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Chemistry Letters《化学快报》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称CHEM LETT
  • 参考译名《化学快报》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.60%



Chemistry Letters《化学快报》(月刊). Chemistry Letters is an online monthly scientific journal for the publication of Highlight Reviews and Let...[显示全部]












Chemistry Letters


Overview: a series of author tasks

Chemistry Letters widely publishes original, meaningful research very rapidly for all scientific researchers covering a wide variety of current topics in chemistry. For those who wish to publish their research through this journal, we encourage authors to take a series of tasks in the editorial process into consideration. The Chemistry Letters editorial process broadly occurs in three phases; preparing a manuscript for initial submission, revising it in accordance with comments provided by referees in review, and confirming a proof sent from the editorial office after it is finally accepted.

1. Preparing manuscripts for initial submission

The first task which all authors must tackle always is to submit their manuscripts. In this phase, authors should mainly focus on topics such as the essential components for submission, the availability of templates for preparing required materials, and the specific manner for contribution. Authors must read the Submission Guideline shown below carefully and complete all required items.

2. Revising manuscript in review

Some authors may have to revise their manuscripts when editors or referees determine that modification is necessary. In the review phase, authors sometimes are required to change their manuscripts in accordance with referee comments. All communication between authors and editors occurs by an online submission system called “ScholarOne Manuscripts”.


We do NOT accept any changes in the authors' names including the order of the listed authors since the initial submission. In the event that the number of authors is changed, a statement of the reason should be submitted.

3. Confirming proof

Authors whose papers are accepted by editors will be provided a proof and will have an opportunity to check it. Notification will be provided by the editorial office with a short guide for confirmation and authors must respond after their confirmation is complete. This is the third task in the editorial process and is followed by publication of the submitted article.

When articles are published

All manuscripts which have passed through the editorial procedures at CSJ are generally released online. Manuscripts just accepted but not edited also can be released on the web prior to the publication date upon the authors’ request. This is an optional service called Advance Publication and this may be requested on initial submission.

Requirements for submission

There are no specific requirements for submission. All submissions are free of charge except for some options such as purchasing printed reprints of articles and making the entire content of specific articles downloadable on the web by authors’ request.

If you are interested in these optional services, see details.

Requirements for resubmission after rejection

When you resubmit your revised manuscript after rejection, the following items are required.

Revised manuscript (PDF form and Word form)

Cover Letter

(Revised) Supporting Information (if any)

Author response point-by-point to the reviewers’ comments

The revised points of the manuscript highlighted with color

Submission Guideline

General Information




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