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  • 参考译名《生物材料科学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率7.70%



BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE《生物材料科学》(半月刊). Biomaterials Science is an international high impact journal exploring the science of biomaterials and th...[显示全部]













Biomaterials Science is an international high impact journal exploring the science of biomaterials and their translation towards clinical use. Its scope encompasses new concepts in biomaterials design, studies into the interaction of biomaterials with the body, and the use of materials to answer fundamental biological questions. Papers do not necessarily need to report a new biomaterial, but should provide novel insight into the biological applications of the biomaterial. Articles that primarily focus on demonstrating novel materials chemistry and bring a molecular picture to bear on a given material’s suitability as a biomaterial are more suited to our sister journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry B.

Biomaterials Science publishes primary research and review-type articles in the following areas:

molecular design of biomaterials, including translation of emerging chemistries to biomaterials

science of cells and materials at the nanoscale and microscale

materials as model systems for stem cell and human biology

materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

(Nano)materials and (nano)systems for therapeutic delivery

interactions at the biointerface

biologically inspired and biomimetic materials, including bio-inspired self-assembly systems and cell-inspired synthetic tools

next-generation biomaterials tools and methods


Article types

Biomaterials Science publishes:


Full papers






Biomaterials Science Communications contain novel scientific work of such importance that rapid publication is desirable. Authors should briefly indicate in a covering letter the reasons why they feel that publication of their work as a communication is justified. The recommended length is three printed journal pages.

Full papers

Full papers in Biomaterials Science contain original scientific work that has not been published previously. There is no page limit for full paper articles. Please note that the Royal Society of Chemistry strongly discourages the fragmentation of a substantial body of work into a number of short publications.


The purpose of a Review is to bring the reader up to date with research in a particular field. Since the readership of Biomaterials Science is wide ranging, it is essential that the Review is easily comprehensible to a non-specialist in the field. Authors are encouraged to identify areas in the field where further developments are imminent or of urgent need, and any areas (such as techniques) that may be of significance to the biomaterials community in general. Please note that Reviews in Biomaterials Science may NOT contain any original research.


Minireviews are highlights or summaries of research in an emerging area of biomaterials science (typically from the last two-three years). Minireviews are not intended to be comprehensive overviews, rather they are meant to highlight recent and important developments in that specific subject area. Minireviews should not contain any unpublished original research and should set the topic in the context of the relevant literature. A small amount of speculation of possible future developments may also be appropriate in the Conclusions section. The recommended length of a Biomaterials Science Minireview is three printed journal pages.

Comments and Replies

Comments and Replies are a medium for the discussion and exchange of scientific opinions between authors and readers concerning material published in Biomaterials Science.

For publication, a Comment should present an alternative analysis of and/or new insight into the previously published material. Any Reply should further the discussion presented in the original article and the Comment. Comments and Replies that contain any form of personal attack are not suitable for publication.

Comments that are acceptable for publication will be forwarded to the authors of the work being discussed, and these authors will be given the opportunity to submit a Reply. The Comment and Reply will both be subject to rigorous peer review in consultation with the journal’s Editorial Board where appropriate. The Comment and Reply will be published together.

Journal guidelines

There are no specific requirements regarding formatting of submissions; we recommend using the Royal Society of Chemistry template but this is not a requirement for submission. All articles accepted for publication in our journals are edited and typeset to our house style by professional editors; we will format the final publication for you.

For guidance on preparing your article please visit our Prepare your article, Resources for authors and Experimental data guidelines pages, the content of which is relevant to all of our journals. Please note the updated guidelines for electrophoretic gels and blots.

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