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International Journal of Computers Communications & Control《国际计算机通信与控制杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《国际计算机通信与控制杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



International Journal of Computers Communications & Control《国际计算机通信与控制杂志》(双月刊). International Journal of Computers Communications & Control is di...[显示全部]














International Journal of Computers Communications & Control

Author Guidelines

Submission: IJCCC is an open access peer-reviewed journal publishing original research papers and review articles. The authors must read the IJCCC Rules before Online Submission. The manuscripts submitted via e-mail will be ignored by the Editorial Team. All submitted manuscripts will be scanned for identification of similarities and will be analyzed by editors for plagiarism prevention (for this reason Submission tax is required = 100 EUR).


Click here to download the Template:  IJCCC Template (3.0 MB)

Copyright transfer form


1. Choose a right title

The title should be very specific, not too broad and not too long. The title should be substantially different from others.

AVOID GENERAL TITLES,  e.g., “Research on data mining”, “Contributions to Information Theory”, “Some research on job assignment in cluster computing”, "On the collaborative agents", "A novel..." or “A new ...”.

2. Write a concise abstract and 3-5 keywords

An abstract should tell:

Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results?

Problem statement: What problem is the paper trying to solve and what is the scope of the work?

Approach: What was done to solve the problem?

Results: What is the answer to the problem?

Conclusions: What implications does the answer imply?

A good hint is pack each of these part into one sentence.

3. Organization of your paper

Plan your sections and subsections. Use a top-down writing method. Use a sentence to represent the points (paragraphs) in each subsections.

Writing details: expand a sentence in the sketch into a paragraph.

Keep a logical flow from section to section, paragraph to paragraph, and sentence to sentence.

4. Introduction

An Introduction should:

Establish a territory: bring out the importance of the subject; make general statements about the subject; present an overview on current research on the subject

Establish a niche: oppose an existing assumption; reveal a research gap; formulate a research question; continue a tradition, or propose a completely new approach

Occupy the niche: sketch the intent of the own work; outline important characteristics and results of your own work; give a brief outlook on the structure of the paper

5. Related work and list of references

Use a proper selection of references. Show your knowledge

in the related area. Give credit to other researchers (reviewers are usually chosen from the references).

Cite good quality work, particularly when citing your own work, and up to date work. Related work should be organized to serve your topic. Emphasize on the significance and originality of your work.

6. Your conclusions

A research paper should be circular in arguments, i.e., the conclusion should return to the opening, and examine the original purpose in the light of the research presented.

Assuming that you have decided where to submit, and your paper is ready.

7. Peer review  workflow

Most probably, your paper will be rejected, or conditionally accepted after a major review. It is almost impossible to have your paper accepted without any modification suggested...

Even an acceptance “with minor modifications” is rare.

The best scientists get rejected and/or have to make major revisions. It is unreasonable to get defensive, unless it is really called for. You should address EVERY aspect of the reviewers concerns.

Make it obvious to the reviewer through the Summary of Changes and the revised manuscript itself of the changes

you have made. Do not add new science unless it is called for.

A good referee report is immensely valuable, even if it tears your paper apart.

Remember, each report was prepared without charge by someone whose time you could not buy. All the errors found are things you can correct before publication. Appreciate referee reports, and make use of them. An author who feels insulted and ignores referee reports wastes an invaluable resource and the referees’ time.

Finally, we have to remember what you put in the literature is your scientific legacy after all else is gone.

8.  Plagiarism and innovation

According to the IJCCC Author Guidelines, submissions to IJCCC must represent original material:

Papers are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another journal or conference. If it is determined that a paper has already appeared in anything more than a conference proceeding, or appears in or will appear in any other publication before the editorial process at IJCCC is completed, the paper will be automatically rejected.

Papers previously published in conference proceedings, digests, preprints, or records are eligible for consideration provided that the papers have undergone substantial revision, and that the author informs the IJCCC editor at the time of submission. If previously published material is reproduced in submitted manuscript, corresponding author must provide proof about the necessary copyright permission.

Concurrent submission to IJCCC and other publications is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and, if detected, will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

DISCLAIMER: The author(s) of each article appearing in International Journal of Computers Communications & Control is/are solely responsible for the content thereof; the publication of an article shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute any representation by the Editors or Agora University Press that the data presented therein are original, correct or sufficient to support the conclusions reached or that the experiment design or methodology is adequate. Antiplagiarism. All submitted manuscripts will be scanned for identification of similarities and will be analyzed by editors for plagiarism prevention  (for this reason submission tax is required).


 R. Andonie, I. Dzitac, How to Write a Good Paper in Computer Science and How Will It Be Measured by ISI Web of Knowledge, INT J COMPUT COMMUN,  5(4): 432-446, 2010.

Copyright Notice

ONLINE OPEN ACCES: Acces to full text of each article and each issue are allowed for free in respect of Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0.

You are free to:

-Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;

-Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

DISCLAIMER: The author(s) of each article appearing in International Journal of Computers Communications & Control is/are solely responsible for the content thereof; the publication of an article shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute any representation by the Editors or Agora University Press that the data presented therein are original, correct or sufficient to support the conclusions reached or that the experiment design or methodology is adequate.

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