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2019/5/8 11:29:19  阅读:860 发布者:


Information for Authors

Chinese Optics Letters is a short-article journal for the rapid dissemination of new, important results in all branches of optical science and technology and related fields, published monthly by Chinese Laser Press and distributed abroad by the Optical Society (OSA).

Submission of Papers

Authors must submit online: http://col.opticsx.org. Electronic files of MS Word (recommended) and LaTeX are acceptable.

Submission of a manuscript must be the original work of the author(s) and have not been published elsewhere or under consideration for another publication, or a substantially similar form in any language.

Authors are encouraged to recommend two to three individuals (including their research fields, titles, e-mails, and affiliations) who are qualified to serve as referees for their papers.

Manuscript Preparation

All manuscripts should be written in English. Letters are generally no more than five journal pages. The supporting organization and the grant number should be given at the end of the manuscript. For more details of submission format, please visit the website:http://col.opticsx.org/style.aspx.

Title: The title should be concise but informative. Avoid beginning with an article or a preposition. The words "new" or "novel" should be avoided in the title and the text for legal reasons. Titles may be edited by the publisher to facilitate computer search.

Author names and Affiliations: Author names should be given in full and consistent form to facilitate indexing. Affiliations for all authors should appear on the title page.

Abstract: The abstract should be no longer than 100 words. It should be informative, without descriptive words or citations, and contain the major conclusions and quantitative results or other significant items in the manuscript. Together with the title, the abstract must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the manuscript, and will be used as a base for indexing.

OCIS codes: OCIS codes should be provided to help with indexing. This set of codes was formulated by the Optical Society and well-known in the optical research world. OCIS codes are available on COL’s web page and the OSA publication web pages. Each manuscript must be given 2-4 OCIS codes below the abstract, and the principal index code should be placed first.

Main body of the paper: The body of the paper should include all the information of the research.

Formulas: Formulas should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered consecutively in round brackets on the right-hand side of the page.

Notation: Notation must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. All unusual symbols whose identity may not be obvious, including subscript or superscript, must be made comprehensible. Physical and mathematical variables should be in italic, vectors in boldface. Units, abbreviations and special functions should be upright. Please add notes to explain any other special symbols.

Figures: Figures should be suitable (resolution above 300 dpi) for immediate reproduction and embedded in the text. They should be set as one column wide (6-8 cm) if possible unless two-column display is essential. In the figures, the main lines should be about 0.3 mm in width, and the assistant lines 0.15 mm. Notations in the figures should be distinct and consistent with the same ones in the text, and their font size will be 7-9 pt. Figures should also be uploaded as separate figure files. Each figure should have its own caption. Color Art is Online Only, and free to authors. The figure sample can be found at http://col.opticsx.org/style.aspx.

Tables: Tables must be numbered in order of appearance and identified with appropriate titles. The table title, which should be brief, goes above the table. Note that tables are usually typeset, not scanned (tables cannot be electronically reduced in size). Tables should be set in one column wide if possible and be placed near their first mention in the body. The table sample can be found at the website: http://col.opticsx.org/style.aspx.

References: References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first referenced in the body of the manuscript. Two references [2,3] should be included together, separated by a comma, and three or more consecutive references should be indicated by the bounding numbers and an en dash [1-4]. When compiling your references, be sure to include the titles of articles. COL requires this information before a paper can be sent to peer review. The reference titles will subsequently be removed by copy editors before they are published, so this information is not included in the length estimate sent to authors when a positive decision is made by the editor. All reference authors should be included in the reference list but when reference authors are mentioned in the text, use surnames only (unless further clarity is needed), and use "et al." and first author name when three or more authors are given. The format of references is as follows:

Journals: M. Zhang, P. Ye, F. Zhang, Y. Zhao, and J. Wang, “NOLM-based wavelength conversion with FBG band-pass filter for optical packet switching”, Chin. Opt. Lett. 1, 3 (2003).

Books: N. Bloembergen, Nonlinear Optics (Springer, 1965).

Conference proceedings: R. E. Kalman, “A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems”, in Proceedings of Advanced Seminar on Generalized Inverse and Applications, M. Z. Nashed, ed. (Academic, San Diego, CA, USA, 1976), p. 111.

Patents: A. C. Hart, Jr., R. G. Huff, and K. L. Walker, “Method of making a fiber having low polarization mode dispersion due to a permanent spin”, U.S. Patent 5,298,047 (March 29, 1994).

Dissertations: K. L. Corwin, “A circularly-polarized optical dipole trap and other developments in laser trapping of atoms”, PhD. Thesis (University of Colorado, 1999).

Online references: H. R. Sheikh, Z. Wang, L. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, “Live image quality assessment database release 2”, http://live.ece.utexas.edu/research/quality (September 8, 2006).


Authors will receive a letter informing them whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected in two months. Authors should return their revisions to the Manuscript Office within two weeks on receipt. When an article has been amended in compliance with the comments of referee(s), an electronic file of the final version should be sent with the revised manuscript.

Proofs will be sent to the authors and should be returned preferably within 48 hours to avoid publication delays.


As the manuscript has been accepted, all authors should transfer the copyright of the article, including that of the printing and on-line version, to the publisher. All authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement before the article can be published. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.



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