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  • 参考译名《巴西医学与生物研究杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率1.60%



BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH《巴西医学与生物研究杂志》(月刊). The Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (ISSN-1414-431X)&...[显示全部]








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Preparation of Research Manuscripts

The Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research publishes original research articles of outstanding scientific significance. We will consider manuscripts of any length; we encourage the submission of both substantial full-length bodies of work and shorter manuscripts that report novel findings that might be based on a limited number of experiments. The key criteria are that the research demonstrates clearly its novelty, its importance to a particular field as well as its interest to those outside that discipline, and conclusions that are justified by the data.

Authorship requirements

Only those persons who contributed directly to the intellectual content of the paper should be listed as authors. Authors should meet all of the following criteria, thereby allowing persons named as authors to take public responsibility for the content of the paper.

Conceived, planned and carried out the experiments that led to the paper or interpreted the data it presents, or both.

Wrote the paper, or reviewed successive versions.

Approved the final version.

Holding positions of administrative leadership, contributing patients, and collecting and assembling data, however important to the research, are not by themselves criteria for authorship. Other persons who have made substantial, direct contributions to the work but cannot be considered authors should be cited in the Acknowledgment section, with their permission, and a description of their specific contributions to the research should be given.

Author Identification – ORCID

BJMBR and Scielo endorse ORCID and requires that all corresponding authors provide an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript. We encourage coauthors to register and use their ORCID as well.

We publish the corresponding author’s ORCID iD as well as any ORCIDs provided by coauthors if the manuscript is accepted. We participate in the auto-update feature implemented by Crossref such that when a paper is published, the authors’ ORCIDs are deposited and subsequently used to update each author’s ORCID record.

Document signed by ALL authors

On submission, you must attach a document* signed by ALL authors of the manuscript informing that he/she:

i) participated in the research that led to the manuscript;

ii) read and approved the text, tables, and figures submitted;

iii) verified that the authors’ names, institutions, ORCIDs, and emails are correct.

The manuscript CANNOT be submitted without this document as a pdf file.

*Please upload the document, where indicated, concerning participation in the research, approval of the manuscript submitted, and verification of names, institutions, ORCIDs, and emails signed by EACH author of the manuscript, not by only one author signing for all authors. Signatures must be hand-written by each author. If necessary, individual documents from each author can be uploaded. We do NOT accept computer-generated signatures. There is no special form to be filled out. The document(s) can be a scanned file, photograph, PDF, Word document, or image.

The manuscript CANNOT be submitted without this document as a pdf file.


Revised manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a detailed point-by-point listing as to how each of the reviewers’ comments has been addressed and describes any other changes made to the manuscript. Authors are invited to upload a copy of the original manuscript marked using Word with Track Changes, highlighting in yellow text to indicate changes and facilitate evaluation of the revisions.


BJMBR uses COPE guidelines (powered by iThenticate) to screen submitted content for originality. If plagiarism is detected during the peer review process, the manuscript may be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication, we may issue a correction or retract the paper, as appropriate.

We expect that editors and reviewers will be vigilant in their evaluation of BJMBR submissions and will notify the journal about any plagiarism identified.

Publication Charges

Publication charges (also referred to as “Article Processing Charges” or APCs) help BJMBR recover the costs of publication—including peer review management, journal production, and online hosting and archiving. BJMBR publishes all content Open Access and makes the content freely available online for researchers and readers to read, distribute, and reuse.

The authors are responsible for “publication charges” of all accepted papers. Publication charges will be billed to the Corresponding Author when the paper is accepted. The charge is R$3.300,00/paper for Brazilian authors and US$1,600.00/paper for authors outside Brazil and is independent of the length of the paper. The Journal does not provide reprints to corresponding authors. There is no charge for figures in color.

Please contact Reinaldo de Souza (bjournal@terra.com.br) if you have any questions.

Cover Letter

The cover letter should also contain the following information:

Title of article.

Name(s) of all author(s).

Name, complete mailing address, including zip code, telephone number, fax number and e-mail of author to whom correspondence should be sent.

If a version of the manuscript has been previously submitted for publication to another journal, include comments from the peer reviewers and indicate how the authors have responded to these comments.

Papers in the area of Clinical Investigation should include a statement indicating that the protocol has been approved by the Hospital Ethics Committee (Hospital with which at least one of the authors is associated) and that written informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Text format

The text of a manuscript can only be accepted as a Microsoft Word file created with MS Word as a “doc” “docx” or “rtf” document.

Use preferably Arial font, 11 point type, including the title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, and tables. Each page should contain the page number in the upper right-hand corner starting with the title page as page 1.

Report all measurements in Système International, SI (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units) and standard units where applicable.

Do not use abbreviations in the title and limit their use in the abstract and text.

The length of the manuscript and the number of tables and figures must be kept to a minimum.

Ensure that all references are cited in the text, and listed and numbered in order that they appear in the text.

Generic names must be used for all drugs. Instruments may be referred to by proprietary name; the name and country or electronic address of the manufacturer should be given in parentheses in the text.

Guidance on grammar, punctuation, and scientific writing can be found in the following sources:

Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 8th edn. Rockefeller University Press, Reston, 2006 http://www.scientificstyleandformat.org/Home.html

Medical Style and Format. Huth EJ (Editor). ISI Press, Philadelphia, 1987, Marketed by Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.

Writing scientific articles like a native English speaker: top ten tips for Portuguese speakers. Clinics (Sao Paulo). Mar 2014; 69(3): 153-157. doi: 10.6061/clinics/2014(03)01 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3935133/

The Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research follows the reference format of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, which can be found on the website of the National Library of Medicine (http://www.icmje.org/).

The writing style should be concise and accessible. Editors will make suggestions for how to achieve this, as well as suggestions for cuts or additions that could be made to the article to strengthen the argument. Our aim is to make the editorial process rigorous and consistent, but not intrusive or overbearing. Authors are encouraged to use their own voice and to decide how best to present their ideas, results, and conclusions.

Although we encourage submissions from around the globe, we require that manuscripts be submitted in American English. As a step towards overcoming language barriers, we encourage authors to seek the assistance of professional services available on the site (https://www.bjournal.org/service-and-information/).


Text footnotes, if unavoidable, should be numbered consecutively in superscript in the manuscript and written on a separate page following the abstract.

Headings in text

Position all headings flush with the left margin.

Keep headings short (three or four words).

Use only three types of headings in the text. Clearly indicate the type of level of headings by using the following typographic conventions.

First-level: Only the 1st letter of the 1st word is capitalized, font size 11, bold type.

Second-level: Only the 1st letter of the 1st word is capitalized, font size 9, bold type.

Third-level: Only the 1st letter of the 1st word is capitalized, font size 11, italic type as the beginning of the first sentence of the paragraph.


Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Define all abbreviations upon first use in the abstract and the text. Non-standard abbreviations should not be used unless they appear at least three times in the text.

Explain all abbreviations in the abstract, text, figure and table legends when they first appear. Keep the number of abbreviations to a minimum.

Do not explain abbreviations for units of measurement [3 mL, not 3 milliliters (mL)] or standard scientific symbols [Na, not sodium (Na)].

Abbreviate long names of chemical substances and terms for therapeutic combinations. Abbreviate names of tests and procedures that are better known by their abbreviations than by the full name (VDRL test, SMA-12).

Use abbreviations in figures and tables to save space, but they must be defined in the legend.

If your manuscript cites µm/mL, µg/mL, or mg/mL, the Greek letter for micro (µ) must be used and the letter “L” must be in upper-case type in the text and figures.

All details of centrifugation including g units (not rpm), time, and temperature (oC) must be cited in the Material and Methods section.


The use of standardized nomenclature in all fields of science and medicine is an essential step toward the integration and linking of scientific information reported in published literature. We will enforce the use of correct and established nomenclature wherever possible:

We strongly encourage the use of SI units.

s for second

min for minute

h for hour

L for liter

m for meter

kDa for mass in kilodaltons

5 mM rather than 5 x 10-3 M or 0.005 M

Species names (e.g., Homo sapiens), genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles should be italicized. Use the recommended name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database, e.g., HUGO for human genes. It is sometimes advisable to indicate the synonyms for the gene the first time it appears in the text.

The Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) of drugs should be provided.

Manuscript Categories

Research Articles

Full length Paper should clearly state its objective or hypothesis; the experimental design and methods used; the essential features of any interventions; the main outcome measures; the main results of the study; and a discussion placing the results in the context of published literature.

Short Communication is a report on a single subject, which should be concise but definitive. The scope of this section is intended to be wide and to encompass methodology and experimental data on subjects of interest to the readers of the Journal

Concepts and Comments should provides a platform for readers to present ideas, theories and views.

Case Report should have at least one of the following characteristics to be published in the Journal:

1) special interest to the clinical research community;

2)  a rare case that is particularly useful to demonstrate a mechanism or a difficulty in diagnosis;

3) new diagnostic method;

4) new or modified treatment;

5) a text that demonstrates relevant findings and is well documented and without ambiguity.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

Guidance for reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.

Search strategy and selection criteria

The journal requires the registration of clinical trials and systematic review protocols in an adequate primary register platform (e.g., WHO ICTRP, ClinicalTrials.gov, PROSPERO). All information including the registration number must be cited in the Material and Methods section. Systematic reviews will be published as a systematic review, not as a Research Article.

Start with a study descriptor. Is this a systematic review only (ie, an assessment of heterogenous trials with no summary estimate) or does it also include a meta-analysis (with an overall summary estimate from available data)?

What were the criteria for study inclusion? List study dates, language requirements, populations assessed, and study design (eg, only randomized controlled trials or only observational studies).

State any study exclusion criteria and reasons.

Describe the data sources assessed. List databases searched and exact date cutoffs. Provide search terms used for at least one database such that the search could be repeated.

How thorough was the search (eg, study authors contacted, grey literature sources assessed, and articles translated)?

Did you search trial registries and seek data from any unpublished studies identified?

What level of data was sought (individual patient-level data vs summary estimates)?

Who did the searches and data extraction, and how were conflicts over inclusion resolved? Describe criteria for inclusion in the systematic review and also for inclusion in the meta-analysis (if different).

Provide a link to the study protocol if available online. State statistics package and version number used for analyses.

List study registration number and name of registry, if available.

Authors should check reporting requirements pointed by the Equator Network (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/) according to the type of their article. Specifically, clinical trials and systematic reviews should be accompanied by the study´s registration platform and number (eg, with PROSPERO) (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/documents/Registering%20a%20review%20on%20PROSPERO.pdf)

Review Article, should provide a synthetic and critical analysis of a relevant area and should not be merely a chronological description of the literature. The most important characteristics of Review articles are that they should be critical, synthetic and written by persons who have made significant contributions to the specific research area. The review can be broad or focused, as in a mini-review.  We want to protect the Journal from “reports” of the type that are found in the introduction to every dissertation or thesis.

Review article are submitted to the normal peer review process.

1) the number of articles published by the author in the area;

2) the significance of the author’s contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the area;

3) the quality of the review;

4) the general interest of the Journal in the publication of such a review.

Overview should not contain unpublished data. It presents the point of view of the author(s) in a less rigorous form than in a regular review or minireview and is of interest to the general reader.

All papers should contain:

Abstract of no more than 250 words,

key words:  no more than 6,

running title to be used as a page heading, which should not exceed 60 letters and spaces,

text: when appropriated should be divided into separate sections (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion), without a separate section for conclusions.


Full Paper and Concepts and Comments should contain no more than 40 references.

Short Communication and Case report should contain no more than 20 references and three illustrations (figures and/or tables).

Review Article and Overview should contain no more than 90 references.

Figures and Tables (see instructions)

Papers not be accepted for publication

Studies on people not approved by an accredited Ethics Committee or without written informed consent from the subject or legal guardian.

Studies on animals not approved by an accredited Ethics and Animal Care Committee.

Manuscripts that report preliminary results or only confirm previously reported results.

Manuscripts that describe the pharmacokinetics bioavailability and toxicity of drugs in people or animals.

Manuscripts that deal with transcultural adaptation and validation of instruments of measurements.

Manuscripts that translate a text published in another language and validate it on local patients.

Manuscripts that use questionnaires translated from the language of another country and their validation in local patients.

Manuscripts that present only in silico.

Manuscripts from the area of veterinary medicine.

Manuscripts that report toxicological studies.

Manuscripts containing purely descriptive observations will not be published.

Manuscripts reporting new techniques will be published only when adequately validated and judged by the Editors to represent a significant advance.

miRNA-based studies will receive low priority from the Journal except when the Editors consider the research provides an outstanding contribution to current literature.

Organization of the Manuscript

Most articles published in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research will be organized into the following sections:

Title, Authors, Affiliations, Author for Correspondence and address

Abstract, Key words, Running Title



Material and Methods




Tables with a short descriptive title and footnote legends

Figures with a short descriptive title, descriptive legends and uniformity in format

Continuous page numbers are required for all pages including figures. There are no specific length restrictions for the overall manuscript or individual sections. However, we urge authors to present and discuss their findings concisely. We recognize that some articles will not be best presented in our research article format. If you have a manuscript that would benefit from a different format, please contact the editors to discuss this further.

Our online submission system can support a large range of formats for text and graphics, but if you experience difficulties with the site or are concerned about the suitability of your files, please contact the Production Department of the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (bjournal@terra.com.br).




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