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  • 参考译名《统计数理研究所年鉴》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率8.80%
  • 主要研究方向数学-STATISTICS & PROBABILITY统计学与概率论



Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics《统计数理研究所年鉴》(双月刊). Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM) aims to p...[显示全部]














Contact the journal

Submission-related enquiries

Queries about submission issues, peer review process, or the status of your manuscript should be sent to Editorial Office (external support: editsec@ism.ac.jp).

Production-related enquiries

Queries about accepted manuscripts in production or post-publication corrections should be sent to Dhivya Balaji (Dhivya.Balaji@springer.com).

Rights and Permissions enquiries

For permission requests to reuse or reprint content, please follow the link ‘Rights and permissions’ on the relevant article page. For other queries, contact journalpermissions@springernature.com.

Publication-related enquiries

Queries related to journal publishing should be sent to Chino Hasebe (Chino.Hasebe@springer.jp).




Information for Authors


The Editors encourage prospective authors to submit manuscripts within the scope of Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM). To qualify for publication, papers must be previously unpublished and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The accepted language is English. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.


Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer their copyright to the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (for U.S. or U.K. government employees: to the extent transferable). Transfer of copyright becomes effective when the article is accepted for publication. Copyright guidelines will be sent to authors at the time of acceptance.

Submission of Papers

Manuscripts in pdf format should be submitted via the Editorial Manager online submission for the journal at


It is recommended to use the AISM style file for LaTeX2e, at http://www.ism.ac.jp/editsec/aism/aism-style.zip. Authors should ensure that the submitted files have been correctly converted to the desired format. A revision is expected to arrive within two years after the decision is sent to authors. After two years, the right is reserved to view the paper as a new submission.

ya-r.gifTroubleshooting of Editorial Manager


Manuscripts should be arranged as follows: (1) title page, (2) abstract, keywords, (3) text, (4) appendices (if necessary), (5) acknowledgements (when appropriate), (6) references, (7) tables and (8) figures. All pages should be numbered. The maximum length of the manuscript should not normally exceed 30 pages. The Editors reserve the right to refuse to receive manuscripts that have excessive lengths or have overstuffed pages with immoderately small fonts.

The title page should include the article title, the authors' names, the authors' affiliations and addresses, and any necessary footnotes. Authors' present addresses, if different, should be footnoted. The title should be brief, clear and informative of the contents of the paper. A proposed running head of less than 60 characters and spaces should be included in the footnote. For co-authors, it is desirable to indicate in the last footnote the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent, otherwise they will be sent to the first-named author.

Abstract: Each manuscript should be preceded by an abstract of no more than 150 words in a single paragraph. The abstract should state results in such a way that the reader can evaluate their significance. References should not be cited in the abstract.

Keywords: Immediately after the abstract no more than ten key words or phrases are to be supplied to represent the subject matter of the paper.

The text should be reasonably subdivided into sections and subsections as necessary. In the text, footnotes should be avoided as far as possible.

References: In the text, each reference is cited by the last name(s) of author(s) and the year of publication in parentheses shown below. If two or more publications are listed for the same author(s) in the same year, distinguish them by a,b,c, etc. after the year.

One author: Fisher (1932), Brown (1985, 1986), Hall (1978a, b)

Two authors: Johnson and Kotz (1982)

Three or more authors: Davis et al. (1977)

All the references should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order by the last name of the authors, or of the first-named author for co-authors references. Multiple entries for the same author(s) should be arranged chronologically. Names of journals must be spelled out completely and no abbreviations used unless that is the actual title of the journal. References should include the year of publication, full title, source, volume number, and inclusive page numbers according to the following style:

Journal :

Akaike, H. (1974). A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-19, 716-723.

Book :

Feller, W. (1966). An introduction to probability theory and its applications. Vol.2. New York: Wiley.

Edited book :

Akaike, H. (1998). On a zero-one process and some of its applications. In E. Parzen, K. Tanabe and G. Kitagawa (Ed.) Selected papers of Hirotugu Akaike (pp. 29- 36). New York: Springer.

Technical report :

Ogata, Y. (2001). Slip-size dependent renewal processes and Bayesian inferences for uncertainties, Research Memo., No.820, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo.

Tables: Tables should be restricted to the minimum necessary. They should be typed on separate sheets and must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance. A brief descriptive title should be typed above each table. Any necessary footnotes in tables should be indicated directly below them by reference marks or by superscript lowercase letters. The approximate places of tables for their insertion should be indicated in the manuscript.

Figures: All illustrations are to be regarded as figures and they should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance. Figures must be of a quality suitable for direct reproduction. In some cases, the authors will be requested to offer professional artwork if the paper is accepted. The number of figures is to be restricted as much as possible. Color figures will appear in color on the Web regardless of whether or not these illustrations are reproduced in color in the printed version. For color reproduction in print, the authors will receive information regarding the costs from the publisher at the time of proofreading.

Equations: Only the equations to which reference is made in the text should be numbered consecutively at the righthand margin by enclosing in parentheses as (1), (2), etc.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary material may contain technical derivations and proofs, additional figures and tables, datasets, computer codes, and computer programs. Supplementary material can be viewed online at the AISM website. An executable file is not acceptable.


Page proofs will be supplied by the publisher directly to the corresponding author. These should be corrected and returned within 48 hours of receipt; otherwise the paper might be published without the author's proofreading. No substantial changes by the author will be accepted at this stage of proofreading, except where advance permission has been obtained from the Editorial Committee. Costs arising from changes in proof, other than of printer's errors, will be charged to the authors.

Page charges and Reprints

There will be no page charge. Thirty reprints of each paper will be supplied free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased from the publisher and should be ordered when the proofs are returned. Orders after publication cannot be filled at regular reprint prices.

Research Data Policy

Please refer to this page.

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