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2022/1/11 17:13:05 来源:官网信息 阅读:653 发布者:

About Cancer Immunology Research


Cancer Immunology Research publishes outstanding original articles reporting major advances that span the discipline of cancer immunology, from basic investigations of host-tumor interactions to developmental therapeutics in model systems, early translational studies in patients, and in-depth analysis of late-stage clinical trials. The journal also publishes reviews and opinion pieces of broad significance across the spectrum of cancer immunology research. As the premier resource for disseminating knowledge of immunology to the cancer research community, the journal catalyzes cross-disciplinary work that yields a deeper understanding of the host-tumor relationship, more potent cancer treatments, and improved clinical outcomes.

Specific topics of interest include endogenous antitumor immunity, tumor-promoting inflammation, cancer antigens, vaccines, antibodies, cellular therapy, cytokines, immune regulation, immune suppression, immunomodulatory effects of cancer treatment, emerging technologies, and immunologically insightful clinical investigations.

Manuscript Submission

Cancer Immunology Research welcomes submission of original research, review articles, perspectives, commentaries, and letters to the editor. For descriptions and length requirements of the article types available to submitting authors, see the journal’s Categories of Articles.

The AACR Journals all use a similar Editorial Process and adhere to the same overarching Editorial Policies, both of which are detailed in the Instructions for Authors. These instructions contain important guidelines on authorship, publishing ethics, availability of materials and data, and data analysis and reporting. Authors should be familiar with these instructions prior to submitting their work to the journal.

Manuscripts are stringently reviewed for high standards of scientific merit, and only those articles that report results of novel, timely, and broadly significant research are accepted for publication.

Submit your article to Cancer Immunology Research



Information for Authors

Select an AACR Journal

The nine AACR journals vary in scope and selectivity. If you are unsure which journal would be most appropriate for your manuscript, please review the journal descriptions on this page. Detailed metrics, including the Impact Factors, of all the AACR journals can be found at AACR Journals Metrics.

Editorial Process

This page has a brief overview of the basic editorial process used by all the AACR journals to evaluate submitted manuscripts. Our goal is to select for publication only those manuscripts that are determined by our editors and peer review process to be of the highest quality and within the scope of the journal to which the manuscript was submitted.

Editorial Policies

Please see this page for details of the editorial policies that govern manuscripts submitted to all AACR journals. These policies are intended to help ensure the integrity of the publication process and the research published by the AACR.

Article Style and Format

This page contains detailed general style and formatting requirements for manuscripts published in the AACR journals. Requirements for initial submission are very flexible and authors are encouraged, at initial submission only, to format manuscripts in a manner that makes it easier for peer reviewers to read and assess the manuscript.

Copyright Transfer and Article Reuse

We provide on this page an overview of the copyright and permissions policies of the AACR journals with guidance on published article reuse by authors and others.






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