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  • 参考译名《工业与工程化学研究》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T2), 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.60%
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL工程:化工



INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH《工业与工程化学研究》(周刊). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, with variations in title and format, has bee...[显示全部]














Author Guidelines

Scope Of The Journal

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, with variations in title and format, has been published since 1909 by the American Chemical Society. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research is a weekly publication that reports industrial and academic research in the broad fields of applied chemistry and chemical and biomolecular engineering. Read more at “About the Journal.”

Papers may be based on work that is experimental or theoretical, mathematical or descriptive, chemical, physical or biological. In addition to fundamental research (in such areas as thermodynamics, transport phenomena, chemical reaction kinetics and engineering, catalysis, separations, interfacial phenomena, and materials), papers may deal with process design and development (for example, synthesis and design methods, systems analysis, process control, schemes for data correlation, modeling and scale-up procedures, etc.) and product research and development involving chemical and engineering aspects (for example, catalysts, plastics, elastomers, fibers, adhesives, coatings, paper, membranes, lubricants, ceramics, aerosols, etc.). In addition to traditional subjects, papers dealing with new areas of science and technology that fit the broad scope and objectives of the journal are encouraged.

Potential authors are encouraged to read the Editorial, “Why Wasn’t My Manuscript Sent Out for Review?”. Papers are accepted on the basis of our Editors’ judgment of their quality and probable lasting value and must contain a significant original contribution that is of interest to a general chemical engineering and/or applied chemistry readership. Papers that simply report data or calculations will be declined for publication. Clarity and conciseness of presentation are key considerations in the selection of papers. Figures and tables should be designed to facilitate rapid communication of information to the reader. Uninterrupted flow of the main ideas in the text can be facilitated by judicious use of appendixes and supporting information.

The Editors generally seek the advice of fellow experts about manuscripts. The recommendations of reviewers are advisory to the Editors, who accept full responsibility for decisions about manuscripts. Final responsibility for acceptance or declination rests with the Editor. Manuscripts considered by the Editors to be inappropriate for I&EC Research will be declined after an internal Editorial review. Manuscripts most likely to be declined after Editorial review are those with English deficiencies, those lacking conclusions that are clearly significant and novel, and those with contributions that are judged unlikely to attract the interest of a general applied chemistry or chemical engineering readership.

Manuscript Types

Topical Categories

Regular Articles are grouped by the Editors in each journal issue according to topical categories (Applied Chemistry; Bioengineering (e.g., biomolecular, biochemical, bioprocess, biological engineering); Kinetics, Catalysis, and Reaction Engineering; Materials and Interfaces; Process Systems Engineering; Separations; Thermodynamics, Transport, and Fluid Mechanics; or General Research). At submission, authors should suggest the category that best fits their paper. The category “General Research” should only be selected when none of the other categories are appropriate.

In addition to full-length Articles, other types of manuscripts are also published:

Reviews are welcomed in areas appropriate to the journal. Reviews should be timely and in-depth treatments that go considerably beyond a summary compilation of recent literature. They should set the chosen field in perspective and give the reader some critical guidance in the evaluation of the present state of the art or science, the planning of experiments, the interpretation of data, the design of chemical process systems, or the development of products. Acceptance is based on the same peer review system as that used for regular papers.

Research Note/Communication is a short report (typically no longer than four, 4, composed journal pages) that call attention to new ideas or data that are especially timely even though at an early stage of development. New laboratory apparatuses or procedures are especially appropriate. Research Notes are reviewed in the same way as regular articles.




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