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  • 参考译名
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.90%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-PLANT SCIENCES 植物科学



Willdenowia(四月一刊). Willdenowia, published by the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Berlin, features research on plant, algal and fun...[显示全部]






4、官网电话:+49 (0)30 838 50137







Instructions for authors & submission of manuscripts

Willdenowia instructions for authors

Willdenowia instructions for authors (December 2020)

Willdenowia is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing original research articles in English from the entire fields of plant, algal and fungal systematics, covering the evolution, taxonomy and nomenclature of these organisms as well as related fields such as floristics and plant geography. Articles on phylogeny and molecular systematics are especially welcome, as are review articles. Descriptions of new taxa may be considered, but only if supported by robust evidence. Narrowly regional studies of widespread taxa, routine nomenclature and typifications, checklists and new floristic records are generally not considered (excluding contributions to the Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae). Authors are encouraged to deposit duplicates of their material, especially nomenclatural types, in the Berlin herbarium (B).

Willdenowia is published in an open-access online edition and a print edition. Authors of articles retain copyright under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use provided the original author and source are credited (see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

A manuscript submitted for publication must be accompanied by a written and signed statement confirming that (1) neither the manuscript nor parts of it have been published before, (2) it is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, and (3) it has been read and approved by all authors. Manuscripts or proofs already published on preprint platforms (e.g. bioRxiv) are not accepted. Material, e.g. illustrations, already published elsewhere is not normally accepted; exceptions are subject to any required permission from the copyright holder already having been obtained by the author.

Manuscripts must conform to the style and editorial standards of Willdenowia. Manuscripts are submitted by e-mail as a Word document (DOCX or RTF, but not DOC). Illustrations may be embedded at the end of the manuscript or sent as separate images.

Manuscripts are subject to peer review by experts in the field. The author for correspondence receives the decision on acceptance or otherwise of a manuscript from the Editor immediately after the conclusion of the peer-review process.

Authors are asked to revise their manuscripts to accommodate recommendations of the reviewers and the Editor.

When preparing a manuscript, consult the most recent issues of Willdenowia (either the print edition or the PDF documents in the online edition at https://bioone.org/journals/willdenowia) and follow this format strictly. British (U.K.) English spelling is used. In particular, be sure to conform with the following standards:

The manuscript must be headed by a concise and informative title and the full name(s) of the author(s) and their address(es); if there is more than one author, identify the author for correspondence. ORCID IDs (https://orcid.org/) may be included. An abstract of up to 200 words followed by up to 15 key words should precede the main text. The main text should be followed by acknowledgements, references and finally figures and tables with their captions.

Scientific names of taxa must be in accordance with Turland N. J. & al. (ed.): International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code), 2018 (https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018) and are, at all ranks, written in italic font, as recommended by the Code. Personal names are not written in (small) capitals. Authors of scientific names (except above the rank of genus) are cited at the first occurrence of such a name in the manuscript and are abbreviated in conformity with the International Plant Names Index (https://www.ipni.org/), except that spaces are used after full stops (periods), e.g. R. Br., W. D. J. Koch, L. f., Müll. Arg.

Synonymies and type citations appear in a standardized format; please consult recent issues of Willdenowia, in particular for the arrangement of heterotypic (taxonomic) and homotypic (nomenclatural) synonyms and their types.

Titles of serials in bibliographic citations following scientific names are separated from the author citation by “in” and abbreviated in conformity with Bridson G. D. R. & al.: BPH-2. Periodicals with botanical content. Constituting a second edition of Botanico-periodicum-huntianum 1 – 2, 2004 (https://huntbot.org/bph/). Titles of serials not listed in BPH-2 are abbreviated according to the abbreviation standards there defined.

Titles of monographs are separated from the author citation by a comma and are abbreviated in conformity with Stafleu F. A. & Cowan R. S.: Taxonomic literature, ed. 2 [TL-2], 1 – 7, 1976 – 1988; and Supplements 1 – 8, 1992 – 2009 (https://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/tl-2/index.cfm), except that all components start with capital letters. Titles of monographs not listed in TL-2 are abbreviated in conformity with the International Plant Names Index (https://www.ipni.org/).

Label data of herbarium specimens, when standardized rather than cited literally, are given in the following sequence:

Country, political subdivision or region, locality, [optionally also coordinates, altitude, habitat], date, collector(s) [and, if available] collection number (herbarium code [and, if available] barcode/accession number). Standard herbarium codes follow Thiers B. 2020+: Index herbariorum (http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/). For example: China, Yunnan, Gongshan Xian, about 4 direct km S of Gawagapu mountain and c. 15.9 direct km WSW of Bingzhongluo, 27°58'29"N, 98°28'29"E, 3880 m, 25 Aug 2006, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 31398 (CAS 1089187).

When permits are required for collecting and exporting samples and conducting research, these should be cited in the acknowledgements or under the material and methods.

Figures (Fig.), including drawings, photographs, diagrams and maps, are numbered with a single run of Arabic numerals in each article. The same applies to tables (Table). Scale must be indicated in illustrations; please draw in scale bars and give the corresponding measurements in the caption. Elements within figures are lettered A, B, C, etc.

Identification keys conform to the following example (other formats, e.g. indented keys, are not accepted):

1. Petal limb with a dark spot at base; capsule membranous; basal leaves fleshy or succulent, subglabrous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. S. sedoides

Petal limb without a dark spot at base; capsule relatively firm and opaque, rarely submembranous; basal leaves fleshy, sparsely hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Capsule 6 mm long or more, oblong; cauline leaves obovate to ovate; anthers lilac; hyaline margin of calyx teeth smooth or shortly and sparsely hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6. S. integripetala

Capsule 6 mm long or less, ovoid or oblong; cauline leaves spatulate to obovate; anthers white or pale lilac; hyaline margin of calyx teeth ciliate-fringed and often glandular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Bibliographical references in the text are cited in the following form: Webb & Camarasa (1972) or (Webb &


1972); if the page number is stated, Webb & Camarasa (1972: 267); or, if there are more than two authors, Filipowicz & al. (2012). All bibliographical references cited in the text, and only those cited, are listed at the end of the manuscript, under the heading References.

References at the end of the manuscript are cited according to the following examples. For further examples see recent articles in Willdenowia (either the print edition or the PDF documents in the online edition). References are cited in the original language and, in case of non-Latin script, either in that script or transliterated; additional translations, if appropriate, are enclosed in square brackets. Titles of serials are abbreviated in conformity with BPH-2 (see above); titles of monographs are cited in full. DOIs (digital object identifiers) need not be cited because they will be looked up and embedded in the online edition during the editorial process.

Filipowicz N., Nee M. H. & Renner S. S. 2012: Description and molecular diagnosis of a new species of Brunfelsia (Solanaceae) from the Bolivian and Argentinean Andes. – PhytoKeys 10: 83 – 94.

Kükenthal G. 1909: Cyperaceae – Caricoideae. – In: Engler A. (ed.), Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis conspectus

IV. 20 (Heft 38). – Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.

Linnaeus C. 1753: Species plantarum. – Holmiae: Laurentii Salvii.

Thiers B. 2020+ [continuously updated]: Index herbariorum: a global directory of public herbaria and associated staff.

New York Botanical Garden’s virtual herbarium. – Published at http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/ [accessed 1 Dec 2020].

Webb D. A. & Camarasa J. M. 1972: Odontites Ludw. – Pp. 266 – 269 in: Tutin T. G., Heywood V. H., Burges N. A., Moore D. M., Valentine D. H., Walters S. M. & Webb D. A. (ed.), Flora europaea 3. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

After acceptance of the manuscript, submit illustrations as digital images (in TIF format, not previously saved in JPG format). Images may be (1) in greyscale or colour mode with a resolution of at least 400 pixels per inch, or (2) line illustrations in bitmap mode (i.e. black and white only, not greyscale or colour) with a resolution of 1200 pixels per inch, in each case using a size at least equal to the size to be printed. Illustrations and tables including the space needed for the caption must fit into the available area on a page (16.5 × 24 cm). Colour illustrations are reproduced in colour in both the online and print editions.

A single set of proofs is sent once and, except upon contrary instructions, to the author for correspondence. The author is expected to check and correct them carefully and return them without delay.

Printed reprints are not produced. Instead, the author for correspondence receives the DOI of the open-access online article, where a PDF document may be downloaded. The authors (who retain the copyright under the CC BY 4.0 licence) may make the article freely available by self-archiving, individually, institutionally or in a subject-based open-access repository.

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts primarily concerning nomenclature or the description of new taxa will be considered for publication only in exceptional circumstances. It is recommended that authors consult the Editor before submitting such a manuscript.

Please read the instructions for authors first.

Then manuscripts may be submitted by e-mail to:

The Editor of Willdenowia

Nicholas Turland

Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin

Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8

14195 Berlin


Tel.: +49 (0)30 838 50137

E-Mail: n.turland@bgbm.org

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