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柔性电子技术(英文)(FlexTech)(国际刊号)(OA期刊) (官网投稿)












投稿指南Author Guidelines



Author Guidelines


Aims and Scope

Submission and Peer Review Process

Article Types

After Acceptance

1. Aims and Scope

FlexTech is a single-blind peer-reviewed, fully open access international journal co-published by Tsinghua University Press and Wiley, with the academic support provided by the Laboratory of Flexible Electronics Technology, Tsinghua University.

FlexTech aims at publishing experimental and theoretical research on flexible technologies with new materials, creative structures, original integrating strategies, innovative fabrication methods, and pioneering applications. FlexTech is the platform to gather and share inspiring findings and thoughts on emerging flexible technologies that act as the core and foundation for science and engineering.

The scope is internationally broad and interdisciplinary with emphases on fields including material science, electronics engineering, mechanics, physics, and chemistry. The journal recognizes the complexity of issues and therefore particularly welcomes innovative interdisciplinary research with wide impact. The scope includes but is not limited to the following:

Advanced materials for flexible devices; soft materials with unusual physical properties or functions; biomimetic soft materials.

Design of flexible, stretchable, and conformal structures for flexible devices; flexible structures with unconventional physical behaviors; three-dimensional electronics.

Novel fabrication, processing, and assembly techniques of flexible devices; large-scale manufacturing technologies of flexible systems and their core components.

Emerging applications of flexible technologies, e.g., biomedical engineering, healthcare, human–machine interface, Internet-of-Things.

Computational approaches and artificial intelligence for flexible technologies.

2. Submission and Peer Review Process

Thanks for your kind interest in FlexTech. The submissions have to consist of the content that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of conferences or symposiums.

All the submissions will be handled and processed using the ScholarOne online submission system.

Once the submission materials have been prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/FlexTech

For help with submissions, please contact: flextech@tup.tsinghua.edu.cn




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