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  • 参考译名《血液透析国际期刊》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率4.90%
  • 主要研究方向医学-UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY 泌尿学与肾脏学



HEMODIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL《血液透析国际期刊》(季刊). Hemodialysis International publishes quarterly issues containing original papers on clinical and experimental&nbs...[显示全部]















Hemodialysis International

Author Guidelines

Author Services

Resources for authors can be found at Wiley's Author Services website: http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/

Note to NIH Grantees

Pursuant to NIH mandate, Wiley-Blackwell will post the accepted version of contributions authored by NIH grant-holders to Pub-Med Central upon acceptance. The accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. For further information, see www.wiley.com/go/nihmandate.

Open Access

We offer open access to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to non-subscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. For information on Wiley's Open Access publishing options for authors, please click here.

Editorial Overview

Hemodialysis International is an official publication of the International Society for Hemodialysis. There are four quarterly issues: January, April, July, and October. The annual fall supplement, published in October, presents the proceedings of the International Symposium on Hemodialysis of the Annual Dialysis Conference.

Hemodialysis International considers only manuscripts that are related in any way to hemodialysis, in the form of original research, clinical experiences, case reports, review papers, letters to the editor, and editorials. Special articles such as commentaries, laudations, history of hemodialysis, clinical quizzes, and brief news notes are also considered.

Beginning August 1, 2014, all case reports accepted by the Journal will be published online only, and will not appear in the print copy of the Journal, except at the discretion of the editor. Please direct queries to the editorial office at hdieditorial@wiley.com.

Types of Articles Published by Hemodialysis International

Original Investigations present findings of a research investigation or a large series of cases. Criteria for review: validity, originality, and clinical importance. Limitations: 3,500 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables, and figure legends); no limit on tables or figures; no limit on authors.

Case Reports present a single case or a series of no more than 10 patients. These reports should be succinct and original and should have a single, well-defined message.Criteria for review: clinical plausibility and originality. Limitations: 1,400 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables, and figure legends); total of 2 figures or tables; maximum of 8 authors is generally recommended. Beginning August 1, 2014, all case reports accepted by the Journal will be published online only, and will not appear in the print copy of the Journal, except at the discretion of the editor.

Editorials are brief pieces which provide focused commentary and analysis on an article published in HI or in another journal, or on a current issue related to hemodialysis. Editorials are usually invited but may be submitted without invitation. Limitations: 1,400 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables, and figure legends); total of 1 figure or table; maximum 3 authors is generally recommended.

In a Few Words is a nonfiction narrative essay which gives voice to the personal experiences and stories that relate to hemodialysis. Submissions from physicians, allied health professionals, patients, or family members are welcome, and may concern the personal, ethical, or policy implications of any aspect of hemodialysis in adults and children (acute kidney injury, hemodialysis, ethics, health policy, etc.). Footnotes or references are discouraged. Limitations: 1,600 words.

Correspondence. A Letter to the Editor may be in response to an article in Hemodialysis International (HI), may concern a topic of current interest relevant to hemodialysis, or may present an abbreviated discussion of research findings. There is no guarantee that letters will be published, and they are subject to editing and abridgment without notice.

Letters responding to HI articles must be received no more than 6 weeks after the article’s date of print publication. Letters discussing topics of current interest may be submitted at any time. Limitations: 400 words (excluding (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables, and figure legends); maximum 10 references; total of 1 figure or table; maximum 3 authors.

Correspondence presenting abbreviated research findings should include an introduction, concise methods/results, and a discussion in separate paragraphs (no subheadings are used). As reports of cases do not include methods, they are not suitable for this type of correspondence. Limitations: 800 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables, and figure legends); maximum 10 references; total of 2 figures or tables; no limit on authors.

Review and Special Articles. A Review Article presents a comprehensive review and/or critique of the literature paired with the authors’ experience. It must be thorough and provide educational value and scientific insight. Special Articles encompass content that does not fit in the above categories and may cover any topic of interest related to hemodialysis. Both of these article types are limited to 4,000 words and must include an abstract. Review abstracts are unstructured and limited to 200 words. Special Article abstracts may be unstructured and limited to 200 words, or, if the manuscript reports original research, structured using the standard labels Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion and limited to 300 words.

Authors of Invited Articles should query the editorial office for specific parameters, and may otherwise follow the below instructions.


Submission Policy

Papers submitted to Hemodialysis International are accepted with the understanding that the material described in the manuscript has not been previously published, except in abstract form, and that it is not simultaneously under consideration by any other journal.

For Regular Issues: Manuscripts for regular issues (January, April, July and October) must be submitted electronically directly through the Hemodialysis International online submission and peer review system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hdi.

Questions concerning the regular issues may be directed to the Journal's Editorial Office: hdieditorial@wiley.com.

For Proceedings Issues (October Supplement): If you attended and/or presented at the International Symposium on Hemodialysis (HD) held in conjunction with the Annual Dialysis Conference, you may submit a conference proceedings paper to be considered for publication in the October Proceedings Supplement Issue.

Manuscripts for the Proceedings issue should be sent directly to the Proceedings Editorial Office: Claire Oser, Assistant to Dr. Madhukar Misra, University of Missouri, Division of Nephrology, 1 Hospital Drive CE422, Columbia, MO 65212; E-mail: oserc@health.missouri.edu or misram@health.missouri.edu.

The submission deadline for the Proceedings issue is two weeks after the Symposium. Questions concerning the Proceedings issue may be directed to the Proceedings Editorial Office. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed; the comments and recommendations for revisions will be preferentially sent by e-mail. Any manuscript declined by the Proceedings Supplement may be re-submitted to the journal for consideration in a regular issue.

Manuscript Specifications

Manuscripts must be written in English and double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with 1” margins. The title page, abstract and key words, text, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, and tables should be saved in a single file. Figures, supporting information, and permission/disclosure forms should be supplied as separate files. The following instructions should be adhered to:

Do not use the carriage return (enter) at the end of lines within a paragraph.

Do not use l (ell) for 1 (one), O (upper case oh) for 0 (zero) or ß (German esszett) for β (beta).

Use a tab, not spaces, to separate data points in tables.

If you use a table editor function, ensure that each data point is contained within a unique cell; do not use carriage returns within cells.

Title page. Must include all of the following elements:

Title of the paper

Running Head (short title) of less than 40 characters

First name, middle initial(s), and surname for each author

Author affiliation(s), indicated by numbers

Complete contact information for the corresponding author (name, mailing and email addresses)

Conflict of Interest Statement

Disclosure of grants or other funding

Structured Abstract and Keywords. Manuscripts for Original Articles require a structured abstract of no more than 300 words, presenting essential data in four paragraphs introduced by separate headings in the following order: Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion. For Case Reports and Reviews, authors may submit an unstructured abstract of 300 words or less. The abstract should not include references, figures, tables, or graphs. All manuscripts are required to have 3-6 keywords suitable for indexing. Correspondence and In a Few Words narrative essays do not require abstracts, but should include keywords.

Sections and Subheadings. The text should be organized, if possible, into the following sections: Abstract, Body of Article, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, Tables, Appendices. For original papers, the body of the article should have the following subheadings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion

Product Names. In the text, preferentially use generic names.  For all brand names of drugs, equipment, and supplies, provide the manufacturer and location including city and country. For trademarks and registered trademarks, use appropriate symbols.

Methods Section. When reporting experiments on humans, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accord with the ethical standards of the committee on human experimentation of your institution or in accord with the Declaration of Helsinki and its revisions. If the procedures used were not approved, please explain why approval was waived or unnecessary. Include a statement about whether informed consent was obtained from subjects and, if so, whether it was oral or written. For experiments on animals, indicate whether the guidelines of the institution's committee on animal experimentation or of the National Research Council's Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals were followed.

Acknowledgements. Please include all Acknowledgements at the end of the text before the References.

References. Cite within the text using superscript numbers. At the end of the manuscript, double-space the entire reference list and arrange the references in the order in which they are first cited within the text. Include only works cited in the text. Cite personal communications and unpublished work in the text only, giving name and initials of authors and the year of writing. Spelling of author’s name and citation of dates must correspond exactly in text and reference list. Do not underscore or italicize anything (except genus and species names, and journal titles), and omit almost all punctuation (see examples). Use italics for foreign words. For references with up to 6 authors use all author names. For 7 authors or more, use et al. after third author name. Use Index Medicus abbreviations for journal titles.




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