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能源材料前沿(英文)(Energy Material Advances)(OA学术期刊)(2023年7月之前不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿)

《能源材料前沿(英文)》(Energy Material Advances)(一年1卷),创刊于2022年,是工业和信息化部主管,北京理工大学主办的综合性高水平国际化英文科技期刊。本刊以研究类、综述类、短通讯、展望和社论等形式呈现,载以高质量、原创研究成果,全方位、多角度报道能源材料领域的最新进展。涉及领域包括:清洁能源材料、高能量密度材料、超级电容器、太阳能电池、规模储能、纳米新能源材料、二次电池、燃料电池、二氧化...[显示全部]
本刊为:CSCD核心(2023-2024), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(超星), 目次收录(知网),微信公号信息2023年7月之前不收版面费,外文期刊,















Energy Material Advances



能源材料前沿 2021-10-01

Energy Material Advances是北京理工大学(BIT)和美国科学促进会(AAAS/ Science 共同打造的综合性高水平国际化英文科技期刊,已入选2020年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目。国际刊号ISSN2692-7640CN号:CN10-1792/T,已被DOAJ数据库,CNKI数据库收录。

本刊为开放获取(Open Access)期刊,由中国工程院院士、国际欧亚科学院院士、亚太材料科学院院士、北京理工大学教授吴锋和华盛顿研究基金清洁能源创新会主席、华盛顿大学化学工程教授和材料科学与工程坎贝尔首席教授Jun Liu共同担任主编。编委团队中国际编委比例超65%,均为活跃在能源材料领域的专家学者及高被引科学家。

期刊文章自20211月正式上线以来,已收录了主编吴锋院士、麻省理工学院Ju Li教授、清华大学张强教授等撰写的综述文章,也囊括了诺贝尔奖获得者John B. Goodenough、澳大利亚Zhi-gang Chen教授等知名学者凝聚最新科研成果的研究长文。


作者在20237月前在Energy Material Advances投递文章无需承担发表费用,文章处理费用由期刊主办方承担,稿件提交后平均一个月即可获得初次审稿决定。期刊为收录文章提供在 Science 官方网站免费下载的服务,并依托Science和北京理工大学海内外社交媒体等平台进行更为广泛和有效的宣传。


了解更多文章细节,或咨询投稿事宜,欢迎您联系Energy Material Advances (EMA)编辑部:

E-mail: energymatadv@bitpjournal.org.cn

Tel:  010-68948375






For Authors

To check on the status of your submission, please visit Energy Material Advances’ manuscript submission site.

For general guidance on using the manuscript submission system, please read the tutorials for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. For questions on specific functionality, explore the Editorial Manager video library.

Categories of Manuscripts

The journal Energy Material Advances considers submissions for original research articles, review articles, short communications, perspectives and editorials. Prior to submission, each author should review and be prepared to fulfill the submission requirements outlined in the Publication Ethics page and comply with following limitations.

Research articles should present a major advance and must include an abstract of up to 250 words, an introduction and sections with brief and informative subheadings. Authors may include up to ten figures and/or tables and about 60 references. Total research article length should be under 15,000 words. Supplementary materials should be limited to information that is not essential for the general understanding of the research presented in the main text and can include data sets, figures, tables, videos or audio files. Please see the submission requirements for research articles in the following section. For ease in preparing your submission, please follow the manuscript templates in Word and LaTex.

Review articles should describe and synthesize recent developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlight future directions. Reviews must include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, brief subheadings and an outline of important unresolved questions. Reviews should be no longer than 8,000 words, although longer manuscripts will be considered. Authors may include up to six figures and/or tables and up to 100 references. Most reviews are solicited by the editors. Unsolicited submissions will be considered, and authors are encouraged to contact the Editors first before writing a review paper.

Short Communications present ground-breaking developments or discoveries in the field. Submissions must include a short abstract (maximums of 150 words), ten references or fewer, and two data elements (any combination of figures or tables). Manuscripts should be divided into an introduction, a combined results and discussion section, and materials and methods. Total length should be less than 1,000 words excluding the abstract, materials and methods, and references. Junior scientists are encouraged to contribute their promising works as short communications.

Perspectives highlight recent exciting research, but do not primarily discuss the author’s own work. They may provide context for the findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary importance. Perspectives that comment on papers in Energy Material Advances should add a dimension to the research and not merely be a summary of the experiments described in the paper. As these are meant to express a personal viewpoint, with rare exceptions, Perspectives should have no more than one author. Perspectives should include an abstract and have no more than 1,000 words and one figure or table.

Editorials are short, invited opinion pieces that discuss an issue of immediate importance to the research community. Editorials should have fewer than 1,000 words total, no abstract, a minimal number of references (no more than five) and no figures or tables. Editorials are only solicited by the editors.

Preparation of Manuscripts

English Language Editing Services

Interested in English language assistance prior to submission? The Science Partner Journals publishing team has evaluated the work of the companies listed on the SPJ Author Services page and found their services to be effective for editing scientific English language in manuscripts prior to submission.

Experimental Design and Statistics Guidelines

Study Design Guidelines

In the first section of the Materials and Methods, we encourage authors to have first subtitle of "Experimental and Technical Design", which includes a diagram or flowchart to show the entire experimental design and illustrates the most significant elements: materials, treatments, measurements, data collection, methods of data analysis. This will facilitate the editors, reviewers and readers to understand and follow the whole concept, design, and results.

Statistical Analysis Guidelines

Generally, authors should describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the results.

Reporting Guidelines

Authors are encouraged to follow published standard reporting guidelines for the study discipline. Many of these guidelines can be found at the EQUATOR website.

Figure, Table, & Supplementary Material Guidelines

Creating Your Figures

It is best to create your figures as vector-based files such as those produced by Adobe Illustrator. Vector-based files will give us maximum flexibility for sizing your figures properly without losing resolution. These figure files can be saved at a lower resolution to minimize the file size at initial submission.

Although we do not need the highest-resolution files for the initial submission, you will need to have these high-resolution files of your figures on hand so that they can be submitted with your revised manuscript for final publication production. Each figure or image must be in a separate editable file format at revision. Images may be in TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PS, EPS, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF.

Figure Layout and Scaling

In laying out information in a figure, the objective is to maximize the space given to presentation of the data. Avoid wasted white space and clutter.

Please follow these guidelines for your figures:

The figure’s title should be at the beginning of the figure legend, not within the figure itself.

Include the figure’s identifying number (e.g., "Figure 1") on the same manuscript page that includes the figure.

Keys to symbols, if needed, should be kept as simple as possible. Details can be put into the figure legend.

Use solid symbols for plotting data if possible (unless data overlap or there are multiple symbols). For legibility when figures are reduced, symbol sizes should be a minimum of 6 points and line widths should be a minimum of 0.5 points.

Panels should be set close to each other and common axis labels should not be repeated.

Scales or axes should not extend beyond the range of the data plotted. All microscopic images should include scale bars, with their values shown either with the bar or in the figure legend. Do not use minor tick marks in scales or grid lines. Avoid using y-axis labels on the right that repeat those on the left.

Color-mix and Contrast Considerations

Avoid using red and green together. Color-blind individuals will not be able to read the figure.

Do not use colors that are close to each other in hue to identify different parts of a figure.

Avoid using grayscale.

Use white type and scale bars over darker areas of images.

Typefaces and Labels

Please observe the following guidelines for labels on graphs and figures:

Use a serif font whenever possible.

Simple solid or open symbols reduce well.

Label graphs on the ordinate and abscissa with the parameter or variable being measured, the units of measure in parentheses and the scale. Scales with large or small numbers should be presented as powers of 10. (When an individual value must be presented as an exponential, use correct form: 6 × 10 –3 , not 6e-03.)

Avoid the use of light lines and screen shading. Instead, use black-and-white, hatched, and cross-hatched designs for emphasis.

Capitalize the first letter in a label only, not every word (and proper nouns, of course).

Units should be included in parentheses. Use SI notation. If there is room, write out variables—e.g., Pressure (MPa), Temperature (K).

Variables are always set in italics or as plain Greek letters (e.g., P, T, µ). Vectors should be set as roman boldface (rather than as italics with arrows above).

Type on top of color in a color figure should be in boldface. Avoid using color type.

When figures are assembled from multiple gels or micrographs, use a line or space to indicate the border between two original images.

Use leading zeros on all decimals—e.g., 0.3, 0.55—and only report significant digits.

Use small letters for part labels in multipart figures enclosed in brackets, (a), (b), (c), etc.

Avoid subpart labels within a figure part; instead, maintain the established sequence of part labels, using small or lower-case letters. Use numbers (1, 2, 3) only to represent a time sequence of images.

When reproducing images that include labels with illegible computer-generated type (e.g., units for scale bars), omit such labels and present the information in the legend instead.




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