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Virus Genes《病毒基因》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《病毒基因》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.70%
  • 主要研究方向医学 -GENETICS & HEREDITY 遗传学;VIROLOGY 病毒学



Virus Genes《病毒基因》(双月刊). Virus Genes is dedicated to the publication of studies on the structure and function of viruses and t...[显示全部]














Contact the journal

Submission-related enquiries

Queries about submission issues, peer review process, or the status of your manuscript should be sent to Subbulakshmi Raman (subbulakshmi.raman@springer.com).

Publication-related enquiries

Queries about accepted manuscripts in production or post-publication corrections should be sent to Nandhini Pesala (nandhini.pesala@springer.com).

Other editorial enquiries

Any other queries about the journal or presubmission enquiries should be sent to William Shadbolt (william.shadbolt@springer.com).




Virus Genes

Submission guidelines

Instructions for Authors

Manuscript Checklist

Before you submit, please ensure that your manuscript follows the below guidelines:

Ensure your abstract is 150-250 words

Ensure Original Articles are no more than 5,000 words

Ensure Short Communications are no more than 1,500 words, and have only one table and one figure

Ensure Short Communications have no subheadings, and have a text body that combines the Introduction, Results, Discussions, Materials and Methods, etc.

Please submit figures and tables as separate files, even if copies of them are embedded into the text

Tables must be in black and white, and Power Point formats are not allowed

Figures must be readable. Lettering should be 2-3 mm (8-12 pt), line should be at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pt) wide. If figures are colored, please avoid light colors which are difficult to distinguish from each other. Do not overload figures which should be readable also in print

Please use 1.5 line spacing and include page numbers

Please give the full titles of papers in the references

Authorship Policy

Authorship should incorporate and should be restricted to those who have contributed substantially to the work in one or more of the following categories:

Conceived of or designed study

Performed research

Analyzed data

Contributed new methods or models

Wrote the paper

Types of Papers

Original Article

Original Article meeting the scientific criteria. Each manuscript should present the result of an independent, cohesive study.

The complete data of the DNA, cDNA, and RNA nucleotide and/or amino acids sequences have to be stored by one of the available international depositories and the accession number/s have to be given in the manuscript. You may contact GenBank for further information, help or submissions at:

genbank@lanl.gov (electronic mail)

gb-sub@lanl.gov (electronic mail, submissions only)

The manuscripts have to be structured to contain an Abstract, List of authors with affiliations, Keywords (5) describing the content, Introduction, Material and Methods , Results, Discussion, Statement of author contributions, Acknowledgements, Legends to Figures and Tables, References.

The length of such Original Articles is limited to 5000 words for Introduction, Material and Methods , Results, Discussion.

Short Communications

Short Communicationsshould present brief observations which do not warrant the length of a full paper. However, they have to present completed studies and to follow the same scientific standards as Original Articles.

The manuscripts have to be structured to contain an Abstract, List of authors with affiliations, Keywords (5) describing the content, a text body combining

Introduction, Results and Discussion, Statement of author contributions, Acknowledgements, Legends to Figures and Tables covering essential Material and Methods, References.

The length of such submissions is limited to 1500 words for the text body combining Introduction, Results and Discussion, one table, and one figure.

Letter to the Editor

Comments on published papers and replies.


Short contributions of editors-in-chief, subject editors, and invited experts on interesting developments in virology and in specialized fields.


Review articles are invited by the editors. Unsolicited reviews are also considered.

Mini-Review article are limited to 3000 words with two figures and two tables.

Full Review article are limited to 5000 words with no limitations on figures and tables and a maximum of 150 references.

Please note

All manuscripts should be submitted in Word with 1.5 line spacing.

Authors have to confirm that manuscripts have been checked for correct English language use. Manuscripts that do not fulfill language requirements will be rejected without review.

Manuscript Submission

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission

Please follow the hyperlink “Submit manuscript” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Please ensure you provide all relevant editable source files. Failing to submit these source files might cause unnecessary delays in the review and production process.

Important notes:


It is mandatory for the corresponding author to provide the email addresses for all the co-authors during online submission.

For Virus Genes, it is mandatory that all corresponding authors submit a conflict of interest declaration for all article types, including Editorial.


An effective title should:

Convey the main topics of the study

Highlight the importance of the research

Be concise

Attract readers

Not include abbreviations

Title Page

Please make sure your title page contains the following information.


The title should be concise and informative.

Author information

The name(s) of the author(s)

The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e. institution, (department), city, (state), country

A clear indication and an active e-mail address of the corresponding author

If available, the 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)

If address information is provided with the affiliation(s) it will also be published.

For authors that are (temporarily) unaffiliated we will only capture their city and country of residence, not their e-mail address unless specifically requested.


Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.

For life science journals only (when applicable)

Trial registration number and date of registration

Trial registration number, date of registration followed by “retrospectively registered”


Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.


All manuscripts must contain the following sections under the heading 'Declarations'.

If any of the sections are not relevant to your manuscript, please include the heading and write 'Not applicable' for that section.

To be used for all articles, including articles with biological applications

Funding (information that explains whether and by whom the research was supported)

Conflicts of interest/Competing interests (include appropriate disclosures)

Availability of data and material (data transparency)

Code availability (software application or custom code)

Authors' contributions (optional: please review the submission guidelines from the journal whether statements are mandatory)

Additional declarations for articles in life science journals that report the results of studies involving humans and/or animals

Ethics approval (include appropriate approvals or waivers)

Consent to participate (include appropriate statements)

Consent for publication (include appropriate statements)

Please see the relevant sections in the submission guidelines for further information as well as various examples of wording. Please revise/customize the sample statements according to your own needs.




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