通则(General Principles)
1. 除遇圣经引文外,注释一概用脚注,每页另行编号,采取①②③样式,该序号在正文中应置于所注语词或句子末尾标点的后边。
2. 正文末尾须另列“参考文献”,其中“外语文献”在前,“汉语文献”在后。其中所列条目须与内文脚注所列条目逐一对应,不得虚设;文献按作者姓氏音序排列。
3. 所引文献须显示其作(译)者、书(篇)名、出版地、出版社、年份、页码等基本信息。
4. 英文文献的处理请参照芝加哥论文格式(第 17 版)。
5. 在脚注和参考文献中汉语文献须附汉语拼音和英文(详参细则)。其中,中文作者名字须显示为汉语拼音,姓前名后,中间为空格。英语及汉语作者的名字在篇首标题下首次出现时,姓氏字母全部大写,示例:Robert ALTER, Roland BEOR, LIANG Qichao,NANGONG Meifang。
细则(Detailed Rules)
1. 引用圣经文本注释格式及示例 [Notes in Biblical Texts]
1.1 在汉语中表达“圣经”一词不用书名号,但表达“希伯来圣经”“旧约”“新约”,以及圣经各卷名称时,均须用书名号。
1.2 圣经卷名及其章节编码在正文及注释中出现时,卷名用全称,加书名号,章节编码一律用阿拉伯数字,章与节之间用半角冒号。示例:《创世记》38:1-30 记载了犹大与其儿媳他玛的交往。
1.3 在正文及注文中,圣经引文出处应使用“行间插注”样式,勿须以脚注呈现。其间圣经卷名采用和合本标准缩略语,天主教译本用其相应的缩略语。示例:
“起初上帝创造天地。”(创 1:1)又如:耶稣三次预言他将受难,被钉死在十字架上(太 16:21;17:22-23;20:18-19)。
2. 引用外文文献注释格式及示例 [Footnotes in Western Languages]
2.1 引用外文专著或编著:
Benjamin I. Schwartz, The World of Thought in Ancient China (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1985), 79.
David Jasper and Stephen Prickett, eds., The Bible as Literature: A Reader (Oxford:Blackwell, 1999), 61.
2.2 引用外文译著:
Gerd Theissen, Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity, trans. John Bowden(Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978), 69.
2.3 引用外文单篇论文:
James Kugel, “On the Bible and Literary Criticism,” Prooftexts 1, no. 3 (September,1981): 226.
Gerald Bruns, “The Remembrance of Language: An Introduction to Gadamer’s Poetics,”in Gadamer on Celan: “Who Am I and Who Are You?” and Other Essays, trans.and ed. Richard Heinemann and Bruce Krajewski (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997), 18.
3. 引用汉语著作注释格式及示例 [Footnotes in Chinese Works]
3.1 引用汉语专著或编著:
朱维之:《基督教与文学》(上海:青年协会书局,1941),277。[Zhu Weizhi, Jidujiaoyu wenxue (Christianity and Literature) (Shanghai: The Association Press of China,1941), 277.]
许宝强、袁伟选编:《语言与翻译的政治》(北京:中央编译出版社,2000),358。 [Xu Baoqiang and Yuan Wei, eds., Yuyan yu fanyi de zhengzhi (The Politics of Language and Translation) (Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press,2000), 358.]
3.2 引用汉语套书或丛书:
葛兆光:《中国思想史》,第一卷(上海:复旦大学出版社,1998),75。[Ge Zhaoguang,Zhongguo sixiang shi (An Intellectual History of China) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1998), 1:75.]
3.3 引用汉译外文著作:
[Robert Alter, Shengjing xushi de yishu (The Art of Biblical Narrative), trans.Zhang Zhiyuan (Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2010), 115.]
4.引用汉语单篇论文注释格式及示例[Footnotes in Chinese Essays]
4.1 引用期刊或著作中的论文:
杨慧林:《当代神学对文论研究的潜在价值》,载《文艺研究》2004 年第 3 期,36。
[Yang Huilin, “Dangdai shenxue dui wenlun yanjiu de qianzai jiazhi” (The Potential Value of Contemporary Theology for Literary Studies), Literature & Art Studies, no. 3 (2004): 36.]
赵林:《基督教在当代中国所面临的发展机遇与文化挑战》,载《基督教与和谐社会建设》,卓新平、蔡葵主编(北京:中国社会科学文献出版社,2015),21。[Zhao Lin, “Jidujiao zai dangdai Zhongguo suo mianlin de fazhan jiyu yu wenhua tiaozhan” (The Development Opportunity and the Cultural Challenge for Christianity in Contemporary China), in Jidujiao yu hexie shehui jianshe(Christianity and Construction of a Harmonious Society), ed. Zhuo Xinping and Cai Kui (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, China, 2015), 21.]
4.2 引用学位论文:
厉盼盼:《诺曼·哥特瓦尔德的马克思主义圣经批评研究》(博士学位论文,河南大学,2016),43。[Li Panpan, “Nuoman getewaerde de Makesi zhuyi Shengjing piping yanjiu” (Research on Norman K. Gottwald’s Marxist Biblical Criticism)(PhD diss., Henan University, 2016), 43.]
5.对多次引用的处理[Repeated Citations]
5.1 同一汉语论著或论文被多次引用时,若引文与前一处引用相同且在同一页,注脚为:同上。(外文格式:Ibid.)引用若与前一引用相同但不在同一页,注脚请用:同上,180。
(外文格式:Ibid., 180.)
5.2 若非连续注引,再次引用时注脚只须注明作者、书(篇)名正标题及页码。示例:海登·怀特:《元史学》,118。
Kern, “Western Han Aesthetics,” 390.
Auerbach, Mimesis, 44.
6. 引用互联网资料示例[Internet Source]
有关加里 A.伦茨伯格(Gary A. Rendsburg)教授的论著目录,详见其个人网址http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/link/grendsburg, 登录于 2016.6.10。
7. 参考文献格式示例[Bibliography]
7.1 外文文献格式示例(按姓氏首字母顺序排列):
Schwartz, Benjamin I. The World of Thought in Ancient China. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1985.
Jasper, David, and Stephen Prickett, eds. The Bible as Literature: A Reader. Oxford:Blackwell, 1999.
Theissen, Gerd. Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity. Translated by John Bowden .
Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978.
Kugel, James. “On the Bible and Literary Criticism.” Prooftexts 1, no. 3 (September,1981): 217-236.
Bruns, Gerald. “The Remembrance of Language: An Introduction to Gadamer’s Poetics.”
In Gadamer on Celan: “Who Am I and Who Are You?” and Other Essays,
translated and edited by Richard Heinemann and Bruce Krajewski, 16-30. Albany:State University of New York Press, 1997.
7.2 汉语文献格式示例(按姓氏首字母顺序排列):
朱维之:《基督教与文学》,上海:青年协会书局,1941。[Zhu Weizhi. Jidujiao yu wenxue(Christianity and Literature). Shanghai: The Association Press of China, 1941.]
许宝强、袁伟选编:《语言与翻译的政治》,北京:中央编译出版社,2000。 [Xu Baoqiang and Yuan Wei, eds. Yuyan yu fanyi de zhengzhi (The Politics of Language and Translation). Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press, 2000.]
葛兆光:《中国思想史》,第一卷,上海:复旦大学出版社,1998,75。[Ge Zhaoguang.
Zhongguo sixiang shi (An Intellectual History of China). Vol. 1. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1998.]
罗伯特·阿尔特:《圣经叙事的艺术》,章智源译,北京:商务印书馆,2010。[Alter, Robert.Shengjing xushi de yishu (The Art of Biblical Narrative). Translated by Zhang Zhiyuan. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2010.]
杨慧林:《当代神学对文论研究的潜在价值》,载《文艺研究》2004 年第 3 期,35-43。
[Yang Huilin. “Dangdai shenxue dui wenlun yanjiu de qianzai jiazhi” (The Potential Value of Contemporary Theology for Literary Studies). Literature & Art Studies, no. 3 (2004): 35-43.]
赵林:《基督教在当代中国所面临的发展机遇与文化挑战》,载《基督教与和谐社会建设》,卓新平、蔡葵主编,北京:中国社会科学文献出版社,2015,15-26。[Zhao Lin. “Jidujiao zai dangdai Zhongguo suo mianlin de fazhan jiyu yu wenhua tiaozhan”
(The Development Opportunity and the Cultural Challenge for Christianity in Contemporary China). In Jidujiao yu hexie shehui jianshe (Christianity and Construction of a Harmonious society), edited by Zhuo Xinping and Cai Kui, 15-26.
Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2015.]
7.3 所引文献为同一作者时,按照作品名称音序排列,且用破折号代替作者名字。示例:
Derrida, Jacques. Of Grammatology. Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
———: On the Name. Edited by Thomas Dutoit. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,1995.
杨伯峻:《论语译注》,北京:中华书局,1980。[Yang Bojun. Lun yu yi zhu (Translation and Annotation of Analects). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1980.]
———:《孟子译注》,北京:中华书局,1960。[Yang Bojun. Meng zi yi zhu (Translation and Annotation of the Works of Mencius). Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1960.]