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Hormone and Metabolic Research《激素与代谢研究》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/7/30 11:04:42 来源:官网信息 阅读:752 发布者:

Information for Authors

Aims and Scope

Hormone and Metabolic Research accepts manuscripts in English in the fields of endocrinology and metabolism from clinical and laboratory research, with a preference for experimental over observational studies. Reports dealing with eff ects of plant extracts and other chemicals on diabetes and other endocrine functions are not subjects covered by this journal. There is a special focus on manuscripts dealing with pituitary, adrenal, thyroid and bone disorders as well as on diseases of the endocrine pancreas.

The aim of the journal is to disseminate new and reliable experimental data from across the field of endocrinology and metabolism to researchers, scientists and doctors worldwide. Correct English will ensure a speedy publication. It is in your own interest to ensure that your paper has been read by a native English speaker; alternatively, you should use a copyediting service like “ENAGO” if you have concerns about the English in your manuscript. Please note that Thieme authors are entitled to a 20 % discount at ENAGO (go to enago.com/thieme for more information and to qualify for the discount).

Preprint Server Statement in Authors‘ Instructions

Hormone and Metabolic Research encourages the submission of manuscripts that have been deposited in an initial draft version in preprint repositories such as Research Square, arXiv, and medRxiv. Drafts of short conference abstracts or degree theses posted on the website of the degree-granting institution, and draft manuscripts deposited on authors’ or institutional websites are also welcome. All other prior publication is forbidden.

During submission, authors should (1) note use of the preprint repository in the cover letter, (2) state what adjustments and/or updates the draft has undergone between deposition and submission and (3) cite the preprint, including the DOI, as a reference in the manuscript.

After submission to the journal, and until a final decision has been made, authors are discouraged from depositing versions of their manuscript as preprints. Upon publication authors should add a link from the preprint to the published article. Twelve months after publication, authors can update the preprint with the accepted manuscript.

Originality and overlap

Submission of a manuscript implies that it represents original material that has not been previously published and that it is not being considered or has been submitted for publication elsewhere (previous publication of any of the content, e.g. as an abstract, poster, etc. must be mentioned). Any overlap with previously published papers or with papers currently under consideration elsewhere must be declared by the authors in the cover letter upon submission.

Submission of papers

Hormone and Metabolic Research accepts:

Original Articles (Endocrine Care/Endocrine Research)

Reviews and Mini Reviews

Immediate Interest



Letters to the Editor

Symposium Proceedings


All manuscripts must be submitted exclusively via online submission at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hmr

Submissions of hardcopy manuscripts will not be accepted. Please refrain from sending manuscripts via e-mail. For submission of all manuscripts, please follow the instructions on the online submission system. Before submission, keep ready full metadata of all manuscripts (title, short running title, authors’ names including affiliations and addresses, list of keywords and abstract).

Figures should be uploaded separately as *.tif or *.jpg files (resolution: colored and black-white bitmaps: 300 dpi; diagrams and line drawings: 600 dpi minimum). Tables should be uploaded in a separate Word file (not as a *.jpg file). The legends to the figure and table including Arabic numerals should be entered in the appropriate fields during the file upload. Please note that figures and tables should not be integrated into the main document, but a list with the legends of the figures and tables should be included here. For each issue of Hormone and Metabolic Research a suitable color figure will be selected from the submitted work to appear as a frontispiece. Authors are responsible for the correctness of the manuscripts and the list of references. Nomenclature should follow the recommendations of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union for Biochemistry (IUB). All measurements must be in Systeme International (SI) units.

A. Original Articles

Original papers should deal with investigations and results of high scientific value which have not been published previously.

1. Original papers should not exceed 6 printed pages, i.e. 5,000 words, including references, tables, figures and legends. A maximum of 4 figures and 3 tables is allowed. Longer manuscripts will be subject to editing and a page charge of € 160 per printed page (including 19% VAT) starting with the seventh printed page.

2. Preparation of manuscripts

The authors are asked to follow the outline set below:

Page 1: a) title, b) short running title (limit: 40 characters), c) name of the author (no titles or academic grades) and address of the institute(s) where the investigations have been carried out. Should the address of the author at the time of publication diff er from the one stated in the paper, the current address should be stated in a footnote, d) complete mailing address of corresponding author including telephone and telefax numbers and e-mail addresses.

Page 2: a) an abstract containing not more than 250 words with no abbreviations, b) keywords (3–6 without repeating words in the title).

Page 3 and onwards: a) introduction also indicating the aim of the study, b) materials and methods, c) results: double presentation of data in the form of text, tables or figures should be avoided, d) discussion and conclusions, e) list of references, f) legends of tables and figures. Do not include your acknowledgements in the main document but use the appropriate textbox on the online submission system. They will be included in the manuscript upon acceptance for publication.

3. References

a) Text: Citations and references should be numbered consecutively using square brackets in the order in which they are cited in the text, followed by any in tables or legends. Please do not number references under alphabetical order of authors. Do not use footnotes and hyperlinks. If more than three authors are mentioned in the text, only the first author should be given followed by “et al.” When there are two authors always mention both.

Example: “ …protein concentrations were determined according to Lowry et al. [12].

b) List of References: References should be given as plain text. Do not use fields in MS Word, as these are difficult to process later. The references should be listed in numbered order according to the sequence they appear in the text. Only up to three authors followed by et al. should be mentioned. The name of the author(s) should be followed by the full title of the paper, name of the journal in which it has been published (abbreviations according to “World Medical Periodicals”, published by the World Medical Association), year of publication, volume, first and last page.

Abstracts and supplements have to be indicated. Chapters from books have to be cited as follows: author(s), title of chapter, title of book, editor(s), place of publication, publisher, year of publication, first and last page of the chapter.


9 Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL et al. Protein measurement with the Folin-phenol reagent. J Biol Chem 1951; 193: 265–275

10 Kerner W, Pfeiffer EF. The artificial pancreas. In: Samols E (ed). The endocrine pancreas. New York: Raven Press, 1991: 441–456

B. Reviews and Mini Reviews

Reviews deal with previous research on a certain topic and serve to summarize current findings on the topic so far. The structure of the review will vary from an original paper according to the nature of the review. Please aim at no more than 6,500 words and 100 references. All reviews will be refereed.

C. Immediate Interest

Immediate Interest is a novel section intended for the rapid publication of novel findings and/or of current interest. It replaces Short Communications and Rapid Communications. Articles submitted under this category are projects or reports that should contain new clinical and experimental data or research findings of exceptional importance and interest. They must be of wide general appeal. The manuscript should be accompanied by a brief statement from the author explaining why fast publication is merited. The page limit is set at 6 printed pages (including tables, figures, and references) and the manuscript will be subjected to an expedited peer-review process. The author guidelines for Immediate Interest are the same as for Original Articles.

D. Hypotheses

Hypotheses should either formulate a new thesis on the basis of clinical or experimental work or they should challenge a dogma in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. They should line out relations to diff ering fields of medicine. These papers may contain preliminary data which, taken together with previously published work in the literature, outline speculative, interesting, and novel ways of thinking in a conclusive style. The hypothesis must be testable in future but not so easily that readers wonder why it has not already been done. Hypotheses tend to have the length of approximately 650–1000 words including 2 figures, the shorter – the better!

E. Commentaries

Commentaries are usually invited. They aim at commenting on subjects with a strong impact upon experimental endocrinology and metabolism.

F. Letters to the Editor

This section has been introduced in order to encourage the authors in a free exchange of ideas. The opinions presented will not necessarily refl ect the opinions of the Editors.

G. Symposium Proceedings

Symposium proceedings are usually invited. However, organisers of symposia are encouraged to contact one of the Editors.

Supplementary Material

To keep articles as concise and at the same time as informative as possible, authors are encouraged to submit part of their tables and figures as Supplementary Material (SM). The following type of data will be published as SM: highresolution halftone and color illustrations, and tables summarizing data that are not essential but useful to the understanding of an article. Tables and figures provided as SM must be referred to in the manuscript as follows: Table 1S and Figure 1S. SM has to be submitted as a separate file.

SM is published on the journal’s homepage at:


Clinical Trial Registration

All clinical trials considered for publication in Hormone and Metabolic Research must be registered in an approved clinical trial database, such as ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the Primary Registries of the WHO Registry Network (please see list on http://www.who.int/ictrp/network/primary/en/index.html). The authors submitting the manuscripts reporting on clinical trials must have registered the trials before the start of the study, that is, before enrolment of the first patient.

Figures: rights of use / copyright / personal rights

Unfortunately, we cannot accept images that have already been published in books, journals, or electronic products of other publishers. That is because it is almost impossible to obtain the necessary rights of use even when licensing fees are paid. Therefore, please do not pay any licensing fees (e.g. to “Rights-Link” / Copyright Clearance Center). Standard license contracts from “Creative Commons” are unfortunately also insufficient for our purposes. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the use of images.

Reproduction of Color Figures

Color figures are automatically reproduced in color free of charge both in print and in the online version.

Proofs and reprints as PDF file

Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as a PDF file. The corresponding author receives a PDF file of the published article free of charge.


The publishers hold the copyright on all material appearing in the Journal.

A Copyright Transfer Agreement will be sent to the corresponding author together with the galley proofs. The agreement must be completed and returned to the publishers before the article can be published. Important:

If you intend to use material taken from foreign sources (including figures, tables, etc.), please contact the publisher directly to arrange the next steps (hmr@thieme.de).


Matthias Schott, MD, PhD

Head, Division for Specific Endocrinology

University Hospital Duesseldorf

Moorenstrasse 5

40225 Duesseldorf, Germany

Phone: (+49) 211-81 17 810

Fax: (+49) 211-81 17 860

E-mail: hmr@thieme.de

Stefan R. Bornstein, MD, PhD

Director and Chair

Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Department of Medicine

Carl Gustav Carus University of Dresden

Fetscherstrasse 74

01307 Dresden, Germany

Phone: (+49) 351-458-59 55

Fax: (+49) 351-458-63 98

E-mail: stefan.bornstein@uniklinikum-dresden.de

Constantine A. Stratakis, MD, D(med)Sci

Medical Genetics, Pediatrics, Pediatric Endocrinology

Bethesda, MD 20852, USA

Phone/Fax: (+1) 301 315 2178

E-mail: castratakis@verizon.net

Associate Editors:

Hubert Vaudry, MD

European Institute for Peptide Research

Laboratory of Cellular and

Molecular Neuroendocrinology

Inserm U 413; UA CNRS

University of Rouen

76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan, France

Phone: (+33) 235 14 6624

Fax: (+33) 235 14 6946

E-mail: hubert.vaudry@univ-rouen.fr

Derek LeRoith, MD, PhD

Chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes

Department of Medicine

The Mount Sinai School of Medicine

One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1055

Annenberg Building Room 23–66 B

New York, NY 10029-6574, USA

Phone: (+1) 212 241 0160

Fax: (+1) 212 241 4218

E-mail: derek.leroith@mssm.edu

Senior Editor:

Werner A. Scherbaum, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine


Moorenstrasse 5

40225 Duesseldorf, Germany

Phone: (+49) 211-81 18 502

Fax: (+49) 211-81 18 772

E-mail: hmr@thieme.de



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