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  • 参考译名《心理生理学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SSCI(2023版), SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY《心理生理学杂志》(季刊). The Journal of Psychophysiology is an international periodical that presents original research in ...[显示全部]












Instructions to Authors

Journal of Psychophysiology

The Journal of Psychophysiology is an international periodical that presents original research in all fields employing psychophysiological measures on human subjects. Contributions are published from psychology, physiology, clinical psychology, psychiatry, neurosciences, and pharmacology. Editorials and Communications on new psychophysiological methods are presented as well. Space is also allocated for letters to the editor concerning papers already published in JoP, book reviews, and congress announcements. Occasional special issues are devoted to important current issues in psychophysiology.

Journal of Psychophysiology publishes the following

types of articles

Original Articles, Book Reviews, Congress Abstracts

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief in electronic form (preferably in MS Word) by e-mail to Michael Falkenstein

Institute for Work Learning Ageing (ALA)



Hard copy submissions cannot be handled. Papers should be kept as concise as possible. Manuscripts that have been published in the same form in another language or are under consideration for publication elsewhere may not be submitted. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged.

Ethics and Disclosure Statements

Authors reporting experimental studies must state that the research received prior approval by the appropriate institutional review body and that, in the case of research on humans, informed consent was obtained from subjects or patients participating in the study. Authors are requested to confirm that no actual or potential conflicts of interest including any financial, personal, or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their/his/her work. Manuscripts describing investigations in animals must indicate clearly the measures taken to eliminate pain and suffering.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with conventions listed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

The first page should contain the title of the article, names of authors and affiliation(s), a running title, and an address for correspondence, including telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. The second page should contain an abstract (not exceeding 300 words) which should be intelligible without recourse to the main text, and up to five keywords.

The rest of the manuscript should then follow in the order:

Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Tables, Figures, and Legends.

Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals and be given a brief descriptive title. Tables must be cited in the text (e.g., ‘‘As shown in Table 1, ...’’). It is recommended that each table should also include a brief explanatory legend.

Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals and be given a brief descriptive title and an explanatory legend, if required. Figures must be cited in the text. Care should be taken to ensure that lettering and detail will be legible after any size reduction necessary for publication. Figures must be supplied in a form suitable for reproduction: preferably highresolution bitmaps (e.g., jpg, 300 dpi). If these are not submitted together with the manuscript, they need to be supplied upon its acceptance.

References: Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references. Reference citations in the text and in the reference list proper should conform to the APA Manual. All references listed have to be cited in the text.

Review Process

Authors send their manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief. Authors are requested to suggest five potential reviewers for their submission, providing detailed information including e-mail address wherever possible. Authors should also identify anyone who they prefer not to review the submission. The suggested reviewers should be independent (i.e., not colleagues from the same institution or prior collaboration partners).

A preliminary initial evaluation of the quality and topic of each manuscript is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief to determine whether it is potentially suitable for the journal. If it is, the Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript to the Action Editor whose expertise best fits the topic of the manuscript.

The Action Editor sends the manuscript to two or three experts in the field covered by the manuscript. It should be noted that the Editorial Office may not use the author’s suggestions, but help is appreciated any may speed up the selection of appropriate reviewers. The Action Editor is also free to determine reviewers. The Action Editor organizes the peer review process and decides about acceptance, revision, or rejection. The Editor-in-Chief intervenes in critical cases.

Electronic Supplementary Material

Electronic supplementary material (ESM) contains additional items that are not essential for inclusion in the full text but would nevertheless benefit the reader. Being electronic, ESM can also include items that cannot, at this time, be produced in print form. ESM will be published online as received from the author(s) without any conversion, testing, or reformatting. They will not be checked for typographical errors or functionality. The responsibility for the content and functionality remains entirely with the author(s).

Hogrefe Publishing does not provide technical support for the creation or viewing of the supplementary files. If necessary, authors should seek the assistance of their local IT department. Like the manuscript, ESM should be original and not previously published. If previously published, it must be submitted with the necessary permissions. Note that the ESM files, just like the article itself, are permanent records and may not be altered once they have been published online.


ESM files will be subjected to peer review along with the article itself. The number of ESM files you submit should be limited to 5. The file size should be kept as small as possible, not exceeding 10 MB in total. All file formats are accepted with the exception of executable files

(e.g., .exe, .com, or .msi). Commonly used file formats that are accessible by most readers are preferred. Following the online instructions, submit the ESM files in a single zip file separate from the other files that are part of your submission.

Citation in Manuscript

All ESM files must be referred to with intext citations (as for tables, figures, and appendices) and should be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text.

Follow the example:

For more information, listen to the audio file in Electronic Supplementary Material 1.


(listen to the audio file in Electronic Supplementary Material 1)


(the audio file is provided in Electronic Supplementary Material 1)

If appropriate, you may combine several ESM elements into a single file. For example:

See Tables 1–3 in Electronic Supplementary Material 1.

Include a section headed ‘‘Electronic Supplementary Material’’ at the end of your article before the reference section. List all files in the order in which they are cited in the text. Provide a title for each ESM file along with the file name. Optionally, you may also provide a short description for each file (max. 20 words). Follow the example:

ESM 1. Audio file (utterancesparticipants.mp3). (= title and file name)

This audio file contains utterances of the study participants. (= description of file)

ESM 1. Tables 1–3 (tables1–3.xlsx). (= title and file name)

The tables show additional p-values, weather variables, and demographic characteristics.

(= description of file)

Make sure that the file names listed here match the names of the submitted files. Please note that only the title and the description will appear in the article; the file name will not. It is for reference purposes only.


PDF proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. Changes of content or stylistic changes may only be made in exceptional cases in the proofs. Corrections that exceed 5% of the typesetting costs may be invoiced to the authors.


The corresponding author of each published article will receive free online access to the published version of record when the article is first released online. The author may download the PDF of the published version of record. It is provided for the author’s personal use, including for sharing with coauthors (see also “Guidelines on sharing and use of articles in Hogrefe journals” on the journal’s web page at www.hogrefe.com/j/jop).

Copyright Agreement

By submitting an article, the author confirms and guarantees on behalf of themselves and any co-authors that the manuscript has not been submitted or published elsewhere, and that they hold all copyright in and titles to the submitted contribution, including any figures, photographs, line drawings, plans, maps, sketches, and tables, and that the article and its contents do not infringe in any way on the rights of third parties. The author indemnifies and holds harmless the publisher from any third-party claims.

The author agrees, upon acceptance of the article for publication, to transfer to the publisher the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article and its contents, both physically and in nonphysical, electronic, or other form, in the journal to which it has been submitted and in other independent publications, with no limitations on the number of copies or on the form or the extent of distribution. These rights are transferred for the duration of copyright as defined by international law. Furthermore, the author transfers to the publisher the following exclusive rights to the article and its contents:

1. The rights to produce advance copies, reprints, or offprints of the article, in full or in part, to undertake or allow translations into other languages, to distribute other forms or modified versions of the article, and to produce and distribute summaries or abstracts.

2. The rights to microfilm and microfiche editions or similar, to the use of the article and its contents in videotext, teletext, and similar systems, to recordings or reproduction using other media, digital or analog, including electronic, magnetic, and optical media, and in multimedia form, as well as for public broadcasting in radio, television, or other forms of broadcast.

3. The rights to store the article and its content in machine-readable or electronic form on all media (such as computer disks, compact disks, magnetic tape), to store the article and its contents in online databases belonging to the publisher or third parties for viewing or downloading by third parties, and to present or reproduce the article or its contents on visual display screens, monitors, and similar devices, either directly or via data transmission.

4. The rights to reproduce and distribute the article and its contents by all other means, including photo-mechanical and similar processes (such as photocopying or facsimile), and as part of so-called document delivery services.

5. The right to transfer any or all rights mentioned in this agreement, as well as rights retained by the relevant copyright clearing centers, including royalty rights to third parties.

Online Rights for Journal Articles

Guidelines on authors’ rights to archive electronic versions of their manuscripts online are given in the document “Guidelines on sharing and use of articles in Hogrefe journals” on the journal’s web page at www.hogrefe.com/j/jop.

June 2020

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