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纵隔医学杂志(英文)(Mediastinum)(OA学术期刊)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

《纵隔医学杂志(英文)》(Mediastinum)(季刊),创刊于2017年,是一本开放获取、经同行评审的国际英文医学期刊,同时是国际上第一本致力于纵隔疾病研究的杂志。Mediastinum 杂志专注于纵隔疾病领域,但它不限于探讨纵隔肿瘤这个狭窄领域的疾病,而是囊括了所有与纵隔相关或影响纵隔的良性、恶性和转移性疾病。













Mediastinum(《纵隔医学杂志》,网页:https://med.amegroups.com)是一本开放获取、经同行评审的国际英文医学期刊,同时是国际上第一本致力于纵隔疾病研究的杂志。Mediastinum 杂志专注于纵隔疾病领域,但它不限于探讨纵隔肿瘤这个狭窄领域的疾病,而是囊括了所有与纵隔相关或影响纵隔的良性、恶性和转移性疾病。Mediastinum杂志主编为上海交通大学附属胸科医院方文涛教授,副主编为美国University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Brett W. Carter教授、意大利Regina Elena National Cancer Mirella Marino教授和波兰Institute Pulmonary Hospital Marcin Zielinski教授。截至2021415日,期刊编委团队由来自17个国家的82位专家组成。Mediastinum杂志聚集了外科、肿瘤内科、放疗科、病理学、放射科专家以及基础研究科学家等多学科成员,为国内外同行提供一个分享纵隔疾病相关领域最新研究、前沿知识和实践经验的国际性专业平台。





Guidelines for Authors

Thank you for your interest in Mediastinum (ISSN 2522-6711). Mediastinum adheres to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals, issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (1), and the Cope of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (2), issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please refer to the following guidelines to help you prepare your manuscript. Feel free to contact the editorial office by email (med@amegroups.com) should you have any questions. To ensure a swift peer review and publication process, manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision at preliminary review.


Mediastinum (ISSN 2522-6711) is an open access and peer-reviewed medical journal aiming at better understanding and management of mediastinal diseases. It is a professional platform for the sharing of knowledge and experience between interested peers so as to finally benefit the patients. As a unique journal, it is not limited to diseases primary to this narrow space, but encompassing all disorders related to or affecting the mediastinum (including metastatic lesions from other parts of the body, local manifestation of systemic changes, as well as disease extension from neighboring organs or compartments). By allocating most up-to-date clinical and basic researches, state-of-the-art therapeutic approaches, and rich material for education, Mediastinum aims to provide high level evidence and useful resources for all healthcare professionals engaged in delivering quality care to their mediastinal patients.


2.1 Original Article

Word limit: there is no fixed word limit for research articles, but authors must use the most concise language possible, as well as succinct, structured sentences. The word count for the main text (excluding the abstract, references, tables, boxes, or figures) should be provided when the manuscript is submitted.

Abstract: Structured (usually into four paragraphs with the following subheadings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, unless specified otherwise in the reporting checklists), 200-350 words max. No abbreviations.

Key words: 3~5.

References: No limit.

Figures/Tables: No limit, but 10 figures are deemed sufficient.

Description: Original articles should take the following format: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and/or Conclusions. Original articles must have originality and clinical impact.

Original articles should include a section describing the contribution made by each author to the manuscript. See the “3.4 Author Contributions” sections for details.

If a submitted article includes any data that are not publicly available, the authors are required to fill in a data-sharing statement form, which should be submitted along with their manuscript. If the article is accepted for publication, the Data Availability Statement (form) will be published online alongside the article. See the “3.7.2 Data Sharing Statement” section for details.

When a manuscript documents any experiment(s) involving human subjects or animals, the authors must indicate an ethical statement both in the methods section and the footnote. See the “3.7.5 Ethical Statement” section for details.

Please note that systematic review with meta-analysis will be categorized as Original Article.

2.1.1 Reporting Checklist

Original Articles should be prepared according to the EQUATOR research reporting guidelines, as listed below, and each submission should include a checklist (a reformatted version has been created for the journal) as a supplementary material. The relevant page/line and section/paragraph number in the manuscript should be stated for each item in the checklist. A statement should be included at the end of the “Introduction” to indicate which reporting checklist was followed (e.g., “We present the following article/case in accordance with the CONSORT reporting checklist.” ). The manuscript should also include a Reporting Checklist statement in the footnote (see the “3.7 Footnote”). Failure to do so will result in the manuscript being returned to the authors for amendment.




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