating what they are and how they advance current knowledge); and Broader Implications (summarizing the implications of the results for future research in the area and beyond).

No equations.

If possible, one image or graph (with a caption) to illuminate the text.

Not more than 200 words of text; and not more than one page in total.

Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the work is original, that the material has not been published in substantially the same form elsewhere, and that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with any other journal.

To facilitate fast publication, authors should prepare their manuscript using the LaTeX2e or MS-Word style files provided (see below).

Any manuscript which does not conform to the instructions may be returned to authors for revision before publication.

Once the paper is accepted for publication authors are assumed to transfer copyrights of the paper to the World Scientific Publishing Company.

» Copyright Transfer Form

An open access option is available on payment of the article-processing charge (see information under the WorldScientificOpen tab)

FNL provides its contributing authors with FREE PDFs of their respective published articles, rather than free paper offprints. (Authors who would like paper offprints will still be able to order them at reasonable rates, at the proof-checking stage)

Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts, Latex style file and Word template file (with built-in macros) are available in:

Latex2e (readme / Download)

MS-Word (ZIP files) (readme / Download)

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