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The Heart Surgery Forum《心脏外科论坛》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《心脏外科论坛》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.50%



The Heart Surgery Forum《心脏外科论坛》(双月刊). The Heart Surgery Forum® is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal seeking original ...[显示全部]








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Author Guidelines

Rapid Submission Process

The Heart Surgery Forum® requests that all new submissions be uploaded to our online submission and review portal in Word.

All manuscripts should be divided into the following key sections, separated only by a blank line:


Authors (listed as First, Middle, Last Name) by order of contribution to the paper

Institutions of each author (listed in order of priority) with their degrees  (MD, PhD, etc.)


Abstract (with Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion sections)


Materials and Methods



References (in alphabetical order of authors last names)

Figure Legends



Reprint address, phone, and email address of corresponding author

Case reports may substitute a section called “Case Report” for the Materials/Methods and Results sections listed above. The format for Editorials and Collective Reviews is open and unstructured.

To facilitate easy submission, several common steps should be avoided when submitting to the HSF:

Do not double space.

Do not separate sections onto individual pages. Only place a blank line or two between sections.

Do not indent paragraphs; just separate them by a blank line.

DO NOT CAPITALIZE in an attempt to create emphasis.

Avoid fancy fonts, sizes, special kerning or leading in the text.

Avoid superscripts or subscripts, and include any such information within square brackets.

Do not attempt to make your document “photo-ready” or create any special formatting, pagination or page layout. All this will be reformatted for the Web and your special layouts will be discarded.

Formatting Your Reference List

References should be formatted according to the American Medical Association Manual of Style. A sample reference would appear as follows:

Lu EX, Chen SX, Yuan MD, et al. 1997. Preconditioning improves myocardial preservation in patients undergoing open heart operations. Ann Thorac Surg 64:1320-4.

A sample reference should not be as follows:

EX Lu, SX Chen, MD Yuan, TH Hu, HC Zhou, WJ Luo, GH Li, LM Xu. Preconditioning improves myocardial preservation in patients undergoing open heart operations. Ann Thorac Surg Volume 64, Issue 5:1320-4, Nov. 1997.

Authors should be listed by last name followed by their first and middle initials. All subsequent authors are separated by a comma. For an article with six or more authors, list the first three authors and annotate the remaining authors with the abbreviation et al. For articles with up to six authors, list each author. Only the first letter of each sentence in the title should be capitalized.

In-text citations

When citing articles from other authors, a citation in the manuscript text should be notated with a superscript number, corresponding to its number in the reference list. For example:

Diabetes mellitus is associated with a high risk of foot ulcers.1-3

Figures, Photographs, and Artwork

Figures, photographs, and any artwork must be submitted with the manuscript as separate “supplemental files” via our online submission and review portal. When preparing images for submissions, it is important that the authors save the images at 300 dots per inch (dpi) or greater. If less than 300 dpi, images can only be used in the web component of the HSF journal. These files can be saved as .tiff or .jpg file formats.

Since the HSF publishes images in color (on the web), authors are encouraged to take color photographs of their surgical cases or techniques. The patient’s name must not appear on any submitted photo, x-ray, or angiogram.


Tables should be submitted electronically via our online submission and review portal, also as separate supplemental files  in either .rtf or .doc file formats.

Authors’ Photographs

The lead author may send a color portrait style photograph of him/herself along with the manuscript. This photograph is used in the masthead of the manuscript and serves to identify the author in a more personal manner to the readership. Casual photographs are not acceptable. Please use a business appearance suitable for a scientific publication.

Copyright Notice

Author Disclosure & Copyright Transfer Agreement

In order to publish the original work of another person(s), The Heart Surgery Forum® must receive an acknowledgment of the Author Agreement and Copyright Transfer Statement transferring to Forum Multimedia Publishing, L.L.C., a subsidiary of Carden Jennings Publishing Co., Ltd. the exclusive rights to print and distribute the author(s) work in all media forms. Failure to check Copyright Transfer agreement box below will delay publication of the manuscript.

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However, Publisher grants back to the author(s) the following:

The right to make and distribute copies of all or part of this work for use of the author(s) in teaching;

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Furthermore, I state that any and all animals used for experimental purposes received humane care in USDA registered facilities in compliance with the “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care” formulated by the National Society for Medical Research and the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” prepared by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources and published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23, revised 1985).

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