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  • 参考译名《生物入侵志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向环境科学与生态学-BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION生物多样性保护



BIOINVASIONS RECORDS《生物入侵志》(季刊). BioInvasions Records is an Open Access, peer-reviewed international journal focusing on field research of b...[显示全部]















BioInvasions Records: Author Guidelines

Editors' note to authors

Thank you for choosing BioInvasions Records for your manuscript. We aim to provide a professional, rigorous and timely peer review and therefore ensure that we publish your high quality papers. You, the authors, are part of this process. You can help us to maintain our high standards, and at the same time maximize your chance of acceptance and reduce manuscript processing time, by following these simple Author Guidelines.

Once the pre-review evaluation is completed your manuscript will be assigned to one of our relevant editors who will handle the review process. The handling editor will check your manuscript, obtain reports from expert reviewers, and if applicable pass this information on to you to revise your manuscript accordingly. When replying to reviewer and editor comments, please be as thorough as possible. For example, address all comments whether you follow the recommendations or not, indicate the location of revisions in your manuscript using line numbers, and, if it seems reasonable, please include revised sentences and passages in your responses. This will again help ensure efficiency and reduce time delays, as editors and reviewers will not have to try to figure out what you have done and where to find it. This will in turn influence them to view your manuscript more favourably which will increase your chances of a positive outcome.

The peer-review process is conducted through the online BIR Editorial Manager (https://www.editorialmanager.com/bioinv/). You can check the status of your submission in your personal workspace in the Editorial Manager. If necessary, you can also contact the Managing Editor Dr. Vadim Panov (bir_editor@reabic.net, vepanov@gmail.com). We welcome such enquiries and will try to deal with them quickly and as efficiently as possible, but before sending us an email, please ask yourself whether you really need to.

Below are listed some useful publications on preparation of scientific papers and the peer-review process:

1. Kalwij JM, Smit C (2013) How authors can maximize the chance of manuscript acceptance and article visibility. Learned Publishing> 26: 28–31. https://doi.org/10.1087/20130106

2. Silver P (2016) Advice for early-career peer reviewers and authors responding to peer reviews. Freshwater Science 35: 1073–1075. https://doi.org/10.1086/688968

3. Grossman GD (2017) Coping with the editorial process: considerations for early–career biologists. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 40: 269-276. Available at http://abc.museucienciesjournals.cat/files/ABC_40-2_pp_269-276.pdf

4. Taylor BW (2016) Writing an effective response to a manuscript review. Freshwater Science 35: 1082–1087. https://doi.org/10.1086/688886

5. Cassey P, Blackburn TM (2003) Publication rejection among ecologists. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 375-376. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-5347(03)00160-5 (free copy is available at ResearchGate).

Submission procedure

BioInvasions Records is an English-language journal supported by an international editorial board. BioInvasions Records is peer reviewed and accepts original, not previously published, manuscripts (see Types of manuscripts section below). Authors are kindly requested also to read the Journal Information page before submitting manuscripts.

Manuscripts should be submitted online at https://www.editorialmanager.com/bioinv/

Acknowledgement of manuscript submission will occur via automated e-mail.

In case of any technical problems with online manuscript submission, please contact the Managing Editor of BioInvasions Records, Dr. Vadim Panov by bir_submissions@reabic.net (preferable contact e-mail) or vepanov@gmail.com.

Online submissions should include three obligatory files and supporting (optional) files, not exceeding 2 Mb size each.

Obigatory files include: Title page, Manuscript and Covering letter.

Title page file (Word 2007 file) contains preferred type of manuscript, the manuscript's title, running title header (brief version of the title), and complete name, affiliation(s), and both e-mail and institutional addresses of all contributing authors. Please identify the corresponding author using an *(asterisk), and place the asterisk after the number that designates the institutional affiliation.

All persons listed as authors should have been sufficiently involved in the research to take public responsibility for its content.

Important note: The Author Contribution, Acknowledgements, Funding Declaration, Conflict of Interest/Declaration of Interests, Ethics and Permits sections should be included only in the Title page. Please see details on presentation of these sections in the Manuscript presentation section.

Manuscript file must be submitted as a single file (Word 2007 file not exceeding 2 Mb size), including line numbering, and with tables and low resolution figures embedded in the manuscript (after list of references). At the later stages of manuscript processing, authors of accepted manuscripts can, if necessary, be requested to provide high-resolution figures (see Manuscript Preparation section).

Important note: BioInvasions Records follows a double-blind review model and thus the manuscript file should be anonymous. The first page of the manuscript should not include names and contact information of authors, and the name of the document owner should be deleted using the ‘properties’ function of the file.

Covering letter (Word 2007 file): as part of the process of submission, authors are also kindly requested to provide an electronic covering letter to editors of BioInvasions Records, explaining why the work is novel, topical (under the scope of the journal - please check at the Journal Information page) and of broad international interest.

The covering letter should also include the following obligatory statements (in bold font):

the manuscript has neither been submitted nor published elsewhere (or provide details on previous submissions and formal publication decision, or copy of formal letter to the journal editor on withdrawal of manuscript);

the manuscript adheres to publisher's Ethical Guidelines (please read Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement)

the authors agree with journal publication policy, including data publication policy (please read our Data Publication Policy), and reviewing and publication decision procedure (please read Manuscript presentation and Manuscript processing after submission sections below);

the authors agree to pay article processing charges (APCs) if their manuscript is accepted for publication.

Please read Article Processing Charges section below; these include the significant reductions for members of the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET).

If relevant, please indicate in the covering letter your membership in the Association and include web link to your personal INVASIVESNET profile.

Please also provide name, address and VAT number of your institution/organization  (VAT number is needed for VAT-registered organizations from European Union countries; if applicable, the VAT number for the organization should be validated at http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vieshome.do).

Supporting (optional) files include: Supplementary figures (single Word 2007 file), Supplementary tables (single Excel 2007 file), Other supplementary materials (single Word 2007 file), Publication decisions by other journals (Word 2007 file), and Reply to comments by editor and reviewers – in case of justified rejection or withdrawal from other journal (Word 2007 file).

During online submission procedure, please also identify your submission's areas of interest and specialization by selecting one or more standard classifications, suggest minimum 5 relevant internationally recognized experts as potential reviewers for your submission, and provide specific reasons for your suggestion in the comments box for each person. Please note that the editorial office may not use your suggestions, but your help is appreciated and may speed up the selection of appropriate reviewers.

File names of submitted documents should include name of document type and date of submission of this document (Type_ year_month_date.doc, e.g. Title_page_2020_11_17).

Important note: Please keep your anonymity and delete the name of document owner (in file properties).

For the procedure on submission of revised manuscripts, please see Manuscript processing after submission section.

In case of any technical problems with online manuscript submission, please contact the Managing Editor of BioInvasions Records, Dr. Vadim Panov (bir_submissions@reabic.net or vepanov@gmail.com).

Types of manuscripts

The international journal BioInvasions Records publishes results of field research in the area of biological invasions in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including scientific accounts of biological surveys and monitoring (see Journal Information page) in the form of the following types: Editorial Papers, Letters to BioInvasions Records, BioInvasions Viewpoints, Rapid Communications, Research Articles, Reviews, Data Papers, and Special issues.




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