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2021/6/15 10:53:45 来源:官网信息 阅读:368 发布者:

Guide to Authors

The American Journal of Enology and Viticulture (AJEV) is a hybrid journal that publishes full-length research papers, research notes, and literature reviews on subjects related to enology and viticulture.

Research papers are scientific communications that present a new principle, rigorously test an existing hypothesis, or otherwise provide important novel information to the scientific community. Descriptive studies that are hypothesis generating also fit into this category.

Research notes are brief manuscripts, generally no longer than three to five published pages (3,300 words, excluding figures and tables). Notes are especially appropriate for subject matter of interest to the scientific community that can be adequately conveyed in a concise format and that might not be acceptable as a full length research paper. Examples of work that might be best presented as a research note include research findings that may be limited in scope or preliminary, but suggest new insights or new or improved scientific methods. Research notes must draw a conclusion and may present important but negative results. Notes that are primarily of interest to technical members of the industry are more appropriate for Catalyst: Discovery into Practice.

Literature reviews synthesize the hypotheses and results within the research area under review and critically evaluate the published literature.

Technical briefs, which provide important new information to technical members of the industry but might not advance the forefront of science in viticulture or enology, are no longer published in AJEV, but will be considered for publication in Catalyst: Discovery into Practice.

Submission of Manuscripts

The AJEV accepts manuscript submissions online at http://ajev.edmgr.com. The corresponding author will submit a cover letter together with the manuscript that states that all authors have contributed to the manuscript, have approved its submission, and that the manuscript is not currently submitted to or in review with another publication. A signed copy of the AJEV Author Agreement, which can be found on both the www.ajevonline.org and http://ajev.edmgr.com sites, must be included with the submission (upload, fax, or mail to the Journal office). Manuscripts should be formatted and organized as explained in the Content of Manuscripts section, p. 2.

Review Process

The viticulture and enology editors assign each manuscript to an associate editor. Manuscripts then undergo a two-step review process. Manuscripts are first screened to determine whether they meet AJEV standards of scientific rigor and language. Manuscripts that are largely descriptive, confirmatory, or that otherwise do not present any new information or novel insights will not be accepted.

A manuscript that passes the initial screening is generally sent to two peer reviewers. Authors may recommend up to three qualified reviewers who are not members of their institutions or collaborators; they may also note individuals who they prefer not to review their manuscript. Author-recommended reviewers are invited at the discretion of the associate editor. Additional reviewers may be consulted at the associate editor’s discretion. AJEV has a single-blind review process in that authors are identified to reviewers, but reviewers are not identified to authors. Reviewer comments and the associate editor’s decision regarding acceptability of the manuscript will be forwarded to the corresponding author by the managing editor. Any correspondence from the authors should be directed to the managing editor. AJEV does its best to return timely reviews, but reviewers and editors volunteer their time and may often be delayed by other duties. Authors should be willing to review other submitted manuscripts when requested by AJEV.

Authors submitting a revision may wish to show the changes they have made in “Track Changes” mode. If so, a version of the manuscript in “Track Changes” should be preceded by another version of the revised manuscript, complete with figures or tables, with all tracked changes approved. Revisions that have not been submitted within six months following the date of the initial decision notification letter will be considered withdrawn (with pre-notice communicated to the author by the managing editor). If the authors wish for the manuscript to still be considered by AJEV, the manuscript will be required to be resubmitted and undergo a full review process. The editors reserve the right to edit accepted manuscripts to make them conform with AJEV style and/or to return them to the authors for further clarification.

Journal Publishing Best Practices

The AJEV does not review or accept articles submitted to or published in other publications, and it is unacceptable for an author to submit manuscripts that describe the same research to more than one journal. AJEV does not accept manuscripts from commercial vendors and suppliers unless they meet our scientific standards for publication and lack of product promotion. Submitted manuscripts that may overlap previously published material, for example, conference proceedings, should be accompanied by an electronic version of that published material. Data that were previously published in conference proceedings might be considered suitable for publication in AJEV if the manuscript submitted to AJEV integrates the data from the conference proceedings within a substantially more comprehensive manuscript.

Authors of manuscripts containing such data must clearly state this in the cover letter, detailing the differences between the conference proceedings manuscript and the manuscript submitted to AJEV. They must also include a copy of the proceedings manuscript. The editors will make the final determination as to the suitability of such manuscripts.

Authorship should be based only on substantial contributions to (1) the conception and design of experiments or analysis and interpretation of data and (2) the drafting of the paper or major revision for important intellectual content. The corresponding author must obtain final approval of the manuscript from all authors. All authors must have agreed to submission of the paper and to take public responsibility for defending its content, and have agreed that the corresponding author act on their behalf on all matters pertaining to publication. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to provide all coauthors with a copy of both the submitted and final manuscripts.

All authors must reveal to the editors any conflict of interest in the research, including financial interest and patent ownership or application, any relationship with a funding source, as well as any financial interest in any entities manufacturing, distributing, or selling any products that are noted in the manuscript. In some cases, publication may be contingent on such disclosure, and the editors may recommend general statements regarding such disclosure be added to the acknowledgments section of the manuscript. For all manuscripts, all funding sources, institutional and corporate, must be cited in the acknowledgments section.

Content of Manuscripts

Format manuscripts for letter-size (8.5 x 11 inch) paper, in Times New Roman font, with numbered pages, and doublespaced lines that are consecutively numbered. There is a Word template for formatting your manuscript on both http://ajev.edmgr.com and www.ajevonline.org. All manuscripts must follow American-English standards of spelling and scientific notation (see abbreviations at the end of this guide and consult The ACS Style Guide [American Chemical Society] as a reference). Prepare manuscripts in the following order:

Title. The title must reflect the important aspects of the article as concisely as possible, in no more than 120 characters. Short yet descriptive titles are preferred. Questions are not suitable for titles.

Authorship and byline. List the first and last names of all authors. List the authors’ current affiliations and the corresponding author’s address, email, and/or fax number. If an author’s affiliation has changed between the time of submission and publication, please notify the managing editor with the present affiliation and address, which will be included on the manuscript.

Acknowledgments. Note the source(s) of funds and materials used to conduct the research and where research was conducted, if applicable, and note any potential or perceived conflicts of interest by any authors. Give personal acknowledgments of assistance and nonauthor contributions.

Abstract. For full research articles, include a one-paragraph abstract of no more than 275 words that clearly states the hypothesis, intent, or purpose of the research, the theoretical or experimental plan used, key findings (without experimental details or data), and major conclusions. Do not cite references, figures, or tables. Limit abstracts for research notes to 200 words.

Interpretive abstract. This abstract must be included with the final accepted manuscript. Its purpose is to explain the research in nonspecialized language to a less scientific audience in approximately 300 words. It should state the question being investigated and then explain how the findings help to answer the questions and the implications the findings may have in a broader scope and for a wider audience.

Key words. Create a list of approximately six key words, selecting from the list that is available online at www.ajevonline.org or at http://ajev.edmgr.com. Authors may “write in” up to two key words of their own selection that do not appear on the AJEV key word list, if necessary.

Introduction. Provide a background review of existing knowledge, citing salient literature. Clearly describe the knowledge gap that the research was designed to address and how the research approach addressed this knowledge gap. Conclude with the hypothesis involved and/or the purpose of the investigation.

Materials and Methods. See the sections Reporting Information, Reporting Vineyard Trials, Reporting Winemaking, Reporting Sensory Evaluation, and Reporting Ampelographic or Molecular Marker Data on the following pages. Enough detail must be given in Materials and Methods so that others may repeat your work. Identify the number of replications of experimental treatments and the number of times individual experiments were repeated. For standard methods, cite the corresponding literature; describe in adequate detail those procedures that have not been fully described in cited publications. List model number and sources (vendor name) of equipment and media. Clearly describe methods of statistical analysis. Specify conditions or variables whose control influences the experimental results (e.g., use of colored lights or glasses in sensory evaluation). Refer to the Reporting Information section for more detailed requirements.

Results. Report the results of your study here; reserve your interpretation of the results for the Discussion section. Present results concisely in the text and any accompanying tables and figures, if necessary. Avoid extensive use of graphs; tables are often more effective. Avoid duplicative presentation of the same results. If specific results are given in tables, then do not repeat that information in the text (e.g., significance values). In short articles, the Results and Discussion sections may be combined.

Discussion. Critically evaluate and interpret the results in relation to previous literature, propose explanations for the results observed, and discuss possible limitations and applications. Avoid speculation unsupported by the data obtained.






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