Author Guidelines
Scope Of The Journal
Chemistry of Materials publishes original contributions on the forefront of research at the intersection of materials science and chemistry. Studies involving chemistry as a key component, which relate to the design, synthesis, characterization, processing, understanding and application of functional, or potentially functional, materials will be considered. Among the areas of interest are inorganic and organic solid-state chemistry, nanomaterials, biomaterials, thin films and polymers, and composite/hybrid materials. There is particular interest in papers focused upon the creation or development of innovative materials with new and potentially useful optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, or mechanical properties. We emphasize, however, that manuscripts on these topics must have at their heart, a focus on the chemistry of materials, and must describe a significant advance compared with prior work. Before solicitation of external reviews, submitted manuscripts are examined by at minimum of two editors to determine appropriateness for the journal, and to ensure sufficient evidence of a significant advance that is likely to be of broad interest to the materials chemistry community.
Manuscript Types
Chemistry of Materials publishes six types of manuscripts: Articles, Reviews, Comments, Perspectives, and Methods/Protocols.
Full-length Articles should describe original, significant, and complete studies, and need to contain a detailed experimental section.
Reviews are concise, yet complete, surveys of the literature written by experts for non-experts. Their purpose is to acquaint readers of the journal with recent progress in key research areas. They should be written for a more general audience of materials chemists and provide a balanced view of the topic in question. Exclusive (or near exclusive) focus on the author’s research is discouraged. Reviews are usually invited by the Editor and are limited to approximately 50 pages of double-spaced manuscript, including tables, figures, and references.
Authors interested in contributing a Review must submit a single document to that includes the following for consideration:
Proposed title
Corresponding author names, affiliations, and websites
An anticipated abstract
A list of 5-10 lead references that might form the foundation of the final manuscript.
A list of recent review articles/perspectives published on this topic written by the submitting authors or others and a statement of how the proposed review will differ in focus and provide a unique contribution to the field.
Reviews will only be considered if approved and invited for submission by the Editor. A review invitation does not guarantee that a review will be peer-reviewed or published. It is incumbent on authors to submit copyright permissions for materials that is being reproduced from other sources.
Comments are technical contributions that provide new information or an alternative perspective regarding a prior publication in the journal. These may include additional information from one or more of the original authors that changes or modifies the conclusions reached in their prior publication, as well as comments, reinterpretations, or corrections that are provided by others. The original authors are given the opportunity to provide an appropriate rebuttal or addendum. The final decision regarding publication of a Comment will rest with the assigned Editor, who may choose to seek the advice of one or more expert reviewers before reaching this decision. The submission of supporting data, figures, etc. that might be useful to the Editor and/or the reviewers in evaluating the case for publication of the Comment is encouraged.
Perspectives are to be submitted only by invitation of the Editor-in-Chief. They are personal, yet balanced, overviews of particular research areas by acknowledged experts. More importantly, they should provide a forward-looking view of the field, critical knowledge gaps and obstacles to progress, suggestions for advancing the field, and the impact of the field on science, technology, and society. Authors of Perspectives should strive to reach experts and non-experts alike. Perspectives are suggested to be shorter than 10 published journal pages. The principal author(s) is(are) requested to include a brief (<75 word) biographical sketch, which will be published with the manuscript.