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Vasa-European Journal of Vascular Medicine《欧洲血管医学杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称VASA
  • 参考译名《欧洲血管医学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



Vasa-European Journal of Vascular Medicine《欧洲血管医学杂志》(双月刊). Vasa publishes original research articles, case reports and reviews on vascular b...[显示全部]













Vasa-European Journal of Vascular Medicine

Instructions to authors

Vasa – European Journal of Vascular Medicine – publishes papers from clinical and experimental angiology; all papers must not have been published elsewhere nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All original papers, reviews, case reports, and letters to the Editor must be in English. Acceptance of the paper by editors automatically transfers the copyright to the publishers in accordance with existing copyright laws.


The author confirms and guarantees on behalf of themself and any coauthors that they hold all copyrights to the submitted contribution, including any figures, photographs, line drawings, plants, maps, sketches, and tables, and that the article and its contents do not infringe in any way on the rights of third parties. Upon acceptance of the article for publication, the author agrees to transfer to the publisher the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article and its contents, both physically and in non-physical, electronic, or other form, in the journal to which it has been submitted and in other independent publications, with no limitations on the number of copies or on the form or the extent of distribution. These rights are transferred for the duration of the copyright as defined by Swiss law. Furthermore, the author transfers to the publisher the following exclusive rights to the article and its contents:

The rights to produce advance copies, reprints or offprints of the article, in full or in part, to undertake or allow translations into other languages, to distribute other forms or modified versions of the article, and to produce and distribute summaries or abstracts.

The rights to microfilm and microfiche editions or similar, the rights to use the article and its contents in videotext, teletext, and similar systems, the right to record the content or reproduce it to other, digital or analogue, including electronic, magnetic, and optical media, and in multimedia form, as well as for public broadcasting in radio, television, or other forms of broadcasting. The rights to store the article and its contents in machine-readable or electronic form on all media (such as computer disks, compact disks, magnetic tape), to store the article and its contents in online databases belonging to the publisher or to third parties for viewing or for downloading by third parties, and to present or reproduce the article or its contents on visual display screens, monitors, and similar devices, either directly or via data transmission.

The rights to reproduce and distribute the article and its contents by all other means, including photomechanical and similar processes (such as photocopying or facsimile), and as part of so-called document delivery services.

The right to transfer any or all of the rights mentioned in this agreement as well as the rights retained by the Verwertungsgesellschaft «WORT» including the corresponding royalty rights to third parties within or outside of Switzerland.

Manuscript submission

Authors should submit the manuscript in electronic form to http://www.editorialmanager.com/vasa. The online manuscript submission and review system for the journal offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures. This system supports a wide range of submission file formats: for manuscripts – Word, WordPerfect, RTF, TXT, and LaTex; for figures – TIFF, GIF, JPEG, EPS, PPT, and Postscript. Each page of the manuscript should contain the page number in the upper right-hand corner. Please do not submit any hard copies of the manuscript. Please note that your manuscript will not be edited or corrected by the publisher, it will only be formally and correctly implemented. Particular attention must be paid to linguistic correctness.

When submitting a review article the journal prefers a systematic review rather than a narrative one. Please adhereto the PRISMA guidelines (http://www.prisma-statement.org/).

Editorials are only accepted by invitation.

Preparation of the manuscript

Ethics of investigation on human subjects: In manuscripts describing research on humans, the authors should include a statement that the protocol was reviewed and approved by the appropriate ethical committee.

The Editorial Manager automatically creates a title page; hence, it does not need to be included. The maximum lenghth per article in the different categories is defined as follows:


max. 1,500 words and 15 references


max. 7,000 words and 75 references

Original communications

max. 4,000 words and 30 references

Case report

max. 2,000 words and 20 references

Letter to the editor

max. 600 words and 5 references


The summary should contain a maximum of 300 words. For original contributions, it should be structured (Background, Patients and methods, Results, Conclusions).

Main body

There is a maximum of 12 authors. The first given names are written out in full. Further co-workers like participating clinics or board members are mentioned in the text before the references. The paper itself should be structured according to international standards and contain the following sections: Introduction, Material and methods or Patients and methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusions, if necessary with subheadings. There are no colons in the title, but dashes.

Frequently used abbreviations should be written out upon first mentioning, followed by the proper abbreviation in parentheses.

Word count

The total word count must be indicated in the main body document. Tables should be numbered sequentially in Roman numerals. Figures should be submitted in reproducible form (unscreened originals, black-and-white glossies, laser printouts of graphs, slides) and numbered sequentially in Arabic numbers. The figure legends should be added on a separate sheet. The abbreviations in the tables and figures must all be explained in the corresponding legend. There are colons as equal signs and semicolons as separators, a point is set after the legends. Only a total of 6 figures and tables are allowed, these must also be mentioned in the text.

Electronic supplementary material

Electronic supplementary material (ESM) may be submitted. This material (further tables, figures, audio and video files, etc.) will be published online only and with free access. The ESM material has its own numbering, detached from the pictures in the text. The last chapter of the text describes the ESM. Each individual material is explained there in one sentence. Please ensure that any ESM submitted with the article are in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The reference list should be submitted as a separate document and should conform to the Vancouver Style (see examples). References are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned. Each reference is listed once only, with the number in square brackets.

Only up to six authors of each reference can be listed, the rest must be abbreviated by “et al.”. References in the text should be put in square brackets, except when authors are mentioned for stylistic reasons. The journal names should be abbreviated in accordance with the List of Journals in the Index Medicus. The DOI number appears only if the paper has not yet been printed.


Murphy MP, Lawson JH, Rapp BM, Dalsing MC, Klein J, Wilson MG, et al. Autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy is safe and promotes amputation-free survival in patients with critical limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2011;53:1565–74.

Wester T, Jorgensen JJ, Stranden E, Sandbaek G, Tjonnfjord G, Bay D, et al. Treatment with autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in patients with critical lower limb ischaemia. A pilot study. Scand J Surg. 2008;97:56–62.

Benoit E, O’Donnell TF, Iafrati MD, Asher E, Bandyk DF, Hallett JW, et al. The role of amputation as an outcome measure in cellular therapy for critical limb ischemia: implications for clinical trial design. J Transl Med. 2011;9:165.

Barc P, Skora J, Pupka A, Turkiewicz D, Dorobisz AT, Gargarek J, et al. Bone-marrow cells in therapy of critical limb ischemia of lower extremities – our own experience. Acta Angiologica. 2006;12:155–66.

The correspondence address must be entered directly into the system (Editorial Manager) and encompass academic title and complete address, including international country abbreviation and e-mail address.

Body text, tables and references are to be entered only at the appropriate places in the EM, not at the same time as a complete manuscript in the body text.

The galley proof will shall be sent to the corresponding author. Changes of content or style should be made only in exceptional cases. Correction costs exceeding 5 % of the typesetting costs will be invoiced to the author(s).

Access to the article

With the first online publication of each accepted article the corresponding author is granted access to the publisher's version of the article with the possibility to download it (PDF). This version is for personal use only, which includes the distribution to the co-authors.

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