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  • 参考译名《外科内镜与其他介入技术》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率9.50%
  • 主要研究方向医学-SURGERY 外科



SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES《外科内镜与其他介入技术》(月刊). Uniquely positioned at the interface between various medical and surgica...[显示全部]














Contact the journal

Submission-related enquiries

Queries about submission issues, peer review process, or the status of your manuscript should be sent to Arivuselvi Senthilkumar (Arivuselvi.Senthilkumar@springernature.com).

Publication-related enquiries

Queries about accepted manuscripts in production or post-publication corrections should be sent to Joe Cerami (joseph.cerami@springer.com).

Other editorial enquiries

Any other queries about the journal or presubmission enquiries should be sent to Sean Beppler (Sean.Beppler@springer.com).








All potential benefits in any form from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript or any of the authors must be acknowledged. For each source of funds, both the research funder and the grant number should be given. For Surgical Endoscopy this is a two-step process:

Author Disclosures within the submitted manuscript. The Disclosures section should appear in the manuscript as a separate section immediately before the references. The Disclosure section is required for submission. If it is not in the manuscript, the submission will be returned for correction before review. If the authors have nothing to disclose, state this in the section for each author, listing each author by name. The Disclosure section should include all corporate/commercial relationships that might pose a conflict of interest, e.g., all of the authors’ relationships with all pharmaceutical or device companies. This includes such things as all consultantships, honoraria, stock ownership, gifts, free or reimbursed travel/ vacations, equity interests, arrangements regarding patents or other vested interests, etc. (not just those immediately related to this specific paper or to the pharmaceutical or device company sponsoring the submitted paper). If a specific author has no financial relationships with any pharmaceutical or device company, it must be so stated in the Disclosuresection.

When preparing the Author Disclosure, make sure to list all authors by name. Also, make sure to use the following format for authors who have nothing to disclose: “Drs. A, B, and C have no conflicts of interest or financial ties to disclose.” Here is an example of a disclosure statement: Dr. A has an equity interest in. . . . Dr. B is on the speakers’ bureau of. . . . Drs. C, D. and E have no conflicts of interest or financial ties todisclose.

Conflict of Interest forms with submission. As part of the submission process you must upload a completed and signed ICMJE disclosure form for each author. Manuscripts submitted without all forms will be returned for corrections. Blank ICMJE forms are available for download at http://www.icmje.org/.

Sex-Inclusive Biomedical & Clinical Research*

We, the editors of surgery journals, believe that conducting sex-inclusive biomedical and clinical research is imperative to improving health outcomes of men and women. Note that the word “sex” is being used rather than “gender”. Sex is the genotype by which one is born and gender is the phenotype. It is the chromosomal sex of the human, animal, tissue, or cell to which we are referring. Recent studies have shown that the majority of biomedical research in the field of surgery and related topics is conducted on male animals and male cells, even when studying diseases prevalent in women.1 Human clinical research suffers from a lack of sex-based reporting and sex-based analysis of the results.2,3 Given these findings, the National Institutes of Health has now asked that sex be considered as a biologic variable in all National Institutes of Health-funded research.4 As such, we support uniform, defined reporting of the sex used for human, animal, tissue, and cell research in ALL manuscripts published in our journals. If only one sex is studied, authors must include a justification statement as to why a single-sex study was conducted. We also will require sex-based reporting and analysis of data for all human, animal, tissue, and cell research. As a group, we will require this among all our collective surgery journals.

*The Surgery Journal Editors Group is comprised of editors from 74 international, surgery-related journals who meet once a year at the annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons and discuss concerns common among surgery journals.


All manuscripts submitted to Surgical Endoscopy must be original; i.e. not published elsewhere (except in abstract form) and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Surgical Endoscopy will consider manuscripts prepared according to the instructions below. Manuscripts that deviate from the instructions will be sent back for correction before peerreview.

The Editors-in-Chief invite submissions that fall into the following categories of manuscripts:

1. Randomized controlled clinical studies

2. Prospective case-controlled studies

3. Retrospective case-controlled studies

4. Substantive retrospective series

5. Technology papers: describing new technologies and their evaluation. Any such manuscripts must have data on the benefits, efficacy and or safety of the technology, experimental or clinical as appropriate

6. Review articles: based on exhaustive literature search with description of the methods used in the literature search.

7. Meta-analysis of published RCTs – These manuscripts must clearly indicate that statistical expertise was available to the authors.

8. Technical notes: concern descriptions of new surgical techniques relating to laparoscopic or flexible endoscopic surgery. These short reports must contain a brief clinical or experimental account of their use.

9. Videos and dynamic manuscripts.

Surgical Endoscopy does not accept case reports and all retrospective series submitted to the journal must be on a cohort of 10 or morepatients.

Surgical Endoscopy no longer considers Letters to the Editor for publication in the journal. If you are writing a letter because you feel that authors of a paper have plagiarized the paper, distorted or embellished their work, or published the same work in more than one journal, please send your remarks in an email directly to both Editors-in-Chief: Dr. Mark Talamini (mark.talamini@stonybrookmedicine.edu) and Professor George B. Hanna (g.hanna@imperial.ac.uk).

All manuscripts submitted to Surgical Endoscopy are subject to peer review and editing. Each substantive manuscript is reviewed by at least two experts in the field, who may also be members of the Editorial Board.

The decision of the Editors-in-Chief is final. The authors are notified of the decision by e-mail, with reviewer comments, if applicable. The reviewers of the journal are recruited from the various disciplines related to endoscopic surgery and allied technologies and interventions and also from members of the two affiliated societies, EAES and SAGES.

If you would like to receive language editing by a scientific expert prior to manuscript submission, Springer recommends using Nature Research Editing Service. Nature Research Editing Service provides scientific editing and related services that raise the quality of manuscripts to the standard necessary for ease of peer review. For more information and a price quotation, please contact: http://authorservices.springernature.com/




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