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Disease Models & Mechanisms《疾病模式与机制》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《疾病模式与机制》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率3.80%
  • 主要研究方向医学-CELL BIOLOGY 细胞生物学;PATHOLOGY 病理学



Disease Models & Mechanisms《疾病模式与机制》(月刊). Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) is an Open Access biomedical research journal focusing on&n...[显示全部]












For authors

Submitting a manuscript to DMM


Terms of submission

DMM considers for publication original research that has not been previously published. Submission to DMM implies that this is the case and that the submitted manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

During the submission process, authors are asked to declare that the manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors. Submission also indicates that authors agree to abide by DMM's publishing policies, including the declaration of any competing interests to the journal upon submission of a manuscript.

DMM uses the CRediT taxonomy to define author contributions to primary research papers and requires that the independent contributions of each author be provided during online submission. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that contributions are agreed by ALL co-authors prior to manuscript submission. Please refer to the journal policies for further information on our authorship policies.

Authors should clearly highlight the key finding(s) of the paper and explain its significance and interest to the field in their cover letter.

Upon article acceptance, Research and Resource articles are posted on the journal web site as accepted author manuscripts (Accepted manuscripts) before journal copyediting and layout and in advance of publication of the online issues in which they will subsequently appear. Authors who would prefer their accepted author manuscript NOT to be posted as an accepted manuscript should tick the relevant check box during the submission process.

We support the Think.Check.Submit. initiative.

Online submission

New manuscripts

DMM is committed to making submission as easy as possible for authors. As part of this commitment, DMM offers format-free submission.

At first submission, authors are not required to format their manuscript according to journal guidelines. However, for the benefit of reviewers and Editors, we do strongly encourage authors to make their manuscripts as easy to read as possible by using appropriate line spacing, line and page numbers, and ensuring that figures are clearly numbered and/or accompanied by their legend.

At submission, you will have the opportunity to list any reviewers that, because of conflicts of interest, you would prefer not to review your article. (Note: reviewer exclusion is at the discretion of the Editor.)

For new submissions, we recommend that you submit your paper as a single PDF file that contains all the necessary text, figures (with their legends) and tables.

Our submission system converts submitted files (PDFs or individual files) into a single PDF file for the review process. The corresponding author must check and approve the PDF to complete the submission process; if there are problems with figure resolution, please contact the Editorial Office.

During the submission process, you will be asked to provide an email address for each author and suggested reviewer. When providing a non-institutional email address (e.g. gmail), an ORCID identifier is also required. Papers submitted using non-institutional email addresses and without ORCID iDs will require additional verification steps, which may cause delays. All corresponding authors are also required to submit an ORCID iD; it is best practice to use an ORCID iD to identify each author.




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