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CIRCULATION《循环》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《循环》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率3.80%



CIRCULATION《循环》(周刊). Circulation publishes original research manuscripts, review articles, and other content related to cardiovascular health and...[显示全部]














Author Instructions

Circulation publishes original research manuscripts, review articles, and other invited content related to cardiovascular health and disease, including observational studies, clinical trials, epidemiology, health services and outcomes studies, and advances in basic and translational research.

Submitted manuscripts are examined by the editorial staff and editors, and a decision is made whether to refer the manuscript for external peer review. In order to provide a rapid response to authors, manuscripts that are not likely to receive a priority sufficient for publication in Circulation will not be referred for external peer review and will be returned after initial screening. Manuscripts rejected without review comprise the majority of submissions given the current acceptance rate of ~7% of submitted original research articles. Manuscripts sent for review that receive an initial favorable response will undergo independent statistical review, when appropriate. The editors will not discuss a decision about a manuscript over the phone. All rebuttals must be submitted in writing to the editorial office.

How to contact Circulation

Joseph A. Hill, MD, PhD

Editor-in-Chief, Circulation

200 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1020

Waltham, MA 02451

email: circ@circulationjournal.org

Pre-submission Queries

The editors of Circulation will consider pre-submission queries from authors interested in writing content for our Frame of Reference or State of the Art sections. Please include an abstract or short summary of your proposed article in your query. Authors interested in submitting an Original Research Article should proceed with submission through the submission site. The editors will not consider queries regarding Original Research Articles. Authors should submit their manuscripts for formal peer review after following all of the guidelines listed in the Instructions to Authors.

How to submit to Circulation

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically. Before proceeding to the online submission site, please prepare your manuscript according to the instructions below. When your manuscript is ready for submission, please go to https://circ-submit.aha-journals.org. The instructions below are meant to help guide you through the submission process.

We will consider initial Original Research Article submissions that are not formatted according to Circulation standards. However, the initial Original Research Article submission must include a complete list of authors entered into the online submission portal and include all submission files necessary for review. Those papers that are revised or ultimately accepted will be required to be formatted by the authors according to specific Circulation requirements (ie, title page, abstract, references, tables and figures, and disclosures). At that stage, please refer to the journal's Revised & Accepted Manuscripts instructions. Note that submissions in other article categories besides Original Research Article should meet the specified number of words, references, and figures/tables of that category upon initial submission.

Submission Files:

Manuscript text file. Tables must be embedded within the manuscript.

Figures: Either embedded (preferred) or submitted separately.Please note that only PDF, EPS, and TIFF files will be allowed for publication, but any image format sufficiently clear for peer review is acceptable for initial submission.

Supplemental Files: When submitting supplemental files, please note whether or not they are intended for review purposes only or if they are intended for publication as an online data supplement.

For all revisions or invited de novo submissions, please note that two additional files are required:

Response to Reviewers

Tracked changes and clean versions of the revised manuscript

All Author Information should be collected, including:

First name, middle initial, and last names


E-mail addresses

Submission Process

The 4 steps of the submission process are: Upload Files, Enter Manuscript Information, Review Material, and Submit. Each of the 4 steps contain sub-steps that can be accessed by clicking on their respective tabs. Navigating through this "Tab View" will save any entered information each time a new tab is clicked (or the boxes "Save and Continue" and "Next" are clicked). Each step and sub-step is listed below:

1. Upload Files

Upload Files: A screen asking for the actual file locations (via an open file dialog) will appear. After completing this screen, all uploaded files will be merged and converted to a PDF file.

Remove Files: Allows the user to remove previously uploaded files.

Replace Files: Allows the user to replace any previously submitted files with another file.

File Type: This tab prompts the user to choose the "file type" that corresponds to the upload document. The 5 basic types of files are Author Cover Letter, Manuscript File, Figure, Table, Supplemental Material.

File Description: When uploading a file type labeled "Figure," "Table," or "Supplemental Material," it is required to give a brief description of the content that is included in the file.

File Order: This tab allows the user to rearrange files to be displayed at the author’s discretion. This tab also gives the option to merge PDF files into a single PDF file to display to the Editor and Reviewers. Upon completion, the user must check the checkbox indicating completion of the ordering and selection process.

2. Enter Manuscript Information

Authors: This tab prompts the user to submit General Information about the authors. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed to continue the submission process. For authors already registered in the system, entering the e-mail of each such author will allow for auto-populating of all author information

Title and Abstract (you can cut and paste this from your manuscript): Please note that you will not be allowed to exceed a 350 word limit for the abstract.

Please indicate yes/no if a version of this manuscript has been posted to a community pre-print server. If so, please specify the name of the pre-print server and provide the DOI. For more information, please see the AHA Journals policy on Prior Publication.

Classifications: Specify the correct category for your manuscript (Clinical, Basic, Population.)

Conflict of Interest: All potential conflicts of interest must be provided. This pertains to relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other corporations whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the article. Such relationships include, but are not limited to, employment by an industrial concern, ownership of stock, membership on a standing advisory council or committee, being on the board of directors, or being publicly associated with the company or its products. Other areas of real or perceived conflict of interest could include receiving honoraria or consulting fees or receiving grants or funds from such corporations or individuals representing such corporations.

Short In Vivo Checklist: AHA - Preclinical Animal Testing: Prevention of bias is important for experimental cardiovascular research. This short checklist must be completed, and the answers should be clearly presented in the manuscript as well. The checklist will be used by reviewers and editors but will not be published.

Author Reviewer Suggestions: This screen allows the user to provide suggested reviewers to include for the review process. The author can also provide reviewers to exclude from the review process. Please note, however, that the editors will make the ultimate decision regarding reviewer s suggestions.

Clinical Trial Registration: All clinical trials should have been registered prior to patient enrollment. If your manuscript is considered a clinical trial but has not been registered, it will not be considered for publication in the journal. You will be asked to provide the URL and identification number for the trial registration.

3. Review the Generated PDF File

Approve Files: This screen allows the user to verify that the manuscript has been uploaded and converted to the PDF format correctly.

Approve Manuscript: This screen asks the author to correct, review and approve the information entered as part of the submission process.

4. Submit

This screen is the final step of the submission process. The system will check to make sure everything is completed before the manuscript is submitted. If the manuscript is ready for submission, then there will be text that reads: “Your manuscript is ready to be submitted. Click the link below to finalize your submission.” Otherwise, it will ask that you modify your submission to fulfil all submission requirements.

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