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  • 期刊简称DENT MATER J
  • 参考译名《牙科材料杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.00%



DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL《牙科材料杂志》(双月刊). Dental Materials Journal is a peer review journal published by the Japanese Society for Dental&n...[显示全部]













Instruction for Authors

(Edited 2019-4-19)

1. Papers submitted to Dental Materials Journal should be directed to the research and development of dental materials, devices and new techniques in dentistry or related fi elds. Manuscripts in the following categories are acceptable; original and review papers.

Original papers: Full length papers consisting of complete and detailed descriptions of a research problem, the experimental approach, the fi ndings and appropriate discussion.

Review papers: Intending authors should communicate with the editorial board beforehand by e-mail.

2. Manuscripts should be written in English. They should not be under consideration for publication in any other journal and must not have been previously published.

3. Manuscripts should be conforming to Dental Materials Journal style and have English language errors corrected before submission. The editorial board may return the manuscript without refereeing due to the poor style and language usage. In the case of authors who are not native speaker of English, before submission, English grammar and syntax in the manuscripts should be checked and corrected by a native English-speaking person.

4. Experimentation involving human subjects should be carried out in full accordance with ethical principle, including the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. All studies using human subjects should include an explicit statement in the Material and Methods section identifying the ethics committee approval for each study. When experimental animals are used, the manuscript must state that the care to minimize pain and discomfort was in accordance with institution guidelines.

5. All manuscripts will be sent to reviewers. Authors will be asked to revise the manuscripts according to the reviewer’s comments. Acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts will be decided by the editorial board of Dental Materials Journal.

6. Copyright of papers accepted for publication will be property of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices. Direct quotations, tables and illustrations in the published paper should be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owners.

7. The manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, on white paper of A4 size (297 mm×210 mm) with a word processor. Top, bottom and side margins should be about 25 mm. Number all pages consecutively at the middle of the bottom margin.

8. Title page of the manuscript should include the following items:

Category of the manuscript

Title (the head of title sentence in capital letters and the others in lower case)

Full names of the authors (Daisuke YAMASHITA1 and Seiji BAN2)

Institutions and addresses (including the all institutions’ addresses;

1Department of Periodontology, Graduate school of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544, Japan

2Department of Biomaterials Science, Graduate school of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544, Japan)

Key words (3-5 words and the head of each keyword in capital letters)

Numbers of reprints (number of reprints should be 50 multiples)

Corresponding author (full name; e-mail address: phone number, fax number)

9. Manuscripts should include the following items:

ABSTRACT (100-150 words)





CONCLUSION (if included)

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if applicable)


10. Proprietary names of commercial products should be expressed in parentheses by their brand names, model, company, city, states and country.

a cutting instrument (Komet-Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany)

a luting cement (Maxcem, Kerr, Orange, CA, USA)

11. Do not use the space key before ºC, º, or % in the text (2ºC, 25%).

12. Do not use the space key before and after >, =, /, ±, or × in the text (t=18, 25×70).

13. The dash markers should be used referring to three examples.

Au-Ag alloy, all-ceramic inlay, 1-mm-deep, or p18-21 (Hyphen; Unicode: 002D)

ranged in 2.53.6 mg weight or for 2025 days (n-dash; Unicode: 2013)

observed adjacent to the hybrid layer —but with differing appearances. main text□—text—□main text ( means space) (m-dash; Unicode: 2014)

14. Cite references in text should be in numerical order and used in superscript in line without any space (reference1), reference1,2) or reference2-6). ).

15. The reference applies to the Vancouver style; follow the sample references of NLM (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html). The references should be grouped in a section at the end of the text in numerical order as they appear in the text and should take the following form:

For journals

Authors' surname together with their initials (List the fi rst six authors, followed by et al.), full title of the article, the abbreviated name of the journal (as shown in Index Medicus), year, volume, inclusive page numbers.

1) Imazato S, Horikawa D, Takeda K, Kiba W, Izutani N, Yoshikawa R, et al. Proliferation and differentiation potential of pluripotent mesenchymal precursor C2C12 cells on resin-based restorative materials. Dent Mater J 2010; 29: 341-346.

For books

Authors’ surname together with their initials: title of the book, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, inclusive page numbers.

1) Anusavice KJ. In: Anusavice KJ, editor. Phillips’ science of dental materials. 11th ed. St. Louis: Saunders Co; 2003. p. 655-719.

For Proceedings

1) Sato H, Ban S, Yamasaki Y. Effect of surface treatments on bonding strength of dental zirconia ceramics to resin cements. Proceedings of the 9th Asian BioCeramics Symposium; 2009 Dec 8-11; Nagoya, Japan. Sendai: Meirin-sha; 2009. p. 8-11.

16. Figures should be numbered according to their order in the text. Each fi gure should be drawn separately. Figure captions are to appear on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.

17. Tables should be numbered according to their order in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and should be understandable without referring to the text. Standard deviations of values should be indicated in parentheses.

18. As a unit system, the international system of units (SI), MKS-system and CGS system are acceptable, whereas the yard-pound system is not permitted.

19. The variable and abbreviation of lingua Ratina should be written in italic alphabet (p<0.05, et al., i.e.).

20. When proof-reading, the author must not insert or eliminate sentences for revision purposes; only the correction of errors is allowed.

21. The publishing charge is 30,000 yen for a paper that does not exceed four Journal pages including tables and fi gures. As for charges over four pages, 9,000 yen per page will be paid by the authors. Extra charges for such as fi gures and tables preparation, color printing of photographs will also be paid by the authors. If authors do not pay publishing charge, the article may be retracted.

22. Instructions for online submission

(1) Dental Materials Journal now only accepts online submissions. All manuscripts should be submitted on the DMJ-Web site (J-STAGE).


(2) The authors should fi ll up all required information on the DMJ-Web site and upload the following fi les; a text, fi gures and tables as specifi ed forms.

Text: DOC

Table: DOC or XLS

Figure: PDF, JPG, BMP, TIF, PPT (not PPTX)

Color information: DOC or PDF

(3) All fi les should be within 20MB.

(4) The resolution of the photos and fi gures is desirable in 1200 dpi. The extra white space around the actual fi gure should be erased.

(5) Use the surname and type of document as the fi le name such as riko-text, riko-fi g3, riko-fi g10, etc.

(6) All text and fi le names should be free from non-English fonts. Times or Times New Roman is adequate.

 (7) Figure numbers and captions should be appeared on a separate page at the end of the text, not be indicated inside of the fi gure.

(8) The mode of the images can be selected from three cases in (a)-(c).

(a) If fi gures appear in gray-scale both in the printed version and in the electronic version of the journal, the illustrations should be produced in gray-scale.

(b) If fi gures appear in gray-scale in the printed version and in color in the electronic version of the journal, the illustrations should be produced in color. There will be no charges of color in the electronic version to the authors. The illustrations in gray-scale may be required together with your accepted article based on the decision by the Editor-in-Chief.

(c) If fi gures appear in color both in the printed version and in the electronic version of the journal, the illustrations should be produced in color. There will be the additional charges of color printing to the authors.

If you use the color images, please indicate your preference for (b) color in the electronic version only or (c) color both in the printed version and in the electronic version and your information of gray-scale printing or color printing for each image on a separate fi le for the color information.

23. All questions and contact sent by e-mail to the editorial offi ce should be titled as “DMJ-Inquiry”.

E-mail: edit-dmj@kokuhoken.or.jp

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