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HETEROCYCLES《杂环化合物》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《杂环化合物》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率17.10%
  • 主要研究方向化学-CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC 有机化学



HETEROCYCLES《杂环化合物》(月刊). Since its launch in 1973, Heterocycles has provided a platform for the rapid exchange of research in the&...[显示全部]














Manuscript preparation

Please download the template for your manuscript.

All charts, figures, graphs, illustrations, schemes, structural formulae and tables should be placed in the relevant position of the manuscript.

Manuscript submission

All manuscripts must be submitted through the HETERORESOURCE website. Revised manuscripts must be also resubmitted through HETERORESOURCE.

When authors submit a manuscript, the graphical abstract (original file) and Supporting Information (if needed) should be uploaded to the HETERORESOURCE at the same time. The cover letter should be typed in the appropriate text box provided at HETERORESOURCE.

Note: Manuscripts attached on e-mail will not be accepted for submission.

Please confirm you are an author. (Your name must apper on the manuscript)

Information for Authors

A. General Policy

1. Editorial Policy

HETEROCYCLES publishes accounts of research on the organic and physical organic chemistry of heterocyclic compounds and natural products that have the heterocyclic ring system. The manuscripts should have abundant novelty and originality in both the logic and experimental procedures with exceptional interest to the specialist in the field.

Manuscripts are considered for publication providing that they have not been, or will not be published elsewhere. HETEROCYCLES Regular Issue will be published monthly, and Special Issue published on a yearly basis irregularly. The Special Issue will be dedicated to an outstanding researcher that has generously contributed to either heterocyclic chemistry or organic chemistry based on natural products.

2. Article Types

Four types of manuscripts may be submitted.

2.1. Communications

Communications must feature novel and significant work of exceptional interest in preliminary form; they may be either experimentally oriented or entirely theoretical. The Editors will consider manuscripts which feature urgent significant results or data of relevant importance. Contributions that are sensibly speculative or constitute new interpretations of older findings are appropriate.

2.2. Papers

Papers contain definitive and comprehensive accounts of significant findings obtained through original work in heterocyclic chemistry or natural products. Authors who wish to have an experimental section included in their manuscripts should submit these manuscripts as Papers. In the case of new compound microanalytical (C, H, N, O and then alphabetical) and spectral (IR, NMR, MS etc.) data should be reported.

2.3. Short Papers

Short Papers should be concise accounts of studies with a limited scope. In the case of new compound, microanalytical (C, H, N, O and then alphabetical) and spectral (IR, NMR, MS etc.) data should be reported.

2.4. Reviews

The Journal publishes review-type manuscripts containing appropriate heterocyclic material. Reviews based, in part, on research conducted in the authors laboratory, reviews distinguished by a certain novel interpretation, or the presentation of new material are especially welcome.

3. Authors’ Responsibility

The authors of the manuscript will be expected to take full responsibility for all written content and data shown. For any decisions regarding whether the data should be available for public viewing prior the consent of other parties, or responsibility of patent issues, and other related issues will be the responsibility of the authors. Charts, tables, schemes and photographs, or other materials taken from "published material" must receive the necessary permission.

4. Copyright

Upon acceptance of the manuscript, authors will be asked to complete a "Copyright Transfer Form" and return it to the Editorial Office. From this, the article publication will belong to The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry.

5. Refereeing

Ordinarily a manuscript will be sent to two competent referees for critical appraisal. The author is also free to suggest the names of appropriate referees. Referees will recommend whether or not the manuscript is suitable for publication, however, it is the responsibility of the Editor to make the final decision. Note: Referees' comments maybe transmitted to the author, however, in no circumstances will the names of the referees be disclosed to the author, without prior permission.

6. Revision

When a revision is requested by the Editor, this should be carried out as soon as possible, and in accordance with the referees' and Editor’s comments.

7. Page Proofs

When page proofs are available for viewing and downloading via Web site, the corresponding author will be informed by e-mail. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to check the page proofs against the manuscript carefully, and within one week if necessary, re-upload the final version of the manuscript. If alterations are made to the manuscript, graphical abstract, key words or Supporting Information, the changes should be written or indicated in red and re-uploaded in the indicated templates. If the Editorial Office do not receive a reply within one week, the manuscript will automatically be published in HETEROCYCLES.

8. Additions and Corrections

If the author wishes to make an further amendment after the page proofing period, these will be included in "Additions and Corrections" in the Print Edition.

9. Kametani Award

This is awarded yearly to a researcher of whom has made an outstanding contribution to both HETEROCYCLES and heterocyclic chemistry research. The Kametani Award was founded in 1999 in memory of the founder of this Journal.

B. Layout of Manuscripts

1. General Instructions

Authors must always use a A-4 size template provided, when preparing a manuscript. Please select and download the appropriate template for your manuscript on the following website http://www.heterocycles.com/. All charts, figures, graphs, illustrations, schemes, structural formulae and tables should be placed in the relevant position of the manuscript.

1.1. Language

The manuscript should be written in good English (both American and British English are acceptable, however avoid mixing both languages). Manuscripts must be essentially clear, concise and grammatically correct. When this is not the author's native language, the manuscript should be checked by a native speaker or through an editing service before submission. Referees will not usually correct grammatical errors, or any other mistakes that may detract from the scientific content.

1.2. Font and Line Spacing

The manuscripts should be written with a 12 pt. font using Times New Roman font and 1.50 line spacing.

1.3. Color Printing

In the essential case, color printing is provided for chemical illustrations without additional charges.

2. Heading

The heading of the manuscripts must comprise the title, author's name(s), author's address and e-mail address.

2.1. Title

The title should be brief and informative, written clearly, and should not contain any compound numbers. The title should be written in CAPITALS.

2.2. Authors' Name(s)

Authors' name(s) should include the first name (without degrees) and the senior author should be indicated by an asterisk(*).

2.3. Author's Address

Author's address and e-mail address for correspondence in English.

3. Abstract

All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract. The abstract for a manuscript should not exceed about 10 lines.

4. Graphical Abstracts

Authors are requested to supply a graphical abstract, portraying the essence of the research. These abstracts should aim at presenting the essence of accounts in a concise, pictorial form. Graphical abstracts should not exceed the space limitations (4 x 8 cm).

5. Key Words

Authors are requested to supply from one to five key words.

6. Artwork

All graphics such as charts, figures, graphs, illustrations, schemes, structural formulae and tables these must be created in digital format. These graphics must be placed in the relevant position of the manuscript at the correct size.

7. Nomenclature

All nomenclature should be simple, unambiguous, and in conformity with the conventions developed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

8. Abbreviations

Abbreviations should be in accordance with the Standard ACS abbreviations. See: The ACS Style Guide

9. Dedications

All dedications must be placed at the bottom of the first page as the footnotes. 10. Acknowledgments and References

Acknowledgements may be included as a separate section. Authors are requested to submit their references according to the following format:

1. T. Kametani, K. Katoh, M. Tsubuki, and T. Honda, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1986, 108, 7055; M. Ihara, K. Noguchi, T. Ohsawa, K. Fukumoto, and T. Kametani, J. Org. Chem., 1983, 48, 3150; T. Kametani, H. Yukawa, Y. Suzuki, and T. Honda, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1985, 2151.

2. T. Kametani and T. Honda, 'Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Application of Aziridines to the Synthesis of Natural Products', Vol. 39, ed. by A. R. Katritzky, Academic Press, Inc., London, 1986, pp.181-236.

3. L. M. Jackman, 'Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry', Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, 1959.

11. Crystallographic Studies

Reports of crystal structures should be presented as recommended by the Commission of Crystallographic data of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). Please refer to the following address for details: http://www.iucr.org/. In the paper, figures of crystal structure and of molecular structure, or both, with selected bond distances and bond angles should be included. Tables of final atomic coordinates and thermal factors may be submitted as "Supplementary Materials" for reviewing purpose only. Chemical and Crystallographic data should be mutually consistent wherever applicable.

12. Deposition of X-ray Crystallographic Data

Authors are requested to deposit all the X-ray data in the Crystallographic Information File (CIF) format electronically to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) for each structure, after receiving notification of the manuscripts acceptance. The following text should be included in the “Experimental” section of the manuscript on the initial submission, and the deposit number(s) should be inserted in the final revised manuscript: Deposition number CCDC-XXXXXX for compound No. YY. Free copies of the data can be obtained via http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/conts/retrieving.html (or from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, UK; Fax: +44 1223 336033; e-mail: deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk).

13. Supporting Information

Additional materials (including additional experimental details or specific spectra data) that are too lengthy to be printed, may be published as “Supporting Information” on the Web Edition. The supporting information should be made into a single file, and uploaded to HeteroResource together with the manuscript and Graphical Abstract.

C. Manuscript SubmissionAll manuscripts must be essentially submitted through the HeteroResource website at http://www.heterocycles.jp/resource/. Revised manuscripts must be resubmitted through HeteroResource also. When authors submit a manuscript, the graphical abstract (original file) and Supporting Information (if needed) should be uploaded to the HeteroResource at the same time. The cover letter should be typed in the appropriate text box provided at HeteroResource. Note: Manuscripts attached on e-mail will not be accepted for submission.

D. Page RatesThere are no submission fees, no page charges and no color charges.

E. Reprints RatesReprints must be ordered with the revised manuscript.1. Communications, Papers and Short Papers


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