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International Journal of Applied Glass Science《国际应用玻璃科学期刊》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/11/29 16:30:28 来源:官网信息 阅读:366 发布者:

International Journal of Applied Glass Science

Author Guidelines

Short Form Instructions

View complete instructions here.

Aims and Scope - International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, published monthly, contains reports of original research on fundamental science for the development, fabrication and application of ceramic materials, composites, components and devices.

Publication Ethics

The authors, reviewers and editors of International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology are expected to follow the standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org). In particular authors must submit manuscripts that contain their own authentic work that was not previously or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Authors must get permission for and attribute/reference all previously disclosed work included in their manuscripts.

The submitting author must have permission from all co-authors to include them in the author list. The author list on the original submission is considered official. Requests for author list changes must include written permission of all authors including any that are removed or added and must be submitted prior to publication of the accepted article on WileyOnline.

Articles in society publications must not contain language that could be construed as representing bias against specific individuals or groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, or geographic location, career path or academic level.

Cover letter

Authors must submit a cover letter that briefly explains the importance of their work. A well-written letter helps the Editor decide whether your manuscript proceeds into the review cycle or it is rejected without review.  The cover letter should contain only a 2-3 sentence statement describing the novelty, significance and impact of your work on the ceramics and glass community, the overall scientific community or the general population. Do not copy your abstract or conclusions. You can type the cover letter directly into the text box provided in ScholarOne or you can upload a file.

Types of Papers

Research Article – In-depth report of basic and applied research

Review Article – Thorough evaluation of recent research into the topic

Rapid Communication – Brief article about cutting edge research finding

Special Issue Article - Submitted to a theme, conference, etc. organized by an editor or guest editor

Correction – Note by author to correct the scientific record

Comment – Feedback on manuscripts

Reply – Author’s response to Comments

Perspective Article – Commentary about a topic raised in this journal

Editorial – Commentary about a topic raised in this journal


Only those who substantially contribute to one or more of the research and writing processes should be listed as authors on a manuscript. Please include at the end of your manuscript a statement of contribution for each author listing the area of contribution (design, experimentation, analysis, writing, approval) and the level of contribution (leader, contributor, advisor, etc.). After submission, requests for author list changes must include written permission of all authors including any that are removed or added and must be submitted prior to publication of the accepted article on WileyOnline.

Length of Manuscripts

Articles are typically in the range of 4-8 pages while Rapid Communications are less than 3 pages.  A journal page contains the equivalent of 1000 words. Thus articles must be in the range of 4000-8000 words. Acceptance of a manuscript outside this ranges is at the discretion of the Editors.

Thus to ensure your submission fits the page/word count ranges, make certain to count words in the body and references using your word processor and then add in the equivalent word counts for your tables and images.  Figures and tables are counted by the amount of words they replace. A good rule of thumb is 150 words per image (picture, graph, spectrum, etc.). Figures with two images (e.g. 1A and 1B) are counted as 300 words. Three images amount to 450 words and so on. Brief tables are counted as 150 words each, while longer or wider tables can be up to one full page (1000 words). Make sure you include only highly relevant images and remove non-essential images to help your manuscript be more reader-friendly while fitting within the page/word limits.

Supplemental Materials

Supplemental materials contains resources for readers but these are not critical to understand the article. Supplemental materials are optional but must be provided at the time of submission as separate file(s). They are subject to peer review. Supplemental materials must contain only the author’s original work and each item must be referred to in the main text of the article. Figures and tables in the supplemental materials must be labeled and referred to as Fig. S1, Fig. S2, Table S1, Table S2, and so forth. The final publication of supplemental materials is at the discretion of the Editors, who discourage the inclusion of superfluous information. At the time of publication, the supplemental materials will be available online only by a link from the main article.

Submitting Original Manuscripts or After Major Revisions

Original submissions can be prepared using these simplified requirements. The complete instructions for final submissions are below.

A single (main) document containing text, figures, tables and bibliography/reference in .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf format is ideal. However, you can submit text in one document and the figures in a second one (Word, Powerpoint, or PDF).

Text must contain title, authors, affiliations, abstract (text, not graphical), body sections appropriate to your work (introduction, methods, data, etc.), and bibliography/references

Abstract and body sections must be double spaced with NO line numbers

All references must be complete, including article titles, Vancouver format preferred

Figures with captions and tables with titles should be placed near the text referencing them

Remove all “machine” identifications from images; make certain micrographs include a scale marker and graphs have readable axes with appropriate titles

Graphical abstracts are optional and, if submitted, will appear only in the online table of contents and not in the final article. Graphical abstracts can also be submitted as supplemental materials.






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