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HOLZFORSCHUNG《木材研究》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《木材研究》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.50%
  • 主要研究方向材料科学-MATERIALS SCIENCE, PAPER & WOOD材料科学:纸与木材;FORESTRY林学



HOLZFORSCHUNG《木材研究》(月刊). Holzforschung (HF) is an international scholarly journal that publishes cutting-edge research on the biology, chemistry,...[显示全部]














Holzforschung/Wood Research and Technology: Instructions for Authors (last update: May 10, 2021)

I.  Scope and editorial policy

Holzforschung is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting-edge research on the biology, chemistry, physics and technology of wood and wood components as well as high quality papers on biotechnology and tree genetics. The journal publishes Original articles, Reviews, Short notes. Manuscripts are independently reviewed by peers selected by the responsible Editor. Holzforschung aspires to notify authors within 3-4 weeks from the submission date. Accepted papers are promptly published online ahead-of-print as soon as they have been finally processed.

Reviewers: The authors should provide the names and e-mail addresses of 3 potential reviewers from at least 2 different countries. Authors may also indicate names of reviewers whom they wish to be excluded from reviewing their manuscripts.

Unpublished material: Submission of a manuscript to Holzforschung implies that the work described is not copyrighted, published or submitted elsewhere, except in abstract form. The corresponding author should ensure that all authors approve the manuscript before its submission to Holzforschung.

Anti-plagiarism policy: Holzforschung strongly discourages plagiarism and related issues. Each manuscript submitted to the journal undergoes an anti-plagiarism check that determines the degree of similarity with contents already published under any form. The Editors reserve the right to reject without reviewing manuscripts with high plagiarism content, or manuscripts that clearly appear to belong to a sequence of very similar works that add no or little scientific value. See also the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement on the journal's website.

Copyright: Manuscripts are accepted on condition of transfer of copyright (for U.S. government employees: to the extent transferable) to Holzforschung. Once the manuscript is accepted, it may not be published elsewhere without the consent of the copyright holders.

II. Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted online at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/holz

III. Preparation of manuscripts

Cover letter

Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter containing a brief statement by the authors as to the novelty/originality of their article.


Manuscripts should be written in clear and concise English. Non-native speakers are requested to have their text proofread by a native English speaker/professional language service prior to submission. Such a language proof may be requested by the Editors as part of the revision process.

General format and length

Formatting should be kept to a minimum. Do not create headers or footers, page breaks or arrange your text with the space key. Include page numbers. Please avoid footnotes in the text, use parentheses instead.

Original articles: Authors must present an accurate description of the research conducted and an objective discussion. The title should clearly identify the subject of the reported work. Maximum length: 8,000 words (authors need to pls. list the word count on the title page); maximum total of tables/figures/schemes: 15. Additional online only supplementary material is unrestricted but should contribute to the main article in a reasonable way.

Short notes (but no provisional or intermediate reports) are reserved for clear-cut research results. Maximum length: 2,500 words (authors need to pls. list the word count on the title page); maximum total of tables/figures/schemes: 3. Additional online only supplementary material may be added but should be kept to a minimum.

Reviews may be of a theoretical, experimental or practical nature, provided that they transmit essential aspects of the knowledge in the field. There is no length limit provided the topic is handled in an adequate way.

Nomenclature and units

Authors should consult the The ACS Style Guide for nomenclature and format guidelines. Chemical names, abbreviations and acronyms should be given in parentheses at the first appearance in the text. Well-known procedures/reactions should be designated by name, and appropriate literature references should be given. The metric system and SI units must

be used. Refer to the ACS Style Guide.

Manuscript structure

Structure of Original articles: Title page (article title, all author names and affiliations, short title; indicate the corr. author), abstract (max. 200 words), max. 5 keywords in alpabetical order, main text, acknowldegments, research funding information, conflict of interest statement, references list, figure captions. All section headings of the main textbody should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Abbreviations should be explained at first mention in the texbody, thereafter the abbreviations should be used only. A list of non-standard abbreviations should be included if there are more than 10. A nomenclature list at the end of the paper is recommended when many symbols are included in the text. Equations must be numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers enclosed with round parentheses on the right-hand margin.

The Abstract should concisely present the objective of the project, procedure, results and conclusion. The Introduction should define the problem and the frame of existing knowledge in view of the more recent literature. The Materials and methods should be a concise presentation with sufficient details to enable others to repeat your work; provide the name, city and country of suppliers from whom reagents were purchased. The Results and discussion should usually be presented together. In special cases, if the body of data is very large, arrange results and discussion in separate parts. The discussion should interpret the results in view of the problem as outlined in the introduction and place the results within the context of the broad scientific cognition of the discipline. The Conclusions contain the take-home messages of the results’ interpretation. Please do not repeat the content of the Abstract.

Structure of Short notes: As for Original articles, but with a shorter Abstract (max. 100 words).

All revised manuscripts must comprise a point-to-point reply to the reviewers’/editor’s criticisms as well as both a marked up and a clean version of the main textbody.


The journal uses Harvard style. Pls apply the rules as outlined in the reference style sheet at the end of this document. Thank you.


Submit tables on separate pages and number them consecutively using Arabic numerals. Provide a short descriptive title, column headings, and (if necessary) footnotes to make each table self-explanatory. Refer to tables in the text as Table 1, etc. Use Table 1, etc. in the table legends.


General requirements: All illustrations must be of reproduction-ready quality. They will be reduced in size to fit, whenever possible, the width of a single column. Lettering of all figures within the article should be uniform in style (preferably a sans serif typeface like Helvetica) and of sufficient size (ca. 8 pt.). Uppercase letters A, B, C, etc. should be used to identify parts of multi-part figures. Cite all figures in the text in numerical order. Do not embed figures within the text body of the manuscript; submit figures in separate files.

Halftone figures (grayscale and color) should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be of good contrast. Authors are encouraged to submit illustrations in color if necessary for their scientific content. Publication of color figures is provided free of charge both in online and print editions.

Line drawings must be of reproduction-ready quality. Please note that faint shading may be lost upon reproduction. When drawing bar graphs, use patterning instead of grayscales. Lettering of all figures should be uniform in style. A resolution of 1200 dpi is recommended.form in style. A resolution of 1200 dpi is recommended.

Figure legends: Provide a short descriptive title and a legend to make each figure self-explanatory on separate pages. Explain all symbols used in the figures. Remember to use the same abbreviations as in the textbody.

Chemical structures should be produced with a drawing program, preferably ChemDraw.

Use of third-party material/copyright permissions It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce original or modified material that has been previously published. Copyright permissions can be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center (www.copyright.com).

IV. Proofing and publication

Proof for correction

Authors of accepted papers will receive a proof for correction. At proof stage, only minor changes other than corrections of printers’ errors are allowed. As per De Gruyter policy, no author list changes are permitted after acceptance of an article. The De Gruyter production team is instructed to enforce this policy during the production/proofing process.

Open access publication

De Gruyter offers open access publication

(https://www.degruyter.com/cms/pages/open-access). At proof stage, authors are informed about this option.


The electronic files of typeset articles in Adobe Acrobat PDF format are provided free of charge; corresponding authors receive notification that their article has been published online.

Note for authors of NIH-funded research

De Gruyter acknowledges that the author of a US-agency-funded article retains the right to provide a copy of the final manuscript to agency upon acceptance for publication or thereafter, for public archiving in PubMed Central 12 months after publication in Holzforschung. Note that only the accepted author’s version of the manuscript, not the PDF file of the published article, may be used for NIH archiving.

Contact Editorial Office Holzforschung:

De Gruyter

Genthiner Str. 13

10785 Berlin, Germany

Tel. +49-30-26005-279

E-mail: holzforschung.editorial@degruyter.com





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