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  • 参考译名《南极科学》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子1.638(2020)
  • 自引率



ANTARCTIC SCIENCE《南极科学》(双月刊). Antarctic Science provides a truly international forum for the broad spread of studies that increasingly ...[显示全部]














Instructions for authors

Publication Policy

Antarctic Science is an international journal, published online by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Antarctic Science Ltd, for the whole Antarctic science community. Original papers are accepted from scientists of any nation, subject to peer review by at least two expert referees (only one in the case of Short Notes). Papers must present scientific results or interpretations that are new, or describe major advances in technology and their application, and have not been published elsewhere. Submissions may relate to any field of science, except medical research. Authors should state, when submitting, if the paper has originally been submitted elsewhere. Failure to do this may result in immediate rejection.

Authors should ensure that papers conform as closely as possible to the format set out here to facilitate publication as speedily as possible.

Papers should focus on Antarctica, the sub-Antarctic and the Southern Ocean. Papers making comparisons with other regions will also be acceptable.

Antarctic Science is published in only in English. The Editors particularly welcome papers with a multidisciplinary approach. There are no page charges, though an Open Access option is available. Antarctic Science publishes guest editorials (limited to one page), opinions, synthesis and research papers (no fixed length), short notes and stratigraphical notes (up to two pages) and book reviews. Taxonomic papers are not acceptable unless they deal with broader interdisciplinary questions of biogeography or evolution.

An entire issue of the journal may be devoted to publishing the proceedings of an Antarctic meeting. Organizers interested in this should contact the Editors immediately after the meeting programme is finalized. A financial contribution towards the costs of publication may be required and all papers will be subject to normal refereeing and editing.

The Antarctic Treaty requires that data and information from Antarctic research is made freely available. The journal requests that authors deposit their data in an open repository and make a clear statement at the end of the paper of its location and accessibility.

The Editors assume that those authors who publish in the journal will be happy to review submissions in their own field.


Submission of manuscripts is now only online via the website:


Detailed instructions for submitting your manuscript online can be found at the submission website by clicking on the ‘Instructions and Forms’ link in the top right hand of the screen; and then clicking on the ‘Online Submission Instructions for Authors’ icon on the following page.

All papers must be in English, double-spaced with a left hand margin with all pages numbered. Authors whose first language is not English should seek editorial help from English-speaking associates, or professional services, before submitting their manuscript. Spelling must conform to that of the Oxford English Dictionary (e.g. 'z' rather than 's' spellings).

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter stating the ms has been read and approved by all authors and is an original publication. The corresponding (submitting) author is solely responsible for communicating with the journal and with managing communication between co-authors. Before submission, the corresponding author ensures that all authors are included in the author list, its order has been agreed by all authors, and that all authors are aware that the paper was submitted.

At submission, the corresponding author must include written permission from the authors of the work concerned for mention of any unpublished material included in the manuscript, for example others' data, in press manuscripts, personal communications or work in preparation. The corresponding author also must clearly identify at submission any material within the manuscript that has previously been published elsewhere by other authors (for example, figures) and provide written permission from those authors and/or publishers, as appropriate, for the re-use of such material. The dates of receipt and acceptance of the paper will be published.

Contributors MUST suggest up to six suitable reviewers, who may be used at the Editors’ discretion. Do not suggest reviewers from the same department or ones with whom you have any financial or supervisory links.

A running header of up to 50 characters should be given.

On acceptance of a revised ms for publication an electronic version must be submitted to:


Text must be produced on an IBM-compatible PC system as a Word, WordPerfect or Rich Text File (rtf).




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