Managing editor
Gunther Viereck
Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Chief editors
Antke-Elsabe Freifrau von Tiele-Winckler
Universität Rostock
Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät (AUF)
Steffen Maak
Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Muscle Biology and Growth
Manfred Mielenz
Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Christian Nawroth
Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)
Institute of Behavioural Physiology
Advisory board
Gudrun A. Brockmann
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut
Animal Breeding Biology and Molecular Genetics
Armin M. Scholz
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
Livestock Center Oberschleissheim
Veterinary Faculty
Submit your manuscript
Thank you very much for your interest in submitting a manuscript. Please find your way through the manuscript preparation and file submission:
Get ready
Prepare your assets
Files for the review process
Templates for your manuscript file
Files for journal article production
Manuscript composition
Animal welfare
Figures & tables
Maps & aerials
Mathematical notation and terminology
English guidelines and house standards
Get ready
Before submitting your manuscript for peer review, you are kindly requested to do the following:
to download the Copernicus manuscript templates for LaTeX or MS WORD, or to follow the instructions for R Markdown submissions;
to prepare your manuscript *.pdf file according to the manuscript preparation guidelines including line numbers and page numbers;
to let your co-authors, if native English speakers, look over the manuscript to expedite production time, if your manuscript will be accepted for publication;
to prepare your abstract text you will paste into the file upload form and, if applicable, your supplement file as *.pdf or *.zip archive;
to read our section on files for the review process;
to ensure that your figure files are labelled correctly with Arabic numerals (e.g. fig01, fig02), compiled as *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, or *.tif files with a resolution of 300 dpi, panels are collected into one figure file, the reproduction rights have been secured, and our guidelines for figures & tables are followed;
to ensure that your maps and aerial files follow our guidelines for maps & aerials, the reproduction rights have been secured, and copyright statements or credits are included in your maps and aerials according to the regulations of the provider;
to ensure that your references follow our guidelines for references;
to agree and comply with the general terms and the article processing charges;
to agree and comply with the licence and copyright agreement;
to agree and comply with the general obligations for authors;
to register the manuscript in order to receive a link to upload the manuscript files into the online system Copernicus Office Editor. The registration also defines the manuscript subject areas and index terms as the basis for the editor assignment.
While preparing their manuscript, authors are kindly requested to consider the manuscript review criteria to meet the quality standards and to reduce the peer-review processing time.
We recommend that any data set used in your manuscript is submitted to a reliable data repository and linked from your manuscript through a DOI. Please see our data policy.
Prepare your assets
Once your manuscript is about to appear online you will be asked upon upload of production files to provide DOIs (digital object identifiers) for assets to your work. While a supplement is stored in the journal online library alongside your work, other assets as described below must be submitted to specialized repositories. Please consider providing at least preliminary links to such assets for the period of peer review to allow reviewers to access these essential additions.
Software and model code
Data sets
Video supplements & video abstracts
Files for the review process
After the manuscript registration, you are kindly asked to upload those files which are necessary for the peer-review process. The following files are required:
the abstract as plain text to be pasted into the upload form where requested;
the complete manuscript (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, text, tables, figures) as a *.pdf file in portrait format following the standards for sectioning and structure as given below in the manuscript composition. All pages must be numbered consecutively and line numbers must be included. Figures and tables as well as their captions must be inserted in the main text near the location of the first mention (not appended to the end of the manuscript). Maps and aerials must include the copyright statements or credits following the requirements of the provider;
data sets, model code, video supplements, or other assets to your manuscript should be submitted to a reliable repository receiving a DOI, cited in your manuscript, and included in your reference list. Reviewers can then access these relevant sources.
Other possible review files include the following:
If you have supplementary material to your manuscript which does not meet the above-mentioned asset criteria to be hosted by a reliable repository, you can submit your supplement as a *.zip archive or single *.pdf file. The overall file size of such a supplement is limited to 50 MB. Larger supplements have to be submitted to a reliable data repository in any case receiving a DOI, cited in your manuscript, and included in your reference list.
Templates for your manuscript file
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Technical instructions for LaTeX
Technical instructions for MS Word and compatible formats
Technical instructions for R Markdown
Files for journal article production
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After the final acceptance of your manuscript for publication in the journal, you will be informed by email and are kindly asked to complete the file upload for the publication production process. Then, please submit the following files:
the actual text followed by the table(s) and figure caption(s) prepared in the way as outlined in the manuscript preparation as one file in LaTeX (as a *.tex file) or MS Word format (as a *.doc/*.docx file). Although initials are used in reference lists, please use full first names on the title page;
all figures as individual files in one *.zip archive without any subfolders, numbered (e.g. f01, f02, ..., f11) and prepared as outlined in the figure guidelines. Possible figure formats are *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, and *.gif. You are kindly asked to find the best balance between quality of figures (and submitted material) and overall file size. Individual figures should not exceed 5 MB, and the overall size of all submitted files excluding supplements should not exceed 30 MB.
During this file upload you are asked to (a) define your assets (optional) and (b) include a short summary. Assets are data sets, model code, or video supplements corresponding to your manuscript and should be submitted to a reliable repository including the receipt of a DOI and the citation in your manuscript. A short summary is a 500-character (incl. spaces) non-technical text that may be used to promote your work to a broader audience. It should highlight your main conclusions and results, and what the implications are. If possible, please also summarize briefly why you did the research and how you did it.
Manuscript composition
Title page: the title page must include the title (concise but informative), author first and last names, full institutional addresses of all authors, and correspondence email for proofs. Deceased co-authors should be marked accordingly, and an affiliation is not required.
Abstract: the abstract should be intelligible to the general reader without reference to the text. After a brief introduction of the topic, the summary recapitulates the key points of the article and mentions possible directions for prospective research. Reference citations should not be included in this section, unless urgently required, and abbreviations should not be included without explanations. An abstract should be short, clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
Copyright statement: the copyright statement will be included by Copernicus, if applicable.
Sections: the headings of all sections, including introduction, results, discussions or summary must be numbered. Three levels of sectioning are allowed, e.g. 3, 3.1, and 3.1.1. The abbreviation "Sect." should be used when it appears in running text and should be followed by a number unless it comes at the beginning of a sentence. Footnotes should be avoided in the text, as they tend to disrupt the flow of the text. If absolutely necessary, they should be numbered consecutively. Footnotes to tables should be marked by lowercase letters.
Appendices: all material required to understand the essential aspects of the paper such as experimental methods, data, and interpretation should preferably be included in the main text. Additional figures, tables, as well as technical and theoretical developments which are not critical to support the conclusion of the paper, but which provide extra detail and/or support useful for experts in the field and whose inclusion in the main text would disrupt the flow of descriptions or demonstrations may be presented as appendices. These should be labelled with capital letters: Appendix A, Appendix B etc. Equations, figures and tables should be numbered as (A1), Fig. B5 or Table C6, respectively. Please keep in mind that appendices are part of the manuscript whereas supplements (see below) are published along with the manuscript.
Code availability
Data availability
Executable research compendium (ERC)
Video supplement
Supplement link: the link to the supplement will be included by Copernicus, if applicable.
Team list: if your manuscript has been co-authored by a team, please indicate the team name in the author list on the title page of your manuscript and then add a section "Team list" providing the names of the team members and, optionally, the affiliations.
Author contribution: authors are required to add a section "Author contribution" before the acknowledgements in which the contributions of all co-authors are briefly described. Example: "AA and BB designed the experiments and CC carried them out. DD developed the model code and performed the simulations. AA prepared the manuscript with contributions from all co-authors." We recommend using the CRediT contributor roles taxonomy.
Competing interests: a declaration of all potential conflicts of interest is required by Copernicus Publications as this is an integral aspect of a transparent record of scientific work. Please see our competing interests policy.
If there are no competing interests in their submitted manuscripts, authors should state: "The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest."
If there are possible conflicts of interest, authors must state what competing interests are relevant to the submitted work: "Author A is a member of the editorial board of the journal. Author B has received research funding from Company Y. Author C is a member of committee Z."
Special issue statement: the statement on a corresponding special issue will be included by Copernicus, if applicable.
Animal welfare
In the abstract, please state the organism(s) studied. Experimental research, field studies, and other non-experimental research must comply with institutional, national, or international guidelines, as well as relevant legislation. Please note that an ethics statement is required and must be included after the conclusions whenever results of animal research are reported. In addition, a statement detailing compliance with the relevant guidelines/permissions/licences must be included in the manuscript. The ethics statements should explicitly contain relevant information on the endeavour to reduce animal suffering and state which ethics committee approved the work, as well as the associated permit number(s) (if applicable). If no ethical consent was required, this must be clearly stated and justified in the manuscript. Please also note that you are requested to document adherence to best practices in veterinary care. For further guidance on ethics and animal welfare, please see the ICLAS guidelines and the Ag guide.
Figures & tables
Figure composition: it is important for the production process that separate figures are submitted. Composite figures containing multiple panels should be collected into one file before submission. The figures should be labelled correctly with Arabic numerals (e.g. fig01, fig02). They can be submitted in *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, or *.tif format and should have a resolution of 300 dpi. The width should not be less than 8 cm. A legend should clarify all symbols used and should appear in the figure itself, rather than verbal explanations in the captions (e.g. "dashed line" or "open green circles"). The produced paper file will contain all figures in *.jpg or *.png format. However, if authors use vector graphics, readers can download such files labelled "high-resolution" from the full-text HTML version online.
Tips for producing high-quality line graphics:
The first choice should be vector graphics in *.eps or *.pdf format. Fonts must be embedded. Please make sure that the *.pdf files do not contain hidden objects. If you want to adjust fonts in your original figure file before converting into *.pdf, please make sure that you change the actual font of the original figure rather than adding text boxes or other additional layers.
Please use only one font family in your figures (e.g. Arial or Helvetica) and consider using sans-serif fonts. Keep in mind that the usage of regular, italic, bold, and bold-italic of one font family already leads to four different fonts that must be embedded or adjusted by our image processors in case of text corrections within figures.
If the processing of your vector figures requires an exceptional amount of time due to multiple fonts or hidden objects, we reserve the right to convert your *.eps or *.pdf figures into *.png files for the further production process.
If the usage of vector graphics is not possible, a bitmap image should be saved in a "non-lossy" format (e.g. *.png). A high quality is recommended. It is always possible to reduce the size of the figure later.
The *.jpg format should only be used for photos. It is not suitable for sharp edges. Note that it is not advisable to convert a *.jpg file back to *.png. If *.jpg files must be used please save them with high quality.
If you are not able to fulfil the above-mentioned criteria, it is also possible to submit figures produced with Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign in the original file format. Our image processors will then produce the figures from these source files.
For maps and charts, please keep colour blindness in mind and avoid the parallel usage of green and red. For a list of colour scales that are illegible to a significant number of readers, please visit ColorBrewer 2.0.
The abbreviation "Fig." should be used when it appears in running text and should be followed by a number unless it comes at the beginning of a sentence, e.g.: "The results are depicted in Fig. 5. Figure 9 reveals that...".
Figure content guidelines: in order to facilitate consistency with our language and typesetting guidelines applied to the text of the manuscript, please keep the following in mind when producing your figures:
Labels of panels must be included with brackets around letters being lower case (e.g. (a), (b), etc.).
Ranges need an en dash and no spaces between start and end (e.g. 1–10, Jan–Feb).
Coordinates need a degree sign and a space when naming the direction (e.g. 30° N, 25° E).
Spaces must be included between number and unit (e.g. 1 %, 1 m).
Units must be written exponentially (e.g. W m–2).
Common abbreviations to be applied: hour as h (not hr), kilometre as km, metre as m.
Capitalization: only the first word is capitalized in headers (in addition to proper nouns). More guidelines are provided in section English guidelines and house standards.
Figure captions: each illustration should have a concise but descriptive caption. The abbreviations used in the figure must be defined, unless they are common abbreviations or have already been defined in the text. Figure captions should be included in the text file and not in the figure files.
File size: authors are kindly asked to find the best balance between the quality of figures and submitted material on the one hand, and a manageable file size on the other hand. Individual figures in the *.pdf format should not exceed 2 MB, file types other than *.pdf should not exceed 5 MB per figure, and the overall size of all submitted files, excluding supplements, should not exceed 30 MB.
Plot data: authors are encouraged to publicize the data needed to create the plots, which are included in the manuscript, in order to enable reviewers and readers to reproduce the plots. Ideally, such plot data is treated like any other research data and should be deposited in FAIR-aligned data repositories that assign persistent identifiers (see section data sets).
Tables: they should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. For the production of the accepted manuscript, they should be submitted as MS WORD or included in the LaTeX file. Tables submitted as a PDF or an image file cannot be processed. Tables should be self-explanatory and include a concise, yet sufficiently descriptive caption. Horizontal lines should normally only appear above and below the table, and as a separator between the head and the main body of the table. Please note that the word "Table" is never abbreviated and should be capitalized when followed by a number (e.g. Table 4).
Reproduction and reuse of figures and tables: authors must secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere, and corresponding citations must be included in the text as well as in the captions. If distribution licences other than CC BY are applied, corresponding statements must be included in the captions. If authors adapt figures from other authors they must still cite the original authors and indicate that the figure was adapted. There are three cases:
Figures entirely compiled by the manuscript authors: since such figures are part of the manuscript they will receive the same distribution licence as the entire manuscript, namely a CC BY License. No citation is needed and no reproduction rights must be obtained.
Figures entirely taken from another author: such figures do not follow the distribution licence of the manuscript. A citation must properly indicate the original source and reproduction rights must be granted before submitting your manuscript.
Figures adapted from another author: although you adapted such a figure and included your own intellectual work, the underlying figure is still taken from another source. The citation in the figure caption must indicate the adaptation (e.g. "(adapted from Smith et al., 2014)") and the reproduction rights must be granted before submission.