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  • 参考译名《生物多样性数据杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向环境科学与生态学-BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION生物多样性保护



BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL《生物多样性数据杂志》(一年1卷). Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) is a community peer-reviewed, open access, comprehensive online platf...[显示全部]








6、期刊刊期:期刊以Continuous publication形式出版,一年出版1卷。






Guidelines for Authors

BDJ uses the highly automated and user-friendly ARPHA Writing Tool (AWT), which navigates you during the authoring and submission process. A Tips & Tricks practical guide to the technicalities within the tool is also available.

The submission process in BDJ starts with creating a manuscript in AWT via the Start new manuscript button. AWT offers a number of fixed yet flexible article templates for each article type available in BDJ. Please note that the article templates cannot be changed once the writing process has started.

What article types can I choose from?

Data Paper

Description of large datasets. Should contain a link to openly accessible described data. Alternatively, datasets can be uploaded and published as supplementary files.

Forum Paper

Publication meant to initiate a discussion on a particular scientific topic.


Description of the experiments and their rationale used for a research outcome to be concluded and verified.

R Package

Description of an R Package including information on its purpose, installation and usage.

Software Description

Description of a software or online platforms. Contains a link to an openly accessible code.


Short free-text publication meant to draw attention or criticise a previously published work. Does not include original data.

Alien Species Profile

Assessment report of alien or invasive species following an IUCN-compliant species template. After publication, the article can be exported to the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD).

Interactive Key

Online interactive identification key of a given higher taxon or species group. Contains a link to an openly accessible described online key.

Research Article

Publication of a study concluding significant new and original information.

Single Taxon Treatment

Publication of a single new taxon, new synonym, change in taxonomic status, re-description, biological / ecological observations on a single species, and others.

Species Conservation Profiles

A single or multiple IUCN species assessment report(s) imported and edited in an IUCN-compliant species template.


Opinion article written by the senior editorial staff.

Short Communications

Short article (usually 3-4 pages) addressing interesting findings, unique approaches, controversial opinions, new methods or innovative technologies etc. and demands fast publication.

Manuscripts will be accepted for publication only if the following criteria are fulfilled:

Papers and associated data must contribute to a better understanding of the topic under scrutiny. Studies that have already been published or submissions that are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere will not be accepted for publication.

Previously published information should be considered and cited in compliance with the good academic practice. References should be complete and accurate. All figures included in manuscripts should be copyright free and duly acknowledge the original source.

All data underpinning an article, including data tables on which graphs are produced, must be published alongside the paper, e.g. as supplementary files, or links to external repositories where data are deposited, and contain sufficient metadata to facilitate data discovery.

Manuscripts must be submitted in English - either British/Commonwealth or American English. Authors should confirm the English language quality of their texts or alternatively request thorough linguistic editing prior to peer-review at a price. Manuscripts written in poor English are a subject of rejection prior to peer-review.

Manuscripts should be concisely written, in a good academic style, and follow a logical sequence. The voice - active or passive - and the tense used should be consistent throughout the manuscript. Results should be clearly and concisely described and supported by the data published with the article, or data published elsewhere but linked to the article.

Materials and Methods

In line with responsible and reproducible research, as well as FAIR data principles, we highly recommend that authors describe in detail and deposit their science methods and laboratory protocols in the open access repository protocols.io.

Once deposited on protocols.io, protocols and methods will be issued a unique digital object identifier (DOI), which could be then used to link a manuscript to the relevant deposited protocol. By doing this, authors could allow for editors and peers to access the protocol when reviewing the submission to significantly expedite the process. 

Furthermore, an author could open up his/her protocol to the public at the click of a button as soon as their article is published.

Stepwise instructions:

1. Prepare a detailed protocol via protocols.io.

2. Click Get DOI to assign a persistent identifier to your protocol.

3. Add the DOI link to the Methods section of your manuscript prior to submitting it for peer review.

4. Click Publish to make your protocol openly accessible as soon as your article is published (optional).

5. Update your protocols anytime.




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