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  • 参考译名《IEEE互联网计算》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(超星),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.50%



IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING《IEEE互联网计算》(双月刊). IEEE Internet Computing provides journal-quality evaluation and review of emerging and maturing Internet...[显示全部]
















IEEE Internet Computing Author Information

Articles should be understandable to a broad audience of science and engineering professionals and students. The writing should be down to earth, practical, and original, avoiding too much focus on theory, mathematics, jargon, and abstract concepts. Authors should not assume that the audience will have specialized experience in a particular subfield. We do not accept white papers, and we discourage strictly theoretical or mathematical papers. Accepted papers will be professionally edited for content and style.

Special-Issue and General Submissions

Manuscripts are subject to peer review on both technical merit and relevance to IC‘s international readership. Submissions must be original manuscripts of fewer than 5,000 words including all text, the abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and 250 words for each figure and table. The abstract should be no more than 150 words and should describe the overall focus of your manuscript.

An article should have no more than 20 references. IC does not accept “blanket” citations for general statements, but authors should properly reference concepts, quotations, tables, and artwork taken from other sources. For conference proceedings, we need the title of the article and the proceedings, the name of the proceedings publisher (not the conference’s location), the year of publication, and the pages cited.

Before submitting, please read our author guidelines. When you are ready to submit, please go to ScholarOne Manuscripts.

General submissions

IC invites researchers and practitioners to submit articles describing their efforts and experiences with developments and key trends in Internet technologies and applications. IC is about the engineering, science, and art of building networks and networked applications. Software systems can often be understood as layers of elements that each rely on services provided by lower layers and provide services to the layers above them. Because a skilled developer at any architectural level must be familiar with both the facilities and pragmatics of the lower levels and the requirements of higher levels, IC covers a range from just above the details of network protocols to just below the domain-specific details of applications. On the other hand, some possibilitiessuch as security and quality of service — cross-cut many or all layers and are also of great interest to our readers.

As the IEEE’s Internet publication, IC is widely available, both in print and in digital libraries, which makes it the premier place to publish novel scientific and engineering papers that have actual impact on the practice of system development. Appropriate topics of interest include but are not limited to:

programming, information, and e-commerce technologies for Internet applications;

network protocols, structures, and services;

security, reliability, manageability, and scalability in Internet application;

Internet application technologies, including streaming multimedia, collaboration, knowledge management, education, medicine, engineering  design, science, and games and entertainment;

human-interface issues for Internet systems; and

social effects/aspects of the Internet.


Departments are short, informally reviewed articles on current topics. To contribute, contact the department editors directly:


Internet Ethics: Fairness, Accountability, Transparency

Editors: Pradeep K. Murukannaiah (p.k.murukannaiah@tudelft.nl) and Munindar P. Singh (mpsingh@ncsu.edu)


Internet Governance

On governance processes that reflect the growing global dependence on the Internet

Editor: Virgilio Almeida (virgilio@dcc.ufmg.br)


Internet of Things, People, and Processes

Editor: Schahram Dustdar (dustdar@infosys.tuwien.ac.at)


Knowledge Graphs

Editor: Amit Sheth (AMIT@sc.edu)



On particular upcoming or developing Internet standards: where they came from, where they’re going, and what the challenges are

Editor: Yong Cui (cuiyong@tsinghua.edu.cn)


View from the Cloud

On foundational research, trends, and perspectives in cloud computing for researchers, academics, and practicing engineers

Editor: Ewa Deelman (deelman@isi.edu)



IC‘s “Spotlight” series features peer-reviewed tutorials and surveys (up to 3,500 words and 30 references, including approximately 250 words for each figure) on emerging technologies or new aspects of existing technologies that will provide the software platforms for Internet applications. Spotlight articles should give developers of advanced Web-based applications a practical introduction to applying the technologies and methods. Previous articles have covered a range of topics, including RDF, device independence, and Web services.

For feedback on a submission’s suitability, please contact the department editor at spotlight10@computer.org.

Open Access

This magazine is a hybrid publication, allowing either traditional manuscript submission or author-paid Open Access (OA) manuscript submission.

The OA option, if selected, enables unrestricted public access to the article via IEEE Xplore and the Computer Society Digital Library with payment of the current Article Processing Charge (APC). The OA option will be offered to the author at the time the manuscript is submitted and the APC must be paid before the article is published in the magazine. Note that authors will receive an email from CCC-Rightslink, our APC vendor, asking for payment. Please visit the IEEE Open Access FAQs for further details. Authors seeking an APC waiver should submit substantiated evidence and documentation to pubs-waivers@computer.org. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access APCs.

The traditional option, if selected, enables access to all qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore and the Computer Society Digital Library. No OA payment is required.

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