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  • 期刊简称INT DAIRY J
  • 参考译名《国际乳品杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.10%
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY食品科技



INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL《国际乳品杂志》(月刊). The International Dairy Journal publishes significant advancements in dairy science and technology in&nb...[显示全部]














Guide for Authors

The International Dairy Journal publishes significant advancements in communicating quality, hypothesis-based research and critical reviews that are of relevance to the broader international dairy community. Within this scope, research on the science and technology of milk and dairy products and the nutritional and health aspects of dairy foods are included; the journal pays particular attention to applied research and its interface with the dairy industry.

The journal's coverage includes the following where directly applicable to dairy science and technology:

Chemistry and physico-chemical properties of milk constituents

Microbiology, food safety, enzymology, biotechnology

Processing and engineering

Emulsion science, food structure and texture

Raw material quality and effect on relevant products

Flavour and off- flavour development

Technological functionality and applications of dairy ingredients

Sensory and consumer sciences

Analytical techniques

Nutrition and substantiation of human health implications of milk components or dairy products

International Dairy Journal does not publish papers related to milk production, animal health and other aspects of on-farm milk production unless there is a clear relationship to dairy technology, human health or final product quality.

Ten essential rules to ensure your manuscript is handled promptly

Ten essential rules to ensure your manuscript is handled promptly

1. The manuscript fits the Aims and Scope of the journal, and is in accordance with the Guide for Authors (https://www.elsevier.com/journals/international-dairy-journal/0958-6946/guide-for-authors). The citation and referencing system MUST adhere to the journal style.

2. The text is written in good English. Authors who feel their manuscript may require editing to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use an English Language Editing service such as the one available from Elsevier's WebShop (https://webshop.elsevier.com/language-editing-services/language-editing/).

3. Manuscript text is divided into numbered sections; line and page numbers are added and text is double spaced.

4. An ethical statement is required for experiments involving humans or animals.

5. The meaning of the word "International" in our journal title refers to serving the interests of the international dairy research community, not necessarily to publishing papers of international origin that are only of local significance.

6. The Introduction only contains background information pertinent to the topic, and is written succinctly. This is not a mini-review of the topic.

7. An excessive number of tables and figures should not be submitted; additional tables and figures can be submitted as supplementary material if it meets the required criteria (see below for more information). Raw data figures are discouraged (such as examples of chromatograms, dynamic rheological data curves, etc.).

8. An excessive number of references is not included. As a general rule, three or less citations are sufficient to provide evidence for a point being made.

9. A cover letter is prepared, BRIEFLY introducing your article and explaining the novelty of the research.

10. Keywords, Graphical Abstracts, and Highlights are NOT required.

Types of paper

Original full-length research papers should contain material that has not been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form. These papers should not exceed 8000 words (text and references) or about 25 manuscript pages.

Critical Review papers will be accepted in areas of topical interest. These papers should not exceed 10,000 words.

Short Communications are research papers constituting a concise but complete description of a limited investigation, which will not be included in a later paper. Short Communications should be as completely documented, both by reference to literature, and description of the experimental procedures employed, as a regular paper. They should not occupy more than 2,000 words or about 8 manuscript pages, including figures, tables and references. They will be reviewed in the same way as research papers.

Submission of Revised Papers

Revised papers received more than three months after reviewers' comments were sent may be treated as new submissions, at the discretion of the Editor. If the author has not replied to reminders/enquiries about revisions within 6 months, the paper will be considered to have lapsed, and any subsequent submission will be treated as a new submission and must be submitted to the journal using the above process, addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, with an explanation that it had previously been submitted to the journal.

Questions regarding content of a proposed submission can be directed to the Editor-in-Chief Thom Huppertz Thom.Huppertz@frieslandcampina.com.

Contact details for submission

Submission of all types of manuscripts to International Dairy Journal proceeds totally online. Via the Editorial Manager website for this journal ( https://www.editorialmanager.com/inda/default.aspx) you will be guided step-by-step through the creation and uploading of the various files.




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