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2018/12/24 8:20:15  阅读:617 发布者:

语言学论丛》是中国国家教育部所属文科重点研究基地——北京大学中国语言学研究中心主办的学术刊物,刊登海内外有关语言学与应用语言学、汉语言文字学、中国少数民族语言文字学方面的学术论文,以及上述领域的严肃的学术评论。本刊创办于1957年,从第26辑起,由商务印书馆(北京)一年出版两辑,每辑约30 万字,16 开本,现为CSSCI收录集刊。





编辑部通讯地址:100871 中国北京,海淀区颐和园路5号,北京大学人文学苑6号楼,中文系《语言学论丛》编辑部




2.来稿请遵守学术规范,稿件评审期间请勿一稿两投。稿件以不超过20000 字为宜,5000 字以上的稿件需附300 字以内的提要和35 个关键词,以及相应的英文题目、提要、关键词。



5.编辑部在收到来稿后半年内将最终的评审结果通过邮件通知作者本人。来稿恕不退稿。半年内如未收到编辑部通知,可以来信咨询编辑部。如需撤稿,请告知编辑部。稿件一经刊用,作者将获赠样书2 本。


1.段落或小标题的次序编号,请使用0. 1. 2. 3.0.1 0.2 0.31.1 1.2 1.3…… ;或一、二、三,(一)(二)(三),1. 2. 3. ……。




4.国际音标请使用Times New Roman字体。调值用数位形式标在音标右上角,如“[ku55]”。



6.行文中若要标明观点或引文的出处,可采用以下格式,以与参考文献相呼应:现代文献依次为作者、发表年代,引述原文时,兼附页码,例如:王力(1958)指出……。/“……。”(朱德熙 1980812)。若文中提及外国作者有中文名,或中国作者有西文名,格式如:罗杰瑞(Norman 198815/赵元任(Chao 19682021)。古代文献列文献名。括注例句出处,现代文献依次为作者、书名或篇名、出版社或报刊名、时间,中间用逗号;古代文献列文献名。




Call for Papers—Essays in Linguistics

Essays in Linguistics is a “double blind”-peer-reviewed academic journal of the Center of Chinese Linguistics PKU. It publishes research articles and reviews in areas of theoretical and applied linguistics, Chinese linguistics, and linguistic studies of minority languages in China. The journal was established in 1957, and has been in partnership with the Commercial Press (Beijing) since Volume 26. The journal, indexed by the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI), publishes two volumes a year.

With an aim to contribute to the development of Chinese linguistics, we particularly welcome articles that show an integration of empirical studies and theoretical exploration, discussing linguistic phenomena in Mandarin, regional Chinese dialects, as well as minority languages.

Submission instructions

1. Only the corresponding author should submit the article.

2. The submission must not have been previously published, and must have been submitted only to Essays in Linguistics.

3. Articles should be submitted with an abstract and a list of 3-5 key words, both in English and Chinese. A Chinese title of the article should be provided with the Chinese abstract.

4. To submit your work, please enclose the article (in both pdf and Word formats) in an email, and send the email to luncong@pku.edu.cn. Please state the author’s personal information (name, institutions / affiliations, research interests), contact information (mailing address, email address, phone number), and research funding information (if any). If the author is a student, please state the advisor’s name as well.

5. Rare characters, special symbols, and tables and diagrams in uncommon formats that appear in the article should also be listed on a separate page, using a larger font size; beside each item it should be stated where the item appears in the article. If Chinese characters should be used in the article, Simplified Chinese should be the first choice, though Traditional Chinese and Special characters can be used when necessary.

6. After submission, averagely the author should receive a review report within six months. The author can contact luncong@pku.edu.cn if they do not receive any notification from Essays in Linguistics six months after submission. Submitted materials will not be returned. If the author has to withdraw their submission, they should contact the editors.

Style guidelines

1. Sections should be numbered consecutively using the following format: 0. 1. 2. 3., 0.1 0.2 0.3, 1.1 1.2 1.3 ...

2. Each table and figure should be numbered and labeled. Tables have their labels above them, while figures have their labels down below.

3. For indented quotations, do not use quotes at all.

4. Examples should be numbered consecutively. Enclose each number in parentheses.

5. IPA symbols should be in Times New Roman. Markers of tone values should be superscripted (e. g.“ [ku55]”).

6. A note for the article title should be footnoted, while the other notes are endnoted. The list of endnotes should be placed right after the main text. Leave a blank line before the heading “Notes” . The notes should be numbered consecutively, and each number should be enclosed in a circle. When the reference of a note is made in the body of the text, the circled number should be superscripted. If the note is for a whole sentence, the circled number is placed after the period. If the note is for a quote, place the circled number after the double quotes.

7. For reference in the body of the text, use author’s last name plus year (plus page numbers, if required). Parenthesize as needed. For example:

Norman (1988: 15) states that...

...and this is the case in Chinese (Chao 1968: 20-21)

8. The reference list should be placed right after the endnotes. Leave a blank line before the heading “References” . The references are arranged alphabetically. English references should be listed after Chinese and Japanese references. The parts contained in various types of cited works are listed below:

(1) Journal articles: Author (last name, first name, middle initial (if any)). The year of publication. The title of the article. Title of the Journal (italicized) volume number/issue number: page range.

(2) Books: Author (last name, first name, middle initial (if any)). The year of publication (If the book is a reprint, then it is“ the year of the first version/the year of the version you cite”). The Title of the Book (italicized). The city of publication: Publisher.

(3) Book sections: Author (last name, first name, middle initial (if any)). The year of publication. The title of the article. The Title of the Book (italicized). The Editor(s) (First name and last name) (ed. /eds. ). The city of publication: Publisher. Page range.

9. Works by the same author should be sorted by the years of publication (from the earliest to the latest). Multiple works published by the same author in the same year should be distinguished by adding small alphabets (a, b, c) to the end of the year of publication.

10. Classical Chinese works should be listed separately toward the end of the reference list. The parts listed include: Book Title. Author (Dynasty). Version or publisher. The year of publication (if available).

11. The Chinese title of the article, author name, Chinese abstract and keywords should be placed at the very end.



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