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  • 期刊简称HIST MATER
  • 参考译名《历史唯物主义:马克思主义批判理论》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), SSCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子0.485(2018年) 0.329(2017年) 0.260(2016年) 0.316(2015年) 0.370(2014年) 0.283(2013年) 0.321 (2012年) 0.661(2011年)
  • 自引率



HISTORICAL MATERIALISM-RESEARCH IN CRITICAL MARXIST THEORY《历史唯物主义:马克思主义批判理论》(季刊). Historical Materialism is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to ...[显示全部]













Instructions for Authors


Historical Materialism (HIMA) is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring and developing the critical and explanatory potential of Marxist theory. The journal started as a project at the London School of Economics from 1995 to 1998. The advisory editorial board comprises many leading Marxists, including Robert Brenner, Maurice Godelier, Michael Lebowitz, Justin Rosenberg, Ellen Meiksins Wood and others. Marxism has manifested itself in the late 1990s from the pages of The Financial Times to new work by Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton and David Harvey. Unburdened by pre-1989 ideological baggage, Historical Materialism stands at the edge of a vibrant intellectual current, publishing a new generation of Marxist thinkers and scholars.

Ethical and Legal Conditions

The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors, and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s publication ethics, which may be downloaded here: brill.com/page/ethics/publication-ethics-cope-compliance.

Online Submission

The Journal now uses online submission only. Authors should submit their manuscript online via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at: editorialmanager.com/hima.

First-time users of EM need to register first. Prior to submission, authors are encouraged to read the Instructions for Authors’ and the EM instructions available by following the above link and clicking on

the ‘help’ icon in the top left hand menu on the page. Online submission considerably shortens overall publication time. When submitting via the website, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files.

Please upload source files (.doc, etc.) and not .pdf files.

For figures, please see below. Any figure files should be uploaded separately, and should have a high density of at least 300 dpi at a size suitable for printing.

The revised document is uploaded the same way as the initial submission. The system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing purposes. All correspondence, including the editor’s request for revision and final decision, is sent by e-mail.

Double-blinded Peer Review

HIMA uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you submit your article via Editorial Manager, you will be asked to submit a separate title page which includes the full title of the manuscript, the names and complete contact details of all authors, the abstract, keywords, and any acknowledgement texts. This page will not be accessible to the referees. All other files (manuscript, figures, tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of these files and the document properties should also be anonymized.

Contact Address

For any questions or problems relating to your manuscript please contact the Editor at:

historicalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk. For eventual questions about Editorial Manager, authors can also contact the Brill EM Support Department at: em@brill.com.

File Format

Please submit essays preferably in Word (.doc) and RTF. If they are unavailable, please send the piece in another (named) word processor format but include Text and RTF formats if at all possible.

If you have to provide mathematical proof for your arguments, please do so in an appendix. Otherwise, graphs and figures can be inserted in the main text.

We ask that all authors subscribe to the journal and encourage other individuals and institutions to subscribe.

Submission Requirements


Manuscripts should be written in British English. Spelling should be consistent throughout.

This includes -ise/-ising/-isation rather than -ize/-izing/-ization, and double-checking all non-English words. (Please note: the word ‘critique’ is used only as a noun, and never as a verb in the journal. The same applies to other Americanisms such as ‘to impact’, ‘to protest sthg’, which are strictly forbidden.)


All articles should be in Arial font, 14 point and double-spaced (Arial, 10 point and single-spaced for footnotes).

Manuscript Structure

Authors should please include your postal address and, where possible, fax number and e-mail address.

The article should be presented in the following form:

Article Title

Author name




Main text



Abstract and Keywords

Please include a short abstract of no more than 150 words as well as up to six or seven keywords.

Bibliographical Note

Also include a brief description of your current institutional affiliation, research interests and recent publications for our ‘Notes on Contributors’ section, in case your piece should be accepted.

Section Headings

We strongly recommend that your essay be broken up into parts, marked by sub-titles (numbered or ot), which can be further broken up into sub-parts which can be marked by sub-sub-titles.

Sub-titles should be in bold, ranged left and in sentence case (i.e. only the first letter of the sub-title hould be capitalised, except for exceptions referred to above). They should be separated from the receding text by two paragraph spaces and from the succeeding text by one paragraph space, e.g.:

Towards a definition of the problem

Sub-sub-titles should be in bold italics, ranged left and in sentence case. They should be separated from the preceding text by one paragraph space and from the succeeding text by one paragraph space, e.g.:

Young Marx’s relationship to Feuerbach


Please avoid abbreviations of the type e.g., i.e., etc., when possible and choose rather constructions of the ype ‘for example’, ‘for instance’, ‘that is’, ‘namely’, ‘in other words’, ‘and so on’, ‘and so forth’.

Full points after abbreviations: e.g., ed., pp., cms. and after contractions: yds., edn. except the following:

Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr and St


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