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ENDOSCOPY《内窥镜检查法》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《内窥镜检查法》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率11.40%



ENDOSCOPY《内窥镜检查法》(月刊). Endoscopy is the premier journal for information on the latest technologies and international developments in gastroi...[显示全部]







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Instructions for authors

Endoscopy is an international peer-reviewed monthly journal that publishes original contributions reporting new developments and therapeutic advances in gastroenterological endoscopy. Prospective studies, high quality systematic review articles and Innovations and brief communications are welcome. Submissions may be augmented by video material. Short case reports featuring a video may be submitted in the Endoscopy E-Video section (this section has its own submission site at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/e-videos).

Endoscopy is indexed in MEDLINE, Current Contents (CM+LS), Science Citation Index, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and SCOPUS. Impact factor 2019: 7.341.

General policy

Only papers of the highest scientific relevance that meet high linguistic standards will be accepted. The language of publication is English and manuscripts written by authors whose mother language is not English should be checked by an English native speaker before submission.

The editors decide upon acceptance, rejection or the need for revision, and reserve the right to make any necessary changes or shortening in consultation with the authors.

Originality and overlap

Submission of a manuscript implies that it represents original material that has not been previously published and that it is not being considered or has been submitted for publication elsewhere (previous publication of any of the content, e.g. as an abstract, poster, etc. must be mentioned). Any overlap with previously published papers or with papers currently under consideration elsewhere must be declared by the authors in the cover letter upon submission.

Patient identification

For publication of illustrations/photographs in which individuals can be identified, written consent of the person involved must be submitted to the publisher. Suitable forms can be downloaded from http://www.thieme.de/endoscopy. Please be careful: the legal criteria for unrecognizability are strict: it should not be possible for anyone near that person to identify the individual.

Caution! All personal data relating to patient and/or examination (e.g. date, time, place, patient name, patient birth date, unique ID, examiner name or ID) must be removed from images and videos before submission. Findings/diagnoses and markings such as arrows are allowed. If your image or video contains technical parameters, please make sure that they consist only of complete, recognizable data that are essential for understanding the image. All images and videos displaying unexplained letters or numbers will be rejected.


The corresponding author must declare that the manuscript is submitted on behalf of all authors and that they have all participated in the work to be published in Endoscopy.

Submission of the manuscript implies that the authors accept the Endoscopy “Instructions for authors.” The authors accept in advance any necessary editing of the manuscript (including figures).

Authors must give their written approval for final publication.

No more than two authors may be noted as having contributed equally. Only one corresponding author is permitted.


It is expected that, on submission, the authors hold the copyright to the submitted text and all illustrations (photographs, graphics, etc.). Unfortunately, we cannot accept images that have already been published in books, journals, or electronic products of other publishers. That is because it is almost impossible to obtain the necessary rights of use even when licensing fees are paid. Therefore, please do not pay any licensing fees (e.g. to “RightsLink”/Copyright Clearance Center). Standard license contracts from “Creative Commons” are unfortunately also insufficient for our purposes. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the use of images.

Copyright is transferred to the publisher upon acceptance of the manuscript.


In clinical or experimental studies with human participants, the study protocol must have been approved by the appropriate ethics committee. In the case of animal experiments, the appropriate animal protection regulations should be followed. Any potential conflict of interest should be declared on submission of the manuscript. A conflict of interest exists, for example, when one or more of the authors has a financial or personal connection that might influence their actions. Please see: http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/author-responsibilities–conflicts-of-interest.html

Clinical trial registration

Endoscopy requires that all clinical trials considered for publication in the journal have been registered in a clinical trial database. Approved registries are ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the Primary Registries of the WHO Registry Network (please see list on http://www.who.int/ictrp/network/primary/en/index.html). Registration in other databases is not considered to sufficiently fulfil this condition.

Endoscopy will only consider papers reporting on clinical trials if the trials have been registered before the start of the study, that is, before enrolment of the first patient. The clinical trial number must be inserted at the end of the abstract.

Manuscript types

Authors are invited to submit the following types of paper for consideration:

Original articles, Systematic reviews, Innovations and brief communications (IBCs), Letters to the editor/Letter replies, and E-Videos.

Original articles

Original articles should present the results of original research. They should contain the following sections: structured abstract, introduction, patients/materials and methods, results, discussion, reference list, figure legends, tables. These sections should all be presented together in one Word file. Graphics, such as images and illustrations, should be uploaded in separate files

The abstract should be structured as follows:

Background and study aims: one or two sentences outlining previous work in this area and defining the aims of the study.

Patients and methods: relevant information on patients, study design (e.g. prospective or retrospective), analyses and outcome measures.

Results: the primary and secondary outcome measures and most relevant results.

Conclusions: one or two sentences with a clinical conclusion drawn from the study.

The main text should include:

Introduction: The current state of knowledge is outlined and the purpose of the study is clearly stated.

Patients/Material and methods: The methods should be described in such a way that they can be reproduced by an experienced reader. If the methods have been described in detail in previous publications, these may be referenced. In such cases, a brief but comprehensible description is sufficient. For clinical studies the study design must be stated explicitly (e.g. prospective, randomized, cohort, etc.) and also the method and details of patient enrolment must be given. Clinical trials should include registry information and the trial number. Patients, study period, interventions, study design, and analyses performed should be clearly stated. For prospective studies, a power analysis should be performed and outlined. Ethical considerations and challenges must be declared.

Results: The results should be presented in a detailed but neutral manner. Interpretation of the results belongs in the Discussion section. The use of tables, figures and video clips is encouraged, to contribute to a better understanding of the results.

Discussion: In this section the most important results of the work are emphasized and discussed. Comments on the significance of the work and comparisons with results from other authors are included. The strengths and weaknesses as well as difficulties of the study should be mentioned here. In conclusion, the most important results of the work are summarized.

Length: abstract max. 250 words, main text max. 3500 words, tables and figures max 6, 35 references




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