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Biochemia Medica《生物化学医学》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《生物化学医学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子3.653
  • 自引率7.90%



Biochemia Medica《生物化学医学》(一年3期). Biochemia Medica, the official journal of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medici...[显示全部]








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Instructions for Authors

General considerations

Biochemia Medica is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, aimed to all professionals who share the same interest in medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine.

Manuscripts are published in English language only. All submitted manuscripts are given equal consideration, irrespective of the country they originate from, as long as the following main criteria are met:

A manuscript is written and prepared according to the Journal’s Instructions for authors.

A manuscript is within the scope of the Journal

Following categories fit into the scope of the Journal: general clinical chemistry, haematology and haemostasis, molecular diagnostics and endocrinology. Development, validation and verification of analytical techniques and methods applicable to clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine are welcome as well as studies dealing with laboratory organization, automation and quality control. Journal publishes on a regular basis educative pre-analytical case reports (Pre-analytical mysteries), articles dealing with applied biostatistics (Lessons in biostatistics) and research integrity (Research integrity corner).

Genetic association studies, studies on animal models and/or cell cultures are not in the scope of the Biochemia Medica journal.

Authors are invited to contact the Editorial Board, if in doubt about any aspect of scope, format or content of a proposed contribution.

Throughout the entire editorial process, Biochemia Medica follows the best practice guidelines given by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE) (available at: https://publicationethics.org/core-practices) and Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (available at: http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/).

Editors at Biochemia Medica are committed to ensure the integrity and promote innovative and evidence-based sources of information in order to maintain the quality and ensure the impact of the papers published in our Journal, according to the principles set by Sarajevo Declaration on Integrity and Visibility of Scholarly Publications communication (http://wwwNaNj.hr/2016/57/6/28051276.htm).

Journal income

Biochemia Medica is open access journal and all its content is free and available at Journal’s webpage. Journal is maintained and published with the financial support of the members of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM) and grants given by the Republic of Croatia’s Ministry of Science and Education. All Editorial work and peer-review are maintained voluntarily. Occasionally, Biochemia Medica may publish a promotional material and advertisement in order to promote sponsorship with emphasis on the special subjects from the field of Laboratory Medicine.

Article processing charges

Manuscript submission, article processing and publishing is free of charge.

Editorial procedure

Each manuscript received is evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief. The manuscripts that do not meet the main criteria listed in the Instructions for authors are returned to authors. Contributions that qualify for further consideration are further processed. Each manuscript is subjected to the additional editorial review of the methodological quality, statistical analysis, and data presentation. The estimated time from submission to the first decision is 6-8 weeks. Authors are usually given 4 weeks for manuscript revision.

Biochemia Medica gives equal consideration to every carefully performed study investigating an important question relevant to the Journal’s readership, whether the results are negative or positive.

Editor-in-Chief has full authority over the whole editorial process and also decision making responsibility.

Editorial research

In order to improve our editorial procedure and detect potential non-conformities, Editorial Board occasionally conducts research to obtain the information needed. All manuscripts submitted to Biochemia Medica may be used for such research. Also, Biochemia Medica archives all submitted manuscripts whether rejected or accepted and keeps them strictly confidential.

Peer-review policy

Manuscripts that meet the scope of the Journal and are prepared according to Instructions for authors are sent to peer-review. The journal is not responsible for reviewing and proofreading congress and symposium abstracts. Biochemia Medica favors double blinded peer-review process which means that both reviewer and author remain unknown to each other. It is our belief that this model ensures objectivity during the process. All manuscripts are reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. Each author may suggest up to three reviewers and also point out reviewers that he wishes to avoid. Editors are not obliged to follow author’s suggestions and final choice of reviewers is made according to the manuscript’s subject. The manuscript may be reviewed additionally by a statistical reviewer if shown necessary.

Biochemia Medica advises its reviewers to adhere to the Journal’s Guidelines for peer-reviewers available on the Journal webpage. In order to improve peer-review process and maintain high quality reviews, all peer-reviewers are encouraged to use Reviewer’s Check List (http://www.biochemia-medica.com/assets/images/upload/Reviewers/Checklist_for_reviewers_0.pdf) while reviewing the manuscript. For additional information on ethical standards in peer-review process, all reviewers are instructed to read the article Šupak-Smolčić V, Šimundić AM. Peer-review policy and guidelines for Biochemia Medica journal. Biochem Med (Zagreb) 2014;24:321-8.

Editorial Submission

Editors may occasionally also wish to submit manuscripts to Biochemia Medica. All manuscripts submitted by the editors are considered and processed the same way as all other manuscripts received by the Journal and according to ethical standards for good editorial practice (available at: https://publicationethics.org/core-practices). In order to assure impartial decision making and avoid potential conflict of interest, author of such manuscript is excluded from any editorial handling of the manuscript (review, editing and final decision).

Research integrity

Editorial board of Biochemia Medica strongly promotes research integrity and aims to prevent any type of scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, and authorship problems. All submitted manuscripts are revised by Research Integrity Editor and checked using Crossref Similarity Check (powered by iThenticate) screening system screening system for potential plagiarism (more information available at: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/ ).

In resolving any potential scientific misconduct, article retractions or expressions of concern, Biochemia Medica follows flowcharts provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and additionally consults COPE for any unclear cases (available at: http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). More detailed editorial policies regarding specific research integrity issues such as plagiarism, text recycling, duplicate publications, authorship issues, article retractions etc. are published in Biochemia Medica’s special section called Research integrity corner. All authors are invited to contribute by preparing manuscripts for this section regarding any issue important for promotion of research ethics and integrity.




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