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2021/7/17 9:16:30 来源:官网信息 阅读:1290 发布者:

IOVS Author Guidelines

Last Modified March 5, 2021

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), published online several times a month, is an official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), an international organization whose purpose is to advance research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders. Included are original contributions that emphasize clinical and laboratory hypothesis-based research with statistically valid results that clearly advance our knowledge of the normal and abnormal processes impacting vision. IOVS de-emphasizes purely descriptive studies.

Contact Information for IOVS Editorial Office

Address:      5515 Security Lane, Suite 500

Suite 400

Rockville, MD 20852

Phone:  +

Fax:      +

E-mail:  iovs@arvo.org

Manuscript Submission




Articles present new data in one or more areas of vision research and are written concisely for a broad rather than a highly specialized audience. To be considered for publication, papers that are merely descriptions of new methods must be exceptional contributions, with implications extending beyond the particular applied area. Summaries of meetings/symposia, case reports, obituaries, and general review articles are generally not considered.

Lectures are written versions of ARVO awardees' presentations given at each Annual Meeting.

Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication relevant to material published in IOVS. Letters about material published in IOVS may highlight issues; provide support or agreement; and offer different points of view, clarification, or additional information. Letters will be reviewed and the author(s) whose article is discussed in a Letter will be given an opportunity to reply.

New Developments in Vision Research are solicited short reviews of new research findings or new general methodologies that are of broad interest to the ophthalmic and vision research community.

Point/Counterpoint are two invited articles with opposing views on a specific topic. The articles will be peer-reviewed. Each article should be 2-3 pages (final PDF pages). Those interested in submitting Point/Counterpoint articles should contact the Editor-in-Chief, explaining the scope of the two articles prior to preparation.

Perspectives are personal viewpoints on topics with broad interest (mini-editorial). Articles will be peer-reviewed. They may be up to 4 pages (final PDF pages), including art and tables.

Reviews are meant to sum up the current state of the research on an important topic and are regarded as being the first place to get authoritative information about that topic. They should contain new insights on the topic or provide a new synthesis of data.

Review articles should inform the reader about:

The main contributors to the field

Recent major advances and discoveries

Significant gaps in knowledge

Current debates in the area

Ideas of where research might go next

Please consider the following issues when writing the manuscript:

Make sure the review is up to date.

Consideration of the topic should be comprehensive.

The review should contain new insights or provide a new synthesis of data.

The discussion should be fair and balanced in both the work cited and the presentation of conclusions. It should also be free of commercial bias.

Recommendations for future research should be realistic and innovative.

Preferably, the title should catch the reader’s attention and be clearly focused on the subject of the review.

The figures should be clear and aid the reader in understanding the topic.

The review must highlight and critically analyze the appropriate references, especially those of other laboratories.

Overall, the review should significantly advance understanding by providing new insights and perspectives, not just be a summary of the literature.


IOVS authors are asked to select the section code that best suits their research area. Article sections are based on the 13 ARVO sections and the 3 ARVO cross-sectional groups. Authors submitting manuscripts dealing with translational research may want to consider submitting their work to Translational Vision Science and Technology http://tvst.arvojournals.org/


A. Copyright

1. Prior Publication/Duplicate Submission

All submissions must be original. Manuscripts are subjected to iThenticate plagiarism detection analysis prior to review. Manuscripts will not be considered that have been previously published, in full, or in part, in any format, except as an abstract, academic thesis, or in draft form on a non-peer reviewed preprint server. Authors are required upon submission of their manuscript to disclose the existence of any such prior versions of their work, and to ensure that ARVO publishing policies are not in conflict with those of the repository of the original work. An author may submit a manuscript that is part of his or her published thesis, provided that it has been published only as a thesis, and not as part of another journal article. Manuscripts that are currently under review with other journals may not be submitted. Authors must update any postings to a preprint server with the journal published version, as soon as it is available, and provide an appropriate link on the archive site to the copy on the journal website. Authors further agree not to post further updated versions beyond the journal published version. Published conference proceedings articles are not suitable for republication in ARVO journals.

If a manuscript is suspected of being a duplication submission, i.e., already under consideration at another journal, the review will be halted and the scientific editor of the other journal will be contacted. If it is confirmed that the manuscript is a duplicate submission, the manuscript will be rejected, the authors may be banned from submitting to IOVS, or to any ARVO journal, for a period of time, and their institutions may be contacted.

2. License to Publish/Open Access

Starting in 2020, ARVO deposits all articles in PubMed Central on behalf of the authors. (Previously, only articles citing support from certain funders were deposited to PMC.)

IOVS is now open access, beginning with articles published Jan. 2016. Authors retain copyright of their articles instead of signing it over to ARVO. Each author must complete a License to Publish (a link to their individual form will be emailed to each author after submission). This license grants ARVO permission, among other things, to publish and distribute the article. Authors will also need to indicate on the form if they are making their article open access under the CC BY-NC-ND or the CC BY license. (We will consider the corresponding author's license selection the official choice if there are any discrepancies among the authors.) For more information about open access, click here.

The Wellcome Trust, as well as some other funders, require authors to select the CC BY license. Please check with your funder for any requirements they may have regarding open access licenses.

Please note that only the CC BY-NC-ND license may be applied to Letters to the Editor and Author Responses, which currently do not have any publication fees. The CC BY license is not an option for Letters and Responses.

3. Permissions

If you plan to include figures, photographs, or tables from other publications, obtain written permission from the copyright holder to reprint such items in IOVS, and submit this permission to the Editorial Office.

B. Other Policies

ARVO's Publications Ethics Statement, which includes some of the items below as well as others, is available here. IOVS is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1. Authorship

The decision on who to include as an author should be discussed and agreed upon prior to the initial submission. For guidelines regarding authorship, please see the ARVO Publications Ethics Statement. If at any time during the peer review process there is a change to the authorship listing, then authors must complete a Change of Authorship form. When removing an author, only the author being removed can make this request and they should also submit a signed letter requesting removal along with this form. Authorship removal requests made by the corresponding author, or other coauthors on the manuscript, are not acceptable.

2. Human Subjects

For research involving human subjects, the ARVO journals require that authors state in the Methods section of their manuscript that their research was conducted in compliance with a suitable accredited Institutional Review Board (IRB) or its equivalent (such as a human ethics committee).

3. Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research

If experimental animals were used in the research, IOVS requires that authors confirm adherence to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research in the Methods section of their manuscript.

4. Guidelines for Manuscripts Involving Human Genetics

Descriptions of novel associations between genes and ophthalmic diseases

Manuscripts that describe the results of studies investigating novel associations between genetic variants and disease are of interest. Editors and reviewers will consider sample size and statistical approaches when evaluating the significance of the observed results. Reviewers or editors of such studies may ask for replication in a second population, demonstration of biological activity or proposed biological function related to the sequence variant(s) showing association, and/or additional measures of significance, such as smaller p values for association that approach the genome significance levels of 1 x 10-7.

Confirmation of reports of genetic variants recently or rarely associated with ophthalmic disease

Manuscripts confirming novel genetic associations are of interest, and those that confirm previous associations and refine or further define the genetic relevance to ocular disease are of special interest. Manuscripts that do not confirm a previously published association will only be considered when the power of the study is sufficient to conclusively identify a positive association, had it existed.

Screening new populations for genetic variants known to be associated with disease

Manuscripts describing results of population screening for genetic variants known to be associated with disease are of interest if screening the population provides new insight into disease mechanisms, disease prevalence, or other aspects of the epidemiology of the condition. Editors and reviewers will consider the number of subjects screened, the population demographics, and previously published studies.

Molecular or clinical studies that demonstrate disease mechanisms related to genetic variants associated with ophthalmic disease

Manuscripts describing cellular, biochemical, or molecular mechanisms of diseases that have genetic etiologies are of interest.

New mutation reports

Mutations in previously identified genes that are not associated with novel clinical phenotypes, do not establish new and significant genotype-phenotype correlations, or do not provide new insight into disease mechanisms will be returned to the authors without review.

5. ARVO Commercial Relationships Policy for IOVS

It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to assure that each co-author is aware of the ARVO Commercial Relationships Policy. For each author, please list all organizations that they have a commercial relationship with, relevant to the current manuscript, and the codes that apply. If there are no commercial relationships, list "None."


A.B Anderson, Alcon (C), Allergan (C, F), Optovue (F); J.R. Jones, None; C. Smith, Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Heidelberg Engineering (F, R); A. Rodriguez, None

6. Clinical Trials Registration

IOVS will not consider articles dealing with clinical trials that were not registered with an ICMJE-approved registry before the first subject was enrolled. Please include the following information in a cover letter:

beginning date of the trial

date of registration

trial registration number

registration site

For more information, see the ARVO Statement on Registering Clinical Trials and the clinical trials registration FAQ.

7. Consent for Use of Identifying Material

Authors must obtain consent from subjects to use any identifiable material, e.g., a photograph of a subject's face, and forward that consent to the Editorial Office at submission. When the subject is a minor child, consent must be obtained from the parent or guardian. Authors should upload the consent form as a Cover Letter file or email it to iovs@arvo.org. Contact the Editorial Office if a blank consent form is needed.

8. Guidelines for Authentication of Cell Lines

We strongly suggest that STR analysis be used to validate the authenticity of cell lines used in papers submitted to IOVS. For reference, see the 2013 Perspective here.

IOVS will no longer consider manuscripts that only use transformed cell lines in their study. These cells typically do not represent cells in their native tissue. If utilized in a study they should be complemented with native cells isolated from the tissue of concern or the manuscript includes data from in vivo experiments supporting their transformed cell line findings.

C. Publication Costs

Although there are no costs for submission, the publication fee, charged only for accepted manuscripts, is $1,850. If the corresponding author is an ARVO member at the time of acceptance, a $350 discount will be applied. Amounts are in US dollars and were set by the ARVO Board of Trustees. ARVO sends out requests for payment of the fee (APC) after the manuscript is sent to the production team. In the very unlikely event that an accepted article does not end up getting published after payment was made, a full refund will be provided. The fee is not charged for Letters to the Editor or Author Responses to Letters.






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