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2019/5/8 10:36:59  阅读:590 发布者:



Chinese Medical Sciences Journal (Chin Med Sci J) [ISSN 1001-9294 (Print)] is a peer-reviewed journal, affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College. Chin Med Sci J publish high-quality original research articles, editorials, reviews, and case reports in broad fields of medicine, including experimental and clinical medicine, pharmacology, stomatology, preventive medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine. The journal has been indexed and abstracted by many databases, including MEDLINE/PubMed/Index Medicus, Sciencedirect, Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts (CA), Реферативныйж урнал (РЖ, Russia), Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), SinoMed, Wanfang Data, and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). Currently, Chin Med Sci J publishes quarterly, and manuscripts from all around world are welcomed.

Ethical requirement

Duplicate publication

Manuscripts submitted to Chin Med Sci J must be original and have not published either in print or electronically, nor have been submitted for publication elsewhere. We would not consider the articles that have been published in language other than English with the exception of commissioned article, unless the author had claimed an acceptable reason for republish a work.

Authors are responsible to declare whether any part of their manuscript has been published elsewhere or not. An authorization from copyright holder is required.

Any scientific paper that violates the international or national standards for duplicate publishing and plagiarism will be officially retracted.


An author of one article should substantially participate in the whole scientific process, including conception and design of the study, data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation; drafting the article, or revising the article critically for important intellectual content; as well as final approval of the article to be published. Each author takes responsibility and accountability for the published work. All authors of the manuscript must have agreed to the submission and are fully responsible for its content. A statement of Authorship and Contribution with signature of each author is required to upload before completing the submission. Any change to the author list after submission, such as a change in the order of the authors, needs to be approved in written by every author.

Contributors who do not meet the criteria for the authorship, such as one who provides essential materials, substantive ideas, assistance, or the source of any support the study received, are suggested to be acknowledged at the end of the text. A signed agreement by acknowledged individual is required.

Conflicts of interest declaration

Each author should disclose potential conflicts of interest in the past 36 months prior to the submission, including funding, employment, and personal financial interests relevant to the subject of their manuscript. Authors who do not have relevant conflicts of interests should indicate no such interests as well.

Studies involving human subjects or animals

For the manuscript involving human data, authors should reveal whether the study has been approved by the institutional review Board/Committee, or, is in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration if no formal ethics committee is available. Authors are encouraged to register clinical trials with an appropriate registry before the first participant is enrolled. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should follow the institutional or national guidelines for animal treatment.


Authors should submit a signed Copyright Transfer Statement accompanied with manuscript when submission. Once published, the Chin Med Sci J is the copyright holder for reprinting, publishing or distributing any part of the article, including text, dataset or figures, in forms of print, video, audio, or digital, etc. It is the authors’ responsibility to get the written authorization from the third party for copyright permission and notify the journal.

Editorial Process

Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission system on journal’s website (http://cmsj.cams.cn). After a manuscript passes the initial check, it will be sent to at least two independent specialists for peer review. It usually takes less than 3 months for editors to make a final decision whether a work will be accepted or rejected. Authors should not submit your manuscript elsewhere before receiving decision email from the editor office. The accepted manuscript will be published online with initial copy editing before publishing in print. To check the processing status of a manuscript, authors may log in the online submission system, or give a phone call to the editorial office (86-10-65105897) at any time.


Editorials is written by invited distinguished scholars. Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take actions on an issue.

Original articles represent complete investigations that constitute a significant advance in the field. It usually includes a structured abstract, an introduction, sections with headings of Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References.

Perspective is a personal opinion or fresh insights on new advances in any important popular topic. It is generally commissioned by editors. Viewpoints should be well focused, scholarly and clearly presented.

Reviews provide an original comprehensive look into a field, which usually highlights unresolved questions, historical perspectives, and provides new trends or areas of investigation. They may address any subject within the scope of the journal. Reviews must be based on published articles. A non-structured abstract is needed.

Case reports presents important new research results of broad significance. It includes an introductory paragraph, sections with headings of Case Description, Discussion, and References. A non-structured abstract is needed.


Chin Med Sci J complies with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication (http://www.icmje.org).

Title page

All manuscript should begin with a title page, which includes a short but informative title in no more than 50 letters, the names, affiliations (department, institutes city, zip code, country) and contact information (phone and email) of each author, as well as their contribution for the study. Funding support, if applicable, should be stated in this section, and supported by uploading an electronic copy of a document to the system while completing the submission.

Abstract and key words

Original articles should include a structured abstract that no less than 250 words. The abstract should convey the main point of the article and outline the results and conclusions. It should include following four sections entitled: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Review or case report need a non-structured abstract about 150 words. Other types of article does not need an abstract.

Authors should provide a list of 3-5 key words to assist the indexers in cross-indexing the article. Please refer to Index Medicus for acceptable key words.

Additionally, abstract and key words in Chinese are suggested to be included in the manuscript. Once published, the article will fulfill the bilingual key words searching and abstract reading by Chinese database users.


The text should include the following outline:

Introduction: Clearly state the purpose and, where applicable, a brief and relevant background of the study, thus allowing the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study. The introduction should also provide the hypothesis that was addressed or the rationale for the present study.

Materials and Methods: Describe the subjects (including criteria for selection) and the equipment involved as well as the methods used. The sources of all equipment, drugs, chemicals, and experimental animals or cell lines must be identified. The Materials and Methods section should include sufficient technical information to allow the experiments to be repeated.

Results: Include the results of the experiments. Present the results clearly and concisely. Do not discuss their implications and do not repeat in detail all data presenting in tables and figures. Present the results in one of the following forms: text, table(s), or figure(s).

Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. Provide an interpretation of the results in relation to previously published work and to the experimental system at hand. Point out methodological or other limitations that may bear on the interpretation of the results. Do not repeat details listed in the Results section or reiterate the introduction, and do not review the field in depth. When citing references, do not detail their findings.

References: References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by means of mini-size Arabic numerals. For reference form, see the NLM’s ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals: Sample References (www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html) webpage.


Chin Med Sci J charges the authors of all accepted articles a publication fee prior to publication at rates of CNY400 per typeset PDF page in black and white, and CNY800 per typeset PDF page in color, regardless of manuscript category.

Address to the Editorial Office

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal

9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Beijing 100730, China

Tel: 86-10-65105897

Fax: 86-10-65133074

Website: http://cmsj.cams.cn

E-mail: actacams@263.net.cn



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