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半导体学报(英文版)(Journal of Semiconductors) (官网投稿)

《半导体学报(英文版)》(Journal of Semiconductors)(月刊),创刊于1980年,是中国电子学会和中国科学院半导体研究所主办的学术刊物。它报道半导体物理学、半导体科学技术和相关科学技术领域内最新的科研成果和技术进展,内容包括半导体超晶格和微结构物理,半导体材料物理,包括量子点和量子线等材料在内的新型半导体材料的生长及性质测试,半导体器件物理,新型半导体器件,集成电路的CAD设计和研制,新工艺,...[显示全部]
本刊为:CSCD核心(2023-2024), EI 中国期刊(2023版), 科技核心(2023自然科学), 高质量科技期刊(T3), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录,第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,














Information for authors

Journal of Semiconductors (previously Chinese Journal of Semiconductors) publishes articles that emphasize semiconductor physics, materials, devices, integrated circuits, and related technology. The journal has been published for the first time completely in  English  since 2009.

Manuscripts  should be submitted online at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jos-iop. By submitting a  manuscript, the authors affirm that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the manuscript requires rapid publication, the author should  provide a short letter to the editorial office explaining why the  manuscript requires accelerated publication.

The submission may be in PDF, La Tex or doc format, but the accepted manuscripts must be in La Tex or doc format. Figures contained in the  manuscripts should be clear, easy to read and of the best possible  quality. The use of colour in figures is freely available online but authors will be charged RMB 1 200 per colour journal page in the printed  version.

Details on how to structure an article, including specific information on figures, tables and references, are given in the How to Submit a Paper at www.jos.ac.cn

Contact details

P. O. Box 912, Beijing 100083, P. R. China

T el:+86-10-82304277

Email: jos@semi.ac.cn

Website:  http://www.jos.ac.cn




Preparing your manuscriptShare:   

Journal of Semiconductors (previously Chinese Journal of Semiconductors) publishes articles that emphasize semiconductor physics, materials, devices, integrated circuits, and related technology. Authors submitting a paper to the journal should note the following:

1. General Principles

By submitting a manuscript, the authors affirm that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The authors also affirm that the manuscript does not contain the content of the results of others.

Copyright of the manuscript including CD-ROM, Internet and other media is assigned to the editorial office of JoS from the date on which the manuscript is accepted for publication.

2. Manuscripts

Manuscript should have a clear point of view and reliable data, and should be concise and focused. If the manuscript contains similar or closely relevant contents to the published papers, the authors should show them in references.

2.1. Title, Author, Affiliation, and Abstract

* Title: The title should be concise, precise but informative, and should not be over 10 substantive words.

* Author: The names of authors should be confirmed before submitting a manuscript and cannot be changed after submission.

* Affiliation: The full name of the institution/university/corporation, the city where it is located, and the postal code are needed.

* Abstract: The purpose, method, results, and conclusion of the research work should be briefly presented. The abstract should not normally exceed 200 words. As the abstract is not part of the text, it should be complete in itself; table numbers, figure numbers, references or displayed mathematical expressions should not be included.

The authors from China should also provide Chinese version of title, author, affiliation and abstract, which will be shown on the website of the JoS.

2.2. Key words and PACS or EEACC numbers

* Key words: Between 3 and 6 key words should be provided.

* PACS or EEACC numbers: Between 1 and 3 numbers should be given.

2.3. Foundation and Contract number

The supporting organization and contract number should be given.

2.4. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Units of measure

* Abbreviations and Acronyms: All acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly explained when they first appear in the abstract or text.

* Units of Measure: The SI system should be used, and all units used should be consistent throughout the manuscript.

2.5. Figures and Tables

* Figures (Including images/photographs): Figures should be arranged sequentially with Arabic numerals, and should be clear, easy to read and of the best possible quality. The width of the figures should be not over 8 cm, and the lines must be smooth, clean and uniform. The tick marks on figure axes should point inward. Characters should appear as they would be set in the main body of the manuscript.

Images/photographs should be in good contrast with details clearly distinguishable. We will normally use figures as submitted. Please ensure that they are legible and technically correct.

The use of colour in figures is freely available in the online version of the manuscript, but authors will be charged RMB 1 200 per colour journal page in the printed version.

* Tables: Tables should be numbered serially and referred to in the text by number (Table 1, etc). Concise and precise three-line tables should be used.

2.6. References

References should be numbered consecutively, in the order they appear in the text, with square brackets enclosing the number. The information about the references cited should be provided in its entirety. References should not contain un-published data.

Normally, at least 15 references should be provided, among which at least 10 references should be published in the past 5 years.

Below are examples of proper formatting:

* Journal Articles

Qin X J, Zhao Z G, Wang  Y D, et al. Recent progress in stability of perovskite solar cells. J Semicond, 2017, 38(1), 011002

* Books

Lazavi B. Design of integrated circuits for optical communications. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003

* Conference Publication

Yoo S J, Ravindran A, Ismail M. A low voltage CMOS transresistance-based variable gain amplifier. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2004 (year), 809 (page)

* Dissertation

Guo Z Y. Optical readout infrared imaging system at room temperature. PhD Dissertation, University of Science and Technology of China, 2005 (in Chinese)


Sato K. Multi-wave length semiconductor laser array having phase-shift structures. USA Patent, US6088374, 1998

* Reference not in English should indicate the language that it uses in bracket.

Ning Y Q, Gao X, Wang L J, et al. Spontaneous emission and optical gain in InGaAs quantum dots. Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, 2002, 23(4), 373 (in Chinese)

3. Evaluation

Submitted manuscripts will be sent to reviewers for evaluation. Reponses regarding initial opinions and suggested revisions will be sent to the authors within about one and half month. The authors should upload the revised manuscript with a doc or docx postfix online at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jos-iop within 3 weeks after receiving the responses.

The editorial committee will make the final decision whether to accept the manuscript according to the peer review reports and the authors’ revisions.

4. Submitting

The manuscript should be prepared using PDF, Microsoft Word or LaTeX, including figures, photos, and tables (if any) arranged in appropriate place(s) in its text.

Please submit a new/revised manuscript at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jos-iop. Authors can online check the status of a submitted manuscript and carry out author tasks.

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